Royal Pain (Pt. 1)

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*I think I started this one is closer to the season 3 timeline. Idk there's so much going on in this show it's hard to keep track. Yes, it's taken me over a year to write this. I have so many one shot drafts that I start and abandon.

Things in this fic are really... easy. I think that's the best way to describe how it all goes down. Too easy. You'll see what I mean. Since I started this around season 3 I made that stuff up without any knowledge of how it would actually go down. I'm too lazy to change it to make it canon compliant. Or just believable in general.*

TW/ mentions of rape

(4573 words)

Keith POV:

"Lance?! Why aren't you answering?! Come on!!" I heard Hunk shouting over the coms.

We were in the process of raiding a Galra war ship and we all got split up. We weren't in our lions, they were still at the castle.

Hunk was so worried about Lance because the last thing we heard from him was a scream. It's been silent from him ever since.

I was running to where he last said he was, near the hangers. That's when I saw a blue helmet and a puddle of blood, "Oh my god!" I ran over, picking up the helmet that definitely belonged to Lance.

"What is it, Keith?" Shiro asked, worry in his voice.

"I-I, uh, found Lance's helmet.. There's a lot of blood here, Shiro!" I looked around.

"Any sign of Lance?" Pidge asked.

"No! You'd think if he was bleeding this bad then there'd be a trail of blood, but there's nothing!" I was trying not to panic.

We all knew what the Galra were capable of. Just look at Shiro's arm. Lance isn't as emotionally strong as we are, they'll break him.

"Everyone stay calm! We'll find him!" Shiro tried to calm our nerves.

"Guys! An escape pod is getting away!!" Hunk shouted.

I ran over to the window, since we were all inside the ship, and saw the pod leaving.

"Shiro, what if Lance is on that pod?!" Pidge asked.

"We have no way to go after it!" Hunk sounded even more panicked.

"I'm tracking it now." Allura said, her still being at the castle, "You four focus on the ship. I'll keep a lock on the pod."

We all followed her order until we had completed the mission. We had searched every inch of the ship but never found Lance. We knew he was on that pod, Pidge found his bayard near the other pods. We finished up and met up at the castle.

"Did you track the pod?" Shiro asked Allura before we were even in the room all the way.

"Yes, but we can't go after it right away." She bit her lip.

"Why not?! They have Lance!" I shouted at her.

She sighed, "They took him to the main fleet, probably to Prince Lotor. Going in without proper backup and a plan would just be suicide."

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