No Big Deal

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*this doesn't even have a real plot. i just wasnted to write langst. enjoy.

also, i gave shiro a more youthful disposition than we typically see. y'all forget boy is only in his 20s. shiro is a millennial and he's gonna act like it from time to time. josh himself says that shiro and lance have similar senses of humor and that shiro just doesn't show it. so yeah. we get to see some brotherly teasing*

(4477 words)

Lance walked down the halls of the castle alone, slowly making his way to the kitchen. It was almost lunch and the other paladins were training. Lance sort of just bailed. He just left the room without telling anyone.

No one will notice anyway.

He walked into the kitchen and got himself a drink before sitting down. It was thirty minutes before Allura came into the room.

"Lance! Where the quiznak did yo go?! We've been looking everywhere for you!"

Lance looked up at her, "Really?"

"You can't just walk out like that! Wait- Are you alright?" Allura walked over, "You don't look well."

Lance shrugged, getting up, "I'm fine. I'm sorry I scared everyone. I honestly didn't think anyone would notice."

Allura frowned, "Why wouldn't we notice out team member vanishing on us?"

Lance got himself another drink, "It doesn't matter. It's no big deal."

"Are you sure you're alright, Lance."

Lance nodded, "Yep. I'll see you later. I'm going to my room," he walked out of the kitchen, drink in hand.

Allura followed him out, "Lance, wait!"

Lance kept walking, he put one hand on his head, "Just leave me alone!"

Allura stopped following him, "I'm sorry..." she turned around and walked the opposite directions, going to find the other paladins.

They were all in the command room. They had decided to meet up there if they didn't find Lance so they could check if all lions and pods were accounted for if need be.

Allura walked in, "I found him in the kitchen. He's gone back to his room now."

"What was he doing in there?" Hunk asked.

"I think he was just stopping for a drink," Allura answered, "He looked unwell. There's most definitely something going on with him but he wouldn't tell me what. He said he's fine. But he looked pained."

Pidge frowned, "Well, hopefully, he's gone to his room to take a nap. A nap always works for me."

"If he's not looking better in the morning I'll have a talk with him," Shiro said.

Keith crossed his arms, "Shouldn't we go check on him? Just to make sure it's nothing worse."

Shiro shook his head, "Leave him be, give him a chance to rest- Keith, where are you going?"

Keith was starting to leave the room, "None of your business."

"Just don't bother Lance!" Shiro said as the doors closed.


It was a few hours later when Lance left his room, nearly time for dinner. When he walked out he nearly tripped over something- someone, "Keith! What are you doing on the floor?"

Keith looked up at him, "I'm just sitting. Is that illegal?"

Lance crossed his arms, "No, but it's weird and creepy that you're sitting by my bedroom door."

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