Pretty Blue Dress

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*Okay so this is a genderfluid!Lance au.. You can pry non-cis Lance out of my cold, dead fingers!! I love that au. So here, have this. There's some Klance but they aren't a couple yet in this.*

*Edit: Okay let's just assume my stories are compliant to season 2 only because that's back when nothing hurt.*

(1687 words)


It's so beautiful..

I stared up at the pretty, blue dress in the window.

"Lance! Come on!" Pidge yelled at me.

"U-Uh! Coming!" I yelled back, running over to everyone.

We were at the space mall again. Shiro was letting us take a day off, the stress was getting to all of us. Coran lent us some space money so we could actually buy stuff.

"Why were you looking at the dresses?" Hunk raised his eyebrow at me.

"U-Uh, it was sparkly and caught my eye." I shrugged, trying to play it off.

"Okay, whatever dude." Keith chuckled at me.

I don't feel like a dude today..

I sighed but smiled at them, "I'm hungry. Are you guys hungry?" I walked past them, to the food court.

"I could eat." Shiro shrugged as they all followed me, he probably didn't want to pry too much.

We made it to the food court and we all bought some food. We all sat down at the same table and started eating.

"Lance, you're the one who suggested eating." Shiro looked at my plate, we'd been sitting here for ten minutes now and I'd only taken two bites.

"I-I, uh, lost my appetite out of nowhere.. It happens sometimes. I'll be super hungry but the second I start eating, I feel really nauseous." I shrug, it did really happen all the time.

"Then don't eat too much.." Hunk suggested.

I nodded, "I know.. I get like this all the time. I know how to handle it."

"All the time, huh?" Pidge raised her eyebrow, "Sounds like a symptom of anxiety..."

"Pfft! Anxiety?! I'm fine!" I rolled my eyes before looking down at my plate.

"Okay, whatever you say.." She glanced at me one last time before continuing to eat.

I nodded and took a few more bites of my food, my nausea worsening, "Okay, um I get nauseous a lot but I usually don't actually get sick.." I set my fork down, "But now.." I stood up and ran to the bathrooms, getting there just in time.

Hunk ran after me, waiting by the stall for me to finish. I flushed the toilet before leaving the stall and looking at him. He pat my shoulder, "Are you okay?"

I nodded and went over to the sinks to clean up, "I'm fine.. That doesn't usually happen...." I looked at him again, "I'll be fine though. Probably ate too much. No big deal.."

He sighed and nodded, "Let's head back, buddy. Everyone is probably worried."

We walked back out and to the table. Shiro looked at me before standing to feel my forehead, checking for a fever, "Are you okay, Lance?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine.." I sat down again, "It's nothing to worry about.."

He sighed and nodded, sitting down again, "Well, you don't have a fever..."

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