The deal

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"Ok. So what's the catch?" Dipper Asked. He looked around. "What is it that you get?" He continued.

"in return, Mason 'dipper' Pines, you will ensure my future. Now Mason 'Dipper' Pines. Do you accept this deal?" The dream demon asked. Dipper looked around him. Then at the contract.


Everyone was waiting for dipper in the lobby. When they started to shrink. Once they were normal size again the time baby came through with dipper.

"Dipper!" Pacifica yelled. she ran forward and hugged dipper. He hugged her back.

"My boy. It's so good to see you. You had us worried there." Ford Said.

"Have a little faith in the kid he is our great nephew." Stanley said.

"It's good to see you dude." Soos Said.

"Good. Now we can go back home. Bill has probably already gone to sleep so we will be safe from him. We can live a bit more at ease with him gone. Now let's go everyone." Ford turned to the door and began to walk. Dipper didn't move. Ford saw this. "Dipper. Let's go." Ford Said. Dipper looked at him and sighed.

"I'm not going back. Not yet. I have some things I need to do here before I leave." Dipper Said.

"What? What is it that you need to do here?" Ford Asked.

"I can't leave without getting what I need to beat bill. He is going to pay. And I'm gonna make sure he does." Dipper Said.

"Dipper I know the science of this era. What ever it is this place has to offer I can give it back home." Ford Said.

"You cant give me the power I'm looking for." Dipper Said. Ford sighed.

"There's no way I can get you to come back with us is there?" Ford Asked. Dipper shook his head. Pacifica looked at him and Dipper looked at her.

"Go back. I won't be long. Well. To you it won't seem like it. I just need to do one thing and I'll be back." Dipper Said. Pacifica looked at him. Then kissed him on the cheek.

"Just make sure to come back." Pacifica Said. With that they began to leave. Before Pacifica left she looked back to see a smiling dipper. But when she was gone dipper dropped the smile. He then walked back through the mansion coming to a door. He opened it to find a white circle with symbols and runes all over it.

"Step into the circle mason." The dream demon said. Dipper walked forward stepping into the circle. "As per the deal you agreed to states I, The dream demon, will make you, Mason 'dipper' Pines, a dream demon. Giving you the ability of unlimited potential. And involving You in the prophecy of gods. Thus allowing you to rival the power of bill cypher the dream demon. If you wish to back out now is the time." The dream demon said. Dipper didn't move. "Very well. Let the ritual commence." The dream demon said. He then began to speak in the demons tongue. "lautir nomed maerd, lautir nomed maerd, lautir nomed maerd".The circle began to glow blue. The dream demon continued to chant. As he chanted dipper began to hear something else besides the reversed words. A new unknown language he had never heard of. One that seemed impossible to hear, understand, and speak. But he was hearing it and even more shocking. He knew exactly what it meant. He suddenly began to feel a pain in his head. He fell to his knees and grabbed his head while closing his eyes. His mind began to race with information he never even heard of before. Equations to create solar systems, galaxies, pocket dimensions. Equations to create life from death, life from nothing. He held knowledge scientist of even the future yearned for. When the pain stopped dipper could feel things that weren't touching him physically. By instinct he knew exactly what it was. Magic. He could feel the magic of ritual seeping into him. Changing his very being. The next pain he felt was very sudden happening instantaneously. This time it was over his complete body. It felt as if every molecule in his body was exploding at the speed of light. He felt as if he was about to pass out. When just as soon as it had started it disappeared. Dipper breathed a sigh of relief. Soon he felt the magic die down until it was gone. Dipper breathed heavily as he was trying to catch his breath. Dipper opened his eyes. After they were opening their color began to change starting from the outside and working its way in. The white became the same blue as the pine tree on his hat while the pupil became a pink similar to his sisters sweaters. "It is done." The dream demon said.

That is the last chapter of this book. Thank you for reading. I don't know when I'll get started on the third book in the series. Probably after I finish the second books in my spiderman series and a certain scientific Tennyson series. Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. I will add another chapter to reveal the name of the third book when I gain an idea for the name.

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