The future

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Everyone looked around and took in the sight of the futuristic world.

"This is the future?!" Pacifica Asked.

"Yep. This is where I got a lot of the science for my technology." Ford Said. Pacifica looked in wonder.

"Dipper. Do you see this?" She asked. She looked to find dipper still asleep in a nightmare. "Dippers still asleep." Pacifica Said.

"I was afraid of this. We may have gotten away from bill. But dipper is still under bills Dream illusions. The only thing able to free him now is a dream demon." Ford Said.

"What you think Bills gonna free him?!" Mabel asked.

"Who said it had to be Bill." Ford said. He looked at Pacifica and Stanley. "Carry dipper. We need to start moving." Ford Said. They then began to walk. Ford whistled hailing a cab. A hover car came to a stop. The window rolled down. "Time square please." Ford Said. Everyone began to get in the small cab to find the inside of it enormous. The inside was bigger then the outside.

"How is this possible?" Velma asked.

"We we're shrunk when we walked in. Don't worry. When we walk out we will return to normal size." Ford explained. Everyone looked out the window and in the blink of an eye they were somewhere else entirely.

"Wow! What just happened!" Grenda Asked.

"Vehicles in this time are able to travel faster then light." Ford Said. Ford pulled out a card and swiped a little console. Paying for the ride. They then got out of the car. They found themselves in the center of a square. The floor was a giant clock. "Everyone stay close."

"We're not leaving your side any time soon old man." Robbie said. They started walking and soon came to a giant mansion. Like giant. As if it was made for giants. Ford pressed a button by the gate.

"Hello?" Someone Said.

"Stanford pines." Ford said. The man saw who it was.

"Mr. Pines!" The man said. He pressed a button and the gate began to open. "Welcome sir." The man said.

"The people of the future know you?" Soos Asked.

"I've been here quite a lot. Enough for time baby to owe me a favor. Which really upsets him." Ford Said.

"Did you just say baby?!" Mabel said excitedly.

"Mabel-" Pacifica began. But Stan stopped here.

"Wait. I want to see this." Stan said with a smug smile. They then walked in the mansion and they found themselves in a giant room similar to what fireplace room in Pacifica's mansion except way bigger. Soon a man came out.

"Time baby will see you shortly." He said before disappearing. Soon after a giant baby floating a few feet off the ground floated into the room.

"Stanford pines." Time baby said in his big deep voice. "I guess you are here for your favor." He asked. Ford nodded.

"My-" Ford began.

"Oh my gosh! Your so adorable!" Mabel said. Time baby saw Mabel and for a brief second he looked like a sad baby. But he quickly fixed it. "Who wants a tickle?" Mabel said. She ran and began to tickle the time baby and to everyone's surprise he began to laugh and giggle like the baby he was. "Who's a good little baby?" Mabel asked.

"I'm a good little baby." Time baby said with a smile. He then began to shrink till he was the size of an actual baby. Mabel gasped as she picked him.

"Oh. Your just so adorable." Mabel said. The time baby giggled. But unlike before now his giggle sounded more like a baby's. Ford cleared his throat. The time baby looked at Ford then back at Mabel.

"Well. This is awkward." The time baby said. His voice also sounding like that of an actual baby. He then floated away and grew to his giant size. Causing Mabel to pout.

"Aww." Mabel said.

"As I was saying. We need a Dream demon to awaken dipper from this nightmare Bill has placed on him." Ford Said.

"If bill is involved. Then very well. I will call upon the most powerful dream demon I know. And ask him to release dipper from this nightmare." The time baby said. Time baby raised his hand and dipper began to float. Along with dipper the time baby left the room.

"The time baby will return. Until then. Enjoy yourselves in his humble abode." The man said. Then to the everyone. The room began to shrink till it was average size.

"I'm gonna guess we grew bigger?" Candy asked.

"Precisely. Now. We must wait for dipper to return." Ford Said. Pacifica sat in a chair and watched the door the time baby had exited through with dipper.


Dipper found himself no longer in his nightmare. Instead he was in the pitch black nothingness again.

"Alright bill! Where are you you son of a bitch!" Dipper yelled.

"Calm down." Said someone else. Dipper turned around to find nothing.

"Who's there?" Dipper Asked.

"Someone who like you despised the bill of the past." The anonymous dream demon said.

"So?" Dipper Asked.

"So I have released you from Bills illusion." They said.

"Ok. So why am I here talking to you?" Dipper Asked.

"Your friends have brought you to the year 207018 to seek the help of a friend of mine known as the time baby. The time baby requested I release you from this curse of bill. Now I am keeping you here so that we may have a quick talk." The dream demon said.

"A quick talk about what?" Dipper Asked.

"A deal." The dream demon said. In front of dipper a blue fire exploded in front of him and created a contract paper out of thin air. Dipper looked at it for a second.

"Tell me about your deal." Dipper said without hesitation.

Back in gravity falls 2018

Bill was walking through the forest in his human form. Charles his follower right behind.

"Ugh sir. I have done everything I can to bring you back. I was hoping that you would reward your humble servant." Charles said shaking. Bill stopped and looked at him.

"Oh you'll get your reward. As soon as we make base. I was thinking maybe an island in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Make it a tropical island to have some fun and relax while I wait for the prophecy." Bill said.

"But sir. I thought you were gonna sleep and wake up in the future for the prophecy." Charles said.

"Plans change. Now let's get moving. That island isn't gonna make it self." Bill said.

"One more thing sir. What about the dome barrier. No supernatural being can cross it. And any human who crosses forgets everything they've seen here." Charles said.

"Dome schmome. Im a dream demon. I can go where ever I WANT!" Bill said he through his hand in a wave sending a wave of magic that hit the dome. When the wave of magic hit the dome broke as if it had been made of glass. Charles just stared at his master in awe.

"Now. Let's start moving." Bill said. With that they began to walk again.

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