Chapter Eleven <3

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(A/N; Hey hey :) So you know what I noticed? No one commented on the last chapter! That didn't make me feel good. Keep commenting guys, add this to your libraries, and even voting, ONE CLICK OF A BUTTON, would make my day! Thanks guys, (: Enjoy the story!)

Chapter Eleven

I felt a poke on my shoulder.

“May?” I heard Niall asked. I was awake, last night, the picture, still haunting me, but I played along. He poked me again.

“MAY!” He yelled. I screamed and fell off the bed, landing on my butt. I rubbed it, and Niall came around to me. He got down on one knee in front of me.

“Are you ok? I’m so sorry!” He helped me up, but I was still mad.

“I’m fine.” I answered and just walked away. He followed like a lost puppy closely behind me, as I walked down to the kitchen. Brian greeted me as I got down the stairs.

“Hey May.” He said, buttering his freshly toasted bread. I waved and picked up a plate I guess Niall made for me, full of eggs, toast, bacon, and hash-browns.

“So, did you and Niall have fun last night?” Brian asked, wiggling his eye brows at me. I glared at him, as if telling him to go away. He put his hands up in defeat, and walked upstairs with his breakfast. I sat on the couch with my plate and started eating. I almost forgot about Niall, who of which was right behind me. He sat down next to me. There was an awkward silence.

“How’d you sleep?” He finally asked.

“How about you ask your girlfriend.” I murmured at him, but he heard me.

“I am…” Was all he said. I ignored him and continued to rage eat. He chuckled. I looked at him.

“Are you PMSing?” He asked giggling. I threw my plate on the table next to me.

“Are you that stupid?!” I yelled throwing my hands up and standing up. He stood up too.

“What? What are you talking about?!” He asked back.

“Your such an arse! You said you didn’t cheat on me while you were away!” I yelled at him.

“I didn’t!” I shook my head and ran upstairs to get my phone, him in tail. I put my phone back together, typed in my password, and scrolled to Liam’s messages.

“How do explain this, Mr. Horan?” I held it up and he looked at the phone. His eyes went wide.

“It’s not what it looks like!” He said grabbing it, looking at it with unbelief. “She came onto me! I didn’t do anything!” I shook my head with tears in my eyes.

“Maybe, but you were kissing her long enough for Liam to take this picture!” He came towards me, wanting to hug me. I pushed him off.

“No Niall. No. You’ve changed, since I remember you…” Tears filled my eyes.

“May, please don’t do this, I didn’t do anything… I don’t even know who took it, not Harry!” I pushed him again.

“Just, go. I think we need to take a break…” Niall looked as shocked as those words came out of my mouth as I felt. He backed up, and ran out of the room, and out the door. I backed up and hit the wall. Tears came out faster now, as I had just broken up with the guy I had waited so long for.

** Niall’s P.O.V **

Liam had done it, and I couldn’t believe he did. He had nothing against me OR May. He knows May is so sensitive and gets jealous easily, like me. I got out to May’s drive-way, and realized I didn’t have anywhere to stay, or any ride. This was a mess. I groaned loudly and started walking towards where I thought Emma’s house was; maybe I could stay there for a while. I started walking down the street, and turned random corners. I ended up right in front of Emma’s house, and as my only result, I walked up the drive-way. I knocked on her door, and an older man answered the door.

“Hello, may I please speak to Emma?” I asked gently. He nodded, and he motioned me in. I walked in and he called for Emma. She bounded down the stairs and she stopped when she saw me. I waved at her.

“Come on.” She motioned me upstairs. I walked upstairs behind her and into her huge room. I sat down in a small chair near her bed, as she sat on her bed.

“You heard?” I asked. She nodded. I sighed. “Why?” Was all she asked. My eyes filled with tears.

“We were out at a pub! There were these girls who followed us, and recognized us from One Direction. This girl, I don’t even remember her name, said she thought I was cute, and sexy. Then she kissed me, and held on to me! I think one of the girls took the picture, and posted it probably on Twitter. I pushed her off and told her I had a girlfriend! And you know what she said? ‘Oh, right. Oh well, she can have you! You’re too ugly for me anyways.’ And walked away. Why would I cheat on May? My May? I love her!”

By now, I was in full tears. I haven’t cried in a long time, but now I was, for May. I had lost her, over some jealous girls. I put my head in my hands and brushed some tears from my face. I heard Emma come over and pat me on the back.

“I believe you.” She said. I looked up at her with puffy eyes. She smiled gently, like a mother comforting a lost child. I shook my head.

“She doesn’t.” My phone buzzed in my pocket and I looked at the I.D. Harry. I put a finger up to Emma, telling her to wait for a second. I picked it up.

“What’s up with May? She just called me in a rage and crying!” My hands started sweating.

“Liam sent her the picture of me and some girl kissing, when we went out to the pub!” I practically yelled to him. There was silence, probably asking Liam.

“Uh, no? He doesn’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’ve got to be joking!” More silence.

“Wait,-“ Harry said finally, “The girls when we were in New York?” He asked.

“Yes! Harry, you didn’t!” He sighed.

“No, I didn’t, and neither did Liam. The girls followed me, Louis, Liam and Zayn back to the U.K, and we hung out with the girl that kissed you, last night. She must have stolen his phone and sent the picture to May without us knowing!” I sighed, almost in tears again.

“What happened?” He asked. I sighed.

“She thought I cheated on her. So she broke up with me.” Harry was silent.

“I’ll try and talk to her, and tell her you didn’t. You’re not even the guy who would cheat.” I smiled. Harry was trying to help me, which was really something for him. He helps a lot, but not in this way.

“Thanks Harry. I’m at Emma’s right now, so I don’t know when she’ll be calm. It may take a while.” He laughed a bit.

“Well, if I can calm her down, then I’ll call you, and you can go talk to her.” I thought and shook my head to myself.

“That wouldn’t work, she would want more.” He sighed on the other end, and I heard Gemma in the background.

“Ok coming!” He told her, and then replied to me. “I have to go. I’ll call her, and you think of something, ok?” I agreed and we hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and thought for a second. Some way to win her back. I turned to Emma.

“Do you have any paper, and a car I could borrow? And maybe Brian’s number?” I asked her, and she looked up from her reading.

“Yes, why?” She questioned. I smiled at her before replying.

“I know how to get May back.”

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