Sleepwalking (Pt. 2)

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(4565 words)

Keith's POV:

Lance spent the whole day ignoring me, ignoring everyone really. He spent most of the day in the observatory, staring into space. He told Hunk he was counting the stars. He stayed in there through lunch. I spent most of the day silently watching him from the doorway. He looked so lost in thought.

He looks so troubled... I wonder what he's thinking about.

He finally left the observatory for dinner, he walked into the dining room quietly. None of us said anything, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. He sat down and stared at his food, not even picking up his fork.

"Um... Lance?" Hunk hesitantly spoke.

Lance blinked a couple times and looked up, he had been lost in thought again and Hunk's voice pulled him back to reality, "Huh?"

Pidge raised her eyebrow, "Are you feeling okay?

He looked back down, not answering.

We all looked at him, before deciding not to push him for answers. We just ate our food quietly. Eventually, he started eating too. He and I were the last ones to finish.

I was about to stand up to take my plate to the kitchen when he grabbed my sleeve, "Lance?"

He was still looking down, "I've been thinking..."

"I noticed," I sat down again, giving him my full attention.

"Well, I was just wanting to ask you to do something," He was so hesitant, "Will you watch over me again tonight?"

I smiled at him, "That's all? I thought you were worried about something big. Of course, I'll watch over you."

He smiled a tiny bit but still didn't look up.

"That is all, right?" I leaned my head a bit to get a better look at his face.

He quickly stood up, "Yep, see you tonight," he left the room.

He's lying. There's something else.

I ran after him, "Lance, hold up."

He kept walking, "I have to do something, Keith. We can talk later."

I stopped following him, "Okay... Later."

Maybe he just needs a bit more time to think, whatever it is it's clearly bothering him a lot.

I sighed and went to take our bowls to the kitchen, he had left in such a rush and forgot to get his. But I didn't mind taking care of it for him.

All I want to do is take care of him. If only he'd let me.

I walked into the kitchen, where hunk was watching the dishes. I handed him the two bowls, "So, Lance just asked me to watch over him again tonight. That's a good sign, right?"

Hunk nodded, "Yeah, it means he's not pushing us away anymore. Or at least not as much."

"It's my own fault he's pushing me away.." I sighed, "I'm always so mean to him, no wonder he thinks I don't care about him. I say such cruel things to him sometimes... I'm so hard on him.. It's my own fault he won't let me help him."

Hunk sighed, taking a break from the dishes and looking at me, "If you're the one he's pushing away the most, then why would he ask you out of all of us to watch after him? You obviously got through to him in a way the rest of us couldn't. And hearing he's cared for would mean a lot more coming from you than anyone else. We show him we care every day. You don't. So when you show him you care, it's special."

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