Dipcifica forever

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After they had their minds encrypted dipper and Pacifica went to the gravity falls shopping mall. Pacifica was enjoying the shopping and getting things dipper thought made her look either cute and adorable or hot and sexy. She also enjoyed the time with him. Dipper was enjoying himself a little bit. He enjoyed being with her and seeing her smiling. After all she just went through a lot. After a lot more shopping they took everything to the front. Pacifica has to direct dipper because she bought so much stuff he couldn't see. Once at the front he set everything down and wiped the sweat off his brow.

"Ok. Now we just have to wait for the car I called to come and pick everything up to take back to my house." Pacifica said. Dipper sat down on a nearby bench and Pacifica sat beside him. She put her head on his shoulder, closed her eyes and smiled happily. Dipper looked at her and then laid his head on hers and closed his eyes as well. They stayed like this for a good while. Then to their surprise they heard laughter. They opened their eyes to find one of Pacifica's old friends laughing at them.

"What are you laughing at you bimbo." Pacifica Said. Her friend stopped laughing and sneered.

"At the sight of the poor commoner and you. You used to be so powerful. Now look at you. Dating a poor boy." She said and laughed again.

"Yeah well at least she isn't a wealthy wannabe. Last I saw you didn't have any real money to your name. Your just a bitch who wants to be rich. Well let me tell you something about bimbos like you. You don't get far in life." Dipper said with a smirk. This made her angry. Her entourage had to hold her back. 

"How dare you! I have more money then your family!" She retorts while being held back.

"Yeah. Well doesn't change the fact that he's still right. I could go places because of my money. But you. With your brains you don't have much of an option. At most your body could make you a really good hooker. Other then that I think you have some limited options. Better hope you at least make it to college. And if by some slight chance you do get in. I suggest working your ass off." Pacifica Said with a cocky smile. This made Pacifica's former friend furious. Her entourage ended up picking her up and carrying her to her favorite store to shop at. Then the car Pacifica called for came up. Pacifica and dipper ended up stuffing everything into the car. They then followed the car on dippers bike. Once back dipper began to take everything and put it in the correct places.

"Thank you master Dipper for the help." Said the Butler.

"Your welcome. Happy to help." Dipper said with a smile.

"Well. You were most certainly lucky to meet this one Pacifica. I wish I had been that lucky." Said Pacifica's mother. She sighed. "But if that were so then you wouldn't exist and we wouldn't be where we are now. So. I guess we should thank him at least for what we have now." She finished.

"Yeah. I guess we should be thankful for that." Pacifica Said while smiling at the thought of how wonderful her life is.

"Master Dipper. Miss Pacifica. Your room is ready." Said another Butler.

"Our room?" Dipper asked putting and emphasis on our.

"Yes. Mistress has said to prepare miss Pacifica's room for the two of you." Said the Butler.

"Mom!" Pacifica said turning a bright red.

"Well I'll leave you two lovebirds to yourselves." Said mrs. Northwest. She was already up the stairs when she said this. She then disappeared around the corner.

"I'll just use and extra room if you want Pacifica." Dipper said while he himself was slightly red.

"No. Knowing my mother she's locked all the doors to other rooms. And while you can totally bust one of the doors down. I don't want to break anything. I'll get a blanket for you." Pacifica Said. She quickly turned and ran down a hall to get a blanket for dipper for the night. Dipper looked at the butler and the butler made a smile and winked at dipper. Causing he to face forward with a red face. Later dipper was found with using Pacifica's bathroom to brush his teeth in some pajamas that had been provided for him. He walked out after he finished and looked around the room again. Pacifica's room was truly and completely pink.

"Why is there so much pink?" Dipper Asked.

"It's not just pink!" Pacifica Said also in her pajamas. She put her hands on her hips. "There's salmon, rose, coral, magenta and hot pink." Pacifica Said.

"All of which are a different shade of pink." Dipper said. Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"Ok. Fine. I like the color pink. There a problem with that?" She asked.

"No." Dipper said. He moved to around the bed and smiled at what he found on the floor. "Look who I found." Dipper said as he leaned forward and grabbed something. "Remember this guy?" Dipper asked as he pulled out the giant stuffed teddy bear. Pacifica gasped.

"Give me sir hugs-a-lot!" She said as she made a grab for him. But dipper being the taller of the pair put him out of reach.

"What's that sir hugs-a-lot? I should trade you for something? Hmm? what should I trade for him?" Dipper thought aloud. Pacifica stopped and shook her head while looking at him.

"Would a kiss be good enough?" Pacifica asked sweetly. Dipper smiled.

"Yes it would." Dipper Said. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the lips. While dipper was paying attention to the kiss Pacifica stole back sir hugs-a-lot. She smiled as she ran around the bed. "You sly fox." Dipper said.

"I learn from the best!" She said playfully.

"What's that supposed to mean!" Dipper said with a smile. Dipper began to chase her and in the end he caught her and lifted her in the air and together they fell on Pacifica's bed. They laughed then looked at each other for awhile.

"If you want. You can sleep with me in my bed." Pacifica Said. Dipper looked at then nodded.

"Ok. Then. I will join you in your bed." Dipper said. With that they got in bed and fell asleep.

When dipper woke up he found Pacifica curled in a ball in his arms. She was sleeping soundly at the moment. Dipper then got up without disturbing Pacifica then went down stairs and began to make some breakfast. When he finished he set them in the oven and set the oven to warm. Dipper went out to the front entrance. Pacifica came down looking pretty as always.

"Morning beautiful." Dipper said.

"Right back at you handsome." Pacifica Said. She sat down on dippers lap.

"I made breakfast. It's sitting in the oven to stay warm." Dipper said.

"Sounds wonderful." She got up and went to the kitchen. Dipper got up then to his surprise there was a knock at the door. Dipper checked himself and was sure he looked fine. Then he went and answered the door finding a young man about dippers age.

"Umm. Hello?" Dipper asked.

"Why hello my fine man. I am Charles Harold the III. Is pacifica home?" Charles asked.

"Umm Yeah? May I ask why your asking for her?" Dipper asked.

"Most certainly. I am her fiancée." Charles said with a proud smile. This hit dipper like a wrecking ball.

"Fiancée?!" He asked.

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