Who's Lance?

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*yo this was supposed to be a full fic but I gave up on it. have the first chapter revised to be a one shot :) it's Keith's pov*

*Edit: I wrote this when only the first two seasons were out (I think) so it's not canon compliant. It's post-war, having just won the final battle, but they're still in space. Pidge hadn't found her family yet in the show so I gave her them in this fic. Also, some people got mad at the ending, please read the note at the end and let me explain.*

TW/ brain trauma and amnesia

(3465 words)


"Lance!! Look out!" I screamed out to him.

"Wh-wha-?" He was too late.

He got hit.

I tried to run to him.

I was too late.

They kept hitting him.

"LANCE!!!!" I finally made it to him and took out the guy who hurt him.

I looked down at him.


Blood everywhere.

"Oh my god! Lance!! Shiro, help!!! Lance, please be okay! Lance!!!"

"Lance!" I woke up screaming his name, sitting up right in bed. I looked around, catching my breath. Then I remembered. That dream was a memory from two weeks ago..

Lance really did get hurt.. He's still in the pod, still healing from getting beaten within an inch of his life.

"Damn it.." I grumbled, rubbing my head, "That dumbass is even in my dreams now.."

I talked bad about him but honestly, I was worried sick. And I felt guilty.. If I had been just a few minutes faster.. If I would've called to him just a few seconds earlier.. I could've saved him... He wouldn't be clinging to his life right now..

I sighed and stood up, deciding I wasn't going to get any more sleep for the night. I got ready for the day before going to the kitchen to get some food goo. I took my bowl of food goo with me as I went to check on Lance. This is how it's gone every morning for two weeks. I wake up at some ungodly hour, get some food goo, and go check on him. The first few days were the hardest.. When his injuries were the worst.. It hurt to look at him. But now he looks good as new. So we're all thinking he should come out any day now. Matt especially, Pidge's brother. She finally got her family back.

I walked over to his pod and sat down in front of it. He really did look like nothing had ever happened. He had taken so many blows to the head that he was almost unrecognizable before.. But now he's fine. Thanks to the pod, he's made a full recovery in two weeks. It's pretty cool if you think about it.

I was just finishing my breakfast when I heard small footsteps walking into the room, "Hey, Pidge.." I looked over at her.

She smiled and sat down next to me, "I knew you'd be here.. I was just talking to Matt. He was medically trained back on Earth. Me, him, and Allura are thinking Lance should've come out by now.. So we're thinking of putting in an override to take him out today. Allura thinks the pod is malfunctioning and keeping him in longer than necessary."

I couldn't help but smile, "Really? So you guys think he's okay?"

"Yeah. And if he's not then we simply put him back in. Thanks to Matt's medical training, we have something close to a doctor now. Someone who's familiar with the human body specifically. Lance is in good hands." She said before looking up at him, we both did, "I know you feel responsible.. But it wasn't your fault.. You did everything you could to help him. You warned him, you ran to him as fast as you could, and you called for help. You got there just in time to save his life.. I don't think he would've survived another hit..."

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