Chapter Four <3

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(A/N; Kinda a filler chapter, but still hope you enjoy <3 Comment, rate, vote and fan and maybe you'll get a dedication! I can't update all next week, because I'm going on vacation. If I have my friend just upload the chapter from my computer since I have it written maybe, but probably not. So, for now, enjoy!)

Chapter Four

** May's P.O.V **

I was now walking to my house. I decided to go home and just think everything out by myself, without the influence of anyone else. I heard a car come around the corner at top speed. I turned, thinking it might be a drunk driver. But then I saw Louis and Niall in the front seat.

"Are you kidding me?!" I yelled hoping they hear me. I broke into a run again. I'm the top runner on both my Track and Cross-Country team, I could to this all day. But they were catching up fast. 

I turned to the right and ducked into the woods. If I played my cards right and went in the direction of my house, I would end up only a few minutes from my house. I crawled in the bushes, ignoring the prickling and turned to see if they were going to follow me. Nope, they drove right on past.

"Hehe, suckers." I said to myself. I crawled a little bit more and finally came to the 'Rainbow Path', as the neighbors called it, because it was a perfect place to spot rainbows. 

I walked on the path for a bit, allowing the silence and beauty of everything to calm my nerves. Finally the path ended and I came into the sun. I saw all the cuts and bruises I got from crawling in the bushes. I got a hole in my dress, and my shoes... Can no longer be worn. 

I took them off and started down the street to my house. I got there in no time and tried to open the door. Locked. Shit. I left my key at Emma's. I banged my head on the door, knowing no one was home. I was so stupid. 

I heard a car pull in but I didn't even look up. I closed my eyes as my head was still leaned up against the door. I heard five doors open and close. Great. They were all here. They came around the corner  to the front door.

"Oh, looks like she beat us here!" One said. They all came up behind me and stopped. I could feel five pairs of eyes staring at me.

"Go. Away." I said to them, still not bothering to look up.

"Ohh, feisty, I like it." Harry purred. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"What happened to her?!" Liam questioned lifting up my arm observing the cuts.

"I crawled through the bushes." I answered with no emotion.

"Why?" Zayn asked.

I turned around to face them. I scratched my head.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe because I wanted to get away from you guys?" I said sarcastically. "Or, maybe, I didn't want you to stalk me to find out where my house was?" They stared at me. 

I thought this moment would be different. Meeting One Direction, seeing Niall after two years. I thought we'd all be best of friends, and I and Niall could go back to old times. But here we were, on my front step, and I was yelling at them. The door opened behind me. I spun around quickly. My dad.

"Dad?" He just walked away leaving the door open. Right, it was his day off. I smiled to myself, finally, my dad paid off. I walked inside, the boys in tow. I looked at them.

"You seriously want to come in?" I asked. They nodded. I sighed, looking at them all and grinding my teeth. I opened the door wider and stepped aside.

"Welcome to my lovely home, One Direction." I said sarcastically. They piled in, looking around. Harry looked at me.

"Your dad won't mind us being here?" I shook my head.

"He doesn't care about me. Trust me." I said truthfully. Niall turned to look at me. Harry looked instantly guilty.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I did-" I stopped him. "It's cool." I said shutting the door. 

I locked it and went into the living room with the boys following me. They were usually quiet. I'm surprised. I picked up the remote and tossed it to Niall.

"Watch TV or something. I need to go take a shower. Help yourself with any food if you're hungry." I walked past them toward the stairs.

"Wait!" Harry yelled. I turned on my heel. "Yes?" I asked.

He had a smirk on his face. "Can I join you?" My eyes grew wide and I blushed. The boys laughed, but Niall looked pissed at Harry.

"Uh, no!" I said, covering my face with my hands and ran upstairs. I took a quick shower and cleaned off some dried blood. I got out and looked on the counter. I forgot clothes. Today is seriously not my day. 

I sighed and opened the door a crack. No one in the hallway. I wrapped my robe around me and slowly creeped to my room. I walked in and closed the door.

"May?" I turned around and saw Niall sitting on my bed.

"NIALL! GET OUT!" I screamed. He ran out of my room with a shocked looked on his face. I was breathing heavily. I got dressed quickly and put my hair up, not bothering to dry it. I took a deep breath and walked down stairs. Harry and Liam were playing 'Dance Central 2' for the Kinect. I grabbed a granola bar and walked right in front of the Kinect.

"Hey!" Liam yelled.

"Move! Hurry!" Harry yelled, both of them looking at me. I ignored them.

"Yum, this is a good granola bar!" I said still chewing on it. They groaned.

Louis walked over to me.

"I'll take care of this." He said, putting his hand up to them. He picked me up with no hesitation and threw me over his shoulder.

"Oh my God, put me down!" I yelled. He laughed.

"Not until their done Ms. Prissy. Go Harry!" Louis yelled. I watched them. They were dancing to 'I Like It' and so far Harry was winning, but Liam was catching up. Finally the song got over and Harry won. He was dancing like a fool and singing a weird song. I laughed a bit. Liam sighed. Louis put me down and we all sat down with Harry still standing.

"So who wants to take me on next? I already beat Liam, Zayn and Niall." Louis pushed me with his foot and I landed face first.

"Oww." I complained.

"She wants to go!" Louis yelled. I stood up.

"The name's May! Not 'She' or 'Ms. Prissy!'" I told Louis. Then I turned to Harry. "But ok, you're on!"

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