Voltron Day Care

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*Oh my god I finally finished this!! I swear this took like a month to write and it's only 3k words!*

*Edit: Again, takes place around the season 2 timeline. Season 3? Season 2? I don't know. Also sorry for the shallura, I didn't know Shiro was gay yet.*

(3028 words)


"Dinner's ready!!!" Hunk yelled as he walked down the hall from the kitchen to the dining room.

He set the food on the table and Pidge, Lance, and Keith filed in.

"Coran told me that he, Allura, and Shiro will be late to dinner and to just eat without them," Lance said as he sat down. Keith sat next to him. Pidge and Hunk sat across from them.

"For two people who can't stand each other, you two tend to sit together a lot." Pidge chucked, reaching for some food.

Both boys started getting all defensive, trying to validate sitting together despite their immense hatred for each other.

"Calm down, you two." Hunk rolled his eyes, "I made something new today. New ingredients."

They both dropped their bickering and started to eat. It was super good. Soon enough, Hunk sat down to eat as well.

But within a few minutes, they all felt a bit light headed.

"Hunk, what did you put in this?!" Pidge said, raising her glasses a bit to rub her eyes.

"Just some fruit given by the locals from a planet we saved last week." Hunk coughed a bit.

"Well, they sure have a strange sense of taste!" Keith rubbed his head.

"Or a strange sense of humor!" Lance gripped the table, feeling like he might faint. And he did, falling out of his chair.

Keith caught him before he hit the ground, "Holy quiznack!! Lance!!!"

"I-I'll go get Coran.. He'll know what to do.." Pidge stood up but immediately collapsed. Hunk caught her.

Hunk and Keith laid their teammates down on the floor, but they weren't feeling too good themselves.

"Keith, we aren't going to make it to Coran like this.. You were the team leader for a while there, what do you think we should do?" Hunk sat next to Pidge.

Keith bit his lip, feeling Lance's forehead. They were all developing fevers, "There's nothing we can do but try to stay awake.. Hopefully, Coran shows up soon.. Or anyone..."

Hunk nodded, "R-Right.. Okay..."

They fought to keep their consciousness as long as possible, but soon they too fainted next to their teammates.

Meanwhile, Coran, Allura, and Shiro were finally heading down to the dining hall.

"I am surprised by you two.." Coran sighed, "Definitely didn't see this coming. You two are in a romantic relationship.. I approve of you two, of course. I'm just taken by surprise."

Shiro chuckled a bit, "Well, your approval means a lot.. I know you two are like family." He smiled at the princess.

She smiled back, holding his hand, "He's like a second father to me.. Now we just have to tell the news to the other paladins."

"Well, Pidge and Keith sort of already knew I had feelings for you." Shiro chuckled again, "I confided in Keith about it and Pidge figured it out on her own."

"You chose Keith to confide in?" Allura asked.

Shiro nodded, "Well, he was confiding in me about something and we just ended up spilling all our secrets to each other. We both had stuff we needed to get off our chests."

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