Chapter One <3

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(A/N: Hey guys. (: This is my first story. And it's about One Direction.. If you can't tell by the picture. So, read, like it, follow me, and you'll totally make my day

                                                                         Chapter One <3

Darkness. That's all that was around me. That's what my surroundings were. I turned in a complete circle. Where was I? Where was the light?

"Here..." A voice called through the world. It rang in my ears like the voice was coming from next to me, but it still echoed. "May." I turned my head, and there was the light. My light. Niall Horan.

"Niall! I've found you finally!" I called. He seemed so far away, but I could see his perfect blonde hair and blue eyes. He held out a hand to me, grinning widely.

"You've found me! I've missed you so much May! Come back to me!" He called back. I smiled and tried to run towards him. But my feet stayed in place. I tried with all my might to move. It was like I was in quicksand, as I slowly started sinking into the ground. I struggled, and looked up at Niall. His beaming smile turned into a frown, and he lowered his hand to his side.

"But, I guess I haven't found you yet." He disappeared without another word. My eyes filled with tears.

"Niall, Niall! Come back! Please! I miss you! Niall!" I called out, but he was truly gone. The darkness swallowed me up, and for the moment being, I thought I was dead. 

"May? May? Maeve Rose, wake up!" I was pushed onto the floor with a thud, hitting my dresser on the way down. I rubbed my head, and looked up to see the culprit of who awoke me. Of course, my best friend, Emma, was standing in front of me looking very happy with what she had just done. I sighed.

"Thanks for the wakeup call." I told her, sounding very sarcastic. She helped me up and then started rummaging through my drawers. I yawned and glanced outside. It was still dark. I returned my gaze toward Emma, who pushed some clothes into my arms. Before I could say another word, she was then pushing me toward the bathroom.

"Wait, WAIT!" I called into her ear. She stopped, pouted and crossed her arms like a five year old.

"What?" She asked.

"What time is it? Why am I taking a shower? I was going to have a lazy day today!" Emma laughed in my face.

"You seriously don't know what today is?" She asked, becoming shocked when she saw I wasn't kidding. I shook my head slowly, still hoping she would answer my questions.

"Well, it's almost six in the morning. And because, you wouldn't want all the boys at my 18th birthday party thinking you don't take showers!" I rolled my eyes and yawned again. Right, today's Emma's 18th birthday. How could I forget; she's been ranting non-stop about it for three months. I, being her best-friend, couldn't complain. She clapped her hands and squealed once she saw I remembered. She pushed me towards the shower and smiled.

"I'll go wake your brother up!" She told me and basically sprinted to his room. In other words, they were going to make-out. 

My twin brother, Brian and my best-friend, Emma were dating. I think for almost a year. That's how I met Emma. Brian brought her home, introduced her to us, and we've been best-friends ever since.

I hopped into the shower finally, hoping I could get some more sleep after. I got out and changed into an outfit Emma got me for my 18th birthday a couple months ago. It was a black skater dress with daisies on it; her favorite. I put on my black flats, did a bit of make-up since I usually don't wear it, blow dried my dark brown hair and curled it. I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw my key necklace around my neck. I sighed and touched it. 

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