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Dipper was currently in seventh period. He was sitting off to the side. He had his ears plugged in while everyone else was taking their final exams. He had gotten out of them do to his grades being high enough, having no absences, and being a good enough student. It was only a few more minutes to end of the day. Mostly everyone had finished up their tests by now. Only ones left were Mabel and a few others. Suddenly the bell rang. Mabel made a sigh of relief as she had just answered the final question when the bell rang. Then she turned it in to the teacher. When she turned around she found dippers seat he had been sitting in to be empty. Dipper was running through the halls. He burst from the school doors and made a beeline for his motorcycle. He started it up and drove to the doors to pick up Pacifica. She had given up driving her pink Ferrari completely now to ride with him to and from school. If you asked why should would never say but her reason was she like how close she was to dipper. I mean she had to practically hug him just to stay on and she loved how the felt as they rode the motorcycle. As she walked down the steps dipper held out the red helmet.

"Hey Paz." He said.

"Dipstick." She said with a cocky smile.

"Guessing our tutoring session last night helped with your test today?" Dipper asked. Pacifica nodded as she put on the helmet. Then she hoped on.

"To the mystery shack!" She said pointing her finger forward. Dipper shook his head and drove forward. It didn't take long to get to the mystery shack. When they did they went down into the basement to see grunkle ford working on the computer.

"Hello their children. How where your tests?" He asked.

"I get to skip all of them." Dipper replied.

"I feel like I did very well on them thanks to dipper." Pacifica said.

"Well that's good. For both of you. Now. Right now we're continue training. Today should be stans day to work with you. So I'll be here keeping an eye on the computer. Anything comes up I'll get you two." Ford said. With that dipper and Pacifica went up stairs. Pacifica went behind the counter with the cash register and grabbed a duffle bag. Then she went into the bathroom, while dipper went up to his room to change as well, and when Pacifica came out she was no longer wearing her school clothes. Now she was wearing a pair of short shorts, sneakers, a hoodie, underneath the hoodie was a sports bra, and she had her hair in a pony tail. Dipper was wearing a blue sleeveless shirt, black shorts, sneakers and his signature hat. Dipper opened a drawer and pulled out roll of athletic tape. He wrapped it around his hand and tossed the tape to Pacifica. She caught it and began to wrap her hands in the tape like dipper did. Then they started jogging out into the woods. After a half hour of jogging they came to the obstacle course stan used to train. Stan was sitting on a bench drinking a beer bottle. He looked at them and raised an eyebrow.

"What took you two so long?" Stan asked. Dipper looked at him as if to say 'are you serious'.

"We got here as soon as possible. We left school changed and jogged all the way here immediately after changing." Dipper said. Stan shrugged.

"In my opinion. Now matter what time you get here. Your late. My reasoning for why? Because I know you dipper. You strive to be as perfect as possible. Thus I say your late you strive to get here earlier. You try and keep pace with your little girlfriend here instead of getting here as soon as possible. I'm here to make sure life is difficult for you. That way you have to step up and be better. Now. Here's what your gonna do. You two are gonna race each other through the course. One lap is to the other side of it and back. I want 20 laps. Last one to finish has to help me with any task I want." He said. He looked at his beer bottle then back at the pair and smiled mischievously. "Anything." He said. Dipper and Pacifica immediately understood. They looked at each other. And ran as hard and fast as they could. Dipper used his enhanced body to get through it faster then a normal human.

"Cheater!" Pacifica yelled as he continued.

Time skip

Dipper came to a stop on the final length and watched as Pacifica was finishing her 19th lap and going on to the 20th. Dipper then began to groan. He knew his grunkle was right. Dipper strived to do things perfectly. If there was something wrong. Sure he could live with it with no problems whatsoever. But he still wanted to do things as best as possible. But he didn't want ruin his relationship with Pacifica. Dipper then ran through the rest of the course and stopped right before the finish line. Soon Pacifica made it to him. She stopped and looked at him.

"Aren't you gonna finish?" She asked. Dipper shook his head.

"Go on. Get out of doing my grunkles dirty work." Dipper sighed and waved her along. Pacifica smiled.

"Aww. Aren't you a gentlemen." She said. She moved forward and kissed his cheek. "Such a gentlemen deserves a kiss." She said. Dipper smiled. And she crossed the line. Dipper walked forward and crossed the line. Pacifica put her arms around his shoulders. "Ready for your kiss mister gentlemen?" Pacifica asked.

"I thought the kiss on the cheek was the kiss?" Dipper said confused. Pacifica shook her head.

"This is." She said. She then kissed him on the lips for a few seconds then pulled away. "Thank you sweetie." She said dipper just blushed a scarlet red. Suddenly they were interrupted by a slow clap.

"Congratulations. Dipper. You passed. Neither one of you have to do my tasks." Grunkle Stan said with a smile.

"What's the catch old man?" Pacifica asked with narrow eyes.

"I am hurt that you think I have some other agenda." He paused. "Nah not really. But seriously. No catch. This was just a way I could teach dipper here a life lesson. Especially when it comes to woman. You always be a gentlemen. You always let the woman win even when your clearly the superior." Grunkle Stan said. Pacifica cleared her throat. "Hey. Don't blame me for stating the obvious. He's clearly superior physical wise. That's something you can't argue against." Stan said. He then swatted the pair with his head. They both rubbed the spot he hit in pain. "Now who's carrying me back to the shack?" Stan asked. Pacifica looked at dipper.

"No way can I carry him and that beer gut." She said. Dipper sighed then threw the old man onto his back and ran back to the shack with Pacifica while grunkle Stan yelled at the pair to go faster the whole way and making rude comments to get them to run faster.

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