Chapter Five <3

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(A/N: Sorry for not uploading yesterday! I got lazy on Tumblr so I forgot. But, like I promised, two chapters today! Here's the first one. Vote, Comment and follow me (: Thanks!)

Chapter Five

Scrolling through the dancing options, Harry immitatly picked ‘Bad Romance’ by Lady Gaga. Of course, no dought Niall told them all about me and him when we were younger. I just tried to ignore it, but I could feel Niall staring at my back. The song started and me and Harry started dancing. He got ahead quickly. He was beating me by three hundred.

‘Come on Maeve! You can do this! You can beat him!’ I thought, and it helped me. The dance break came on and Harry picked me up and twirled me around.

“Ahh what’s with people picking me up?!” I laughed, blushed a deep shade of red, and grabbed his neck, afraid he was going to drop me. The other boys jumped up and started dancing as well. Once the music came back on, Harry put me down when we started dancing again. I was determined to beat him. A minute later, I came out with almost a million and Harry with eight hundred thousand.

“Whoop! Who’s number one? Who’s number one?” I cheered and ran in a circle, pumping my fist in the air. The guys laughed. Niall was lightening up a bit, but I still was mad at him. Not the other guys, only cause they probably didn’t have a choice to come or not.

“Oh really?” Harry said to me, coming closer. I nodded and stuck my tongue out at him. He lunged at me and started tickling my sides. Or should I say tried to. I stood there while Harry acted like an idiot and tried to tickle me. I laughed a bit.

“I repeat, who’s number one?” He stopped and stared at me. I smiled and sat down on the couch, next to Zayn.

“How can you not be ticklish?!” Harry asked, throwing his hands in the air. “Everyone’s ticklish! Every girl is ticklish!” I laughed.

“I’m just not. I haven’t been in a long time.” Harry crossed his arms, annoyed with me. I smiled at him. Niall finally spoke up.

“You were when I last saw you. I always tickled you when you stole my stuff. What changed?”

“Everything.” I stated simply, avoiding eye contact with all the boys. The room fell in an awkward silence. No one talked except for the background music on the Kinect.

“I have to go pee.” Louis said randomly. “Me too!” All the other boys yelled and they all rushed out of the room, leaving me and Niall on opposite sides of the couch. Why couldn’t the boys have stayed? I’ve only known them less than a few hours, but they were already considered friends in my eyes, and I think Harry already had a crush on me. After a few more minutes of silence, I decided to start the conversation. 

“So…” I said. Niall sighed. Oh, here comes the talk.

“May, I am so sorry. For just leaving you without saying goodbye, for not calling, for ignoring you, for everything.” He scooted over till he was right next to me. “I missed you. I missed my May-flower. Please forgive me.” I thought about it. I couldn’t stay mad at him forever. He was my best-friend. He knew things Emma didn’t things that Emma would never understand. I loved him.

“I forgive you.” I muttered. He took my hand, and smiled brightly. I turned and looked into the blue eyes I missed so much. His eyes shifted to my neck, and my necklace. His face turned even happier.

“Your wearing the necklace I gave you two years ago!” He grabbed it and looked at it. I smiled.

“I never took it off since you gave it to me.” He smiled. The room fell into another silence. But not an awkward one. The one I could live with. I looked down, relising he was still holding my hand. We blushed and separated.

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