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*I hate the canon s8 timeline. Let's say this takes place around season 2? Back when nothing hurt and the only discourse was if Keith was Galra or not.*

TW/ sleepwalking (obviously), nightmares, and self-destructive tendencies

(4566 words) 


Keith's POV:

Can't sleep.. Damn...

I groaned and sat up, looking at my clock. I knew it'd be another few hours until anyone else woke up. So I decided to get some water and try to sleep again after. I stood up and left my room, too lazy for shoes. I walked down to the kitchen to get a drink. Once I did that, I started to head back. But I heard footsteps coming towards me from down the hall, coming from the opposite side of the ship than the rooms. But I knew it had to be one of my teammates.

"Hey, can't sleep either?" I called out towards the darkness. I didn't get a response, I just heard more footsteps coming closer, "Hello?" I raised my eyebrow a bit, walking toward the dark hall. Lance walked into the light, his eyes closed.

Is he... sleepwalking..?

"Lance, buddy. You okay?" I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

He flinched and stepped back, his eyes opening. He looked around, panicking a bit. He even started to cry softly.

"Hey, you're okay. Calm down.." I put my hand on his shoulder again, trying to comfort him.

He looked at me still crying softly, "Keith.. I'm scared..."

I sighed and gently grabbed his arm, "Come to the kitchen.. I'll get you some water." I pulled him the right direction, he didn't protest.

I sat him down and got him a glass of water, "Were you having a bad dream?" I asked as I handed him the glass and sat beside him.

He sniffled a bit before nodding and taking a drink, "They've been getting worse.."

"How long have you been getting them?" I asked, rubbing my hand on his shoulder a bit. I knew physical contact comforted him, he was a very touchy person. He was always going to Hunk for hugs when he was upset.

He sighed a bit, "As long as I can remember.. I've always had bad nightmares. But about a month ago, I started sleepwalking. Two days ago, I woke up in Blue's hanger.."

"You made it all the way to the hangers?" I asked, very shocked.

He nodded, looking down at his glass, "It's scary.. I want it to stop... The nightmares are so awful, and then I don't know where I am when I wake up.. I want it to stop.." he started shivering a bit, his tears falling again.

I pulled him into a hug, setting his glass aside, "We'll figure it out.. I promise... You won't have to be scared anymore..."

He nodded, hugging me back as he slowly stopped crying, "I-I want to go back to sleep now.."

"I'll walk you back, come on.." I stood up and held my hand out to him.

He took my hand and stood up, "Thank you.."

"You don't have to thank me.. Let's just get you back to bed. It'll be a few hours before anyone wakes up." I walked back towards our rooms with him, still holding his hand because neither of us let go.

"Why were you awake anyway? And by the kitchen?" he looked over at me, his eyes all red and puffy.

I shrugged, "Couldn't sleep and wanted to get a drink. I'm glad I couldn't sleep through, you didn't have to wake up alone in some random ass part of the castle this time.. That actually sounds sort of terrifying... That really happens to you every night?"

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