Fuck you, Kyle

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*Yo so this one is hella depressing too. I'm just in an angsty mood today oops. Got the idea from a rp I did a few months ago, combined with a bad dream I just had. That's why I'm awake at 3 am writing this shit. Took an hour to write lmao.

Modern high school au with depressed, popular Lance and emo, hella gay Keith whoop whoop*

TW/ mentions of self-harm and rape

(1527 words)


"Hey, Lance. It's getting late. Do you just want to spend the night?" Keith asked as he walked back into his bedroom.

I nodded, shrugging a bit, "Sure, why not. Let me text my mom real quick." I pulled out my phone.

Keith and I don't really know each other. We'd barely talked until today, despite going to the same school for the past two months. Keith was new, and he didn't have many friends. I'd lived here my whole life and everyone in the school knew who I was. I was the only male cheerleader, and I was openly bi. I was dating the quarterback of our school's football team, Kyle, until earlier today when we broke up. Keith was emo as all hell, I mean My Chemical Romance and guyliner level emo. Also openly gay with pride buttons on his backpack. He never really liked me because of my popular status, and I just found out that my now ex-boyfriend teased him daily. But here we are about to spend the night together.

It all started today in Algebra. We got back our midterm report cards. Keith and I sat next to each other and I saw his grades. All A's except a D in Algebra. Mine were almost the same, all A's except for a C in English.

"I can help you in math if you want?" I said, leaning over a bit.

He looked confused, "Why do you want to help me?"

I shrugged, "Because you don't have many friends and I thought maybe this can open the door to us being friends."

He smiled just a tiny bit before glancing at my grades, "How did you manage a C in English?"

"It's not my first language. I'm Cuban, I speak Spanish at home." I sighed, "English is hard.."

He seemed to feel a bit sorry for me, "Let's make a deal. You tutor me in Algebra and I'll tutor you in English."

I smiled and nodded, "Deal!"

We planned for me to come over to his house after school to study and here we are. But it's gotten so late that I'm just going to crash here I guess.

I put my phone away and looked at him as he sat on his bed next to me.

"So, why was everyone whispering about you while we left school today?" He asked, leaning back.

I knew he'd ask about it but I didn't think he'd be so oblivious, "Didn't you hear? Me and Kyle broke up at lunch. It was a big deal because everyone saw.."

"I didn't hear, but I don't participate in petty gossip. It's almost never accurate to what actually happened." He looked at me still, "What did happen?"

I sighed and leaned back with him, looking up at his ceiling which had glow in the dark stars on it, "We got in another fight.. He was flirting with some girl right in front of me and I called him out. He was being such a dick.. Next thing I know, I slap him. I was just so fed up with him always treating me like shit. He got pissed and pushed me so hard I would've fallen if I wasn't right next to the window sill. He grabbed his bag and stormed out of the room after dumping me.."

"I'm dumping you like the absolute trash you are!"

I felt myself tear up a bit so I looked away, I didn't want Keith to see. But then I felt him reach over and hold my hand, "Sounds to me like you're better off without him.. I think you're amazing and anybody in the school would be so lucky to have you.."

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