The beginning of war

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Pacifica woke up first. She looked around the room and saw dipper in the bed next to her she blushed a deep red. She then check herself. She sighed in relief. She still had her underwear on so nothing happened. She then wondered what happened after the restaurant. She then got out of the bed and went into the kitchen where a tablet laid on the kitchen table. She picked it up and went to the security system on it. She got access to the restaurants security and watched dipper put her in the car. Sadly the camera didn't catch what she said. But then she noticed how she grabbed his arm. She then moved onto the house security system and watched the rest of it. After she was finished she was blushing like mad. Dipper came into the kitchen.

"Hey Paz. Whatcha doin?" He asked.

"Watching last nights security videos to see what happened." She said still blushing. Dipper blushed a bit too. "Umm. Thanks. For... uh... being dipper." She said then sat the tablet down and went to the living room and sat on a couch while putting her face into the cushion. She screamed into the cushion. 'How could I have done that!' Roared at herself in her mind. Her phone buzzed. She looked at it to see fords ID. He had sent her a text message. She read it. "Dipper. Fords calling us. He wants us at the shack." She said. Dipper understood and nodded. They both took showers and got into clothes they felt comfortable with. Then they hopped onto dippers motorcycle and drove off to the mystery shack.

Time skip

Once they arrived at the mystery shack dipper and Pacifica went to the vending machine.

"Oh. Hey dudes." Soos said.

"Sorry Soos. Gotta get to the basement. Ford wanted some help with something. Soos nodded.

"Ok then. You guys have fun." He said then got back to work. Dipper and Pacifica went through the vending machine and into the base.

"So. What's going on?" Pacifica asked.

"We have a slight problem. The manotaurs have been stirred up by something. We don't know what." Ford said.

"How do you know?" Pacifica asked.

"Well. A manotaur used a special communicator to contact us. Being a manotaur he probably ended up using the communicator as a weapon. All we know is there fighting something big. So gear up." Ford said. Dipper and Pacifica walked to a wall. The wall opened to reveal futuristic guns, grenades and other weapons. Dipper grabbed his gun and flipped it to semi. Pacifica grabbed some dual handguns. They both pulled off a bunch of energy clips from the wall. After they were geared up they hopped into a high tech dune buggy and drove off. Yeah. Ever since Pacifica joined the team Ford has been able to get his hands on some more materials and tech. They raced through the forest. When they arrived at the manotaur cave fire was spewing form the caves mouth. Dipper and Pacifica activated a wristband and a force field seemed to wrap around their bodies. Then they ran into the cave to find parts of the cave crumbled. They then looked at the scene that lay before them. It was manotaur against manotaur.

"What the hell?" Dipper asked. They then ran forward. Suddenly a manotaur ran at them. It didn't take much for dipper to pin the manotaur down. He then looked at it. It was pubertaur. That was weird to dipper. He had met pubertaur and they got along fine. Why would he attack dipper? Then dipper noticed his eyes. They're glowing yellow. Dipper just stared into the eyes. What was that?  He then knocked out pubertaur. He then looked around. Chutzpar knocked down another manotaur with the glowing eyes.

"Chutzpar. What the devils going on?" Dipper asked.

"Some demon has turned our brethren against us. We do not know why." Chutzpar said.

"Ok. Pacifica stay with chutzpar. I'm gonna look around." He said. He then turned back to chutzpar. "What about leaderaur?" Dipper asked.

"He was one of the first to be turned." Chutzpar said. Dipper sighed.

"I'll take care of him then." Dipper said. He began to move to find leaderaur. He eventually found him standing among a pile of unconscious and dead manotaurs. 'What could cause these guys to do this?' He wondered. "Hey! Leaderaur! Come at me!" Dipper yelled. Leaderaur turned towards him. Leaderaur then breathed a column of fire from his nostrils and charged at dipper. Dipper did the same and charged at leaderaur. He jumped into the air so that he was on level with leaderaurs head. Then with as much force as he could he smashed leaderaur in the head sending him flying back and hitting the cave wall. This caused a huge rumble that made everyone look at him. This gave the manotaurs the perfect opportunity to take down the glowing eyed manotaurs. Then all the glowing eyed manotaurs were tied up using a special wire Ford created that even a giant couldn't break. They were then take back to the a second base in the woods. Their they were each placed in holding cells. It didn't take long for the manotaurs to wake up. When they did they began pounding on the screen walls calling for the brethren. This struck dipper as odd. Not long after Ford and Stan showed up.

"What's going on? Why are these manotaurs in the cells?" Ford asked.

"Something's wrong with them. When me and Pacifica showed up they were fighting each other. Now their calling for their brethren. It's strange." Dipper said. Ford then walked to a cell. The manotaur looked at him with his glowing yellow eyes.

"You! Demon! What have you done to our brethren!" The manotaur roared.

"Demon? Me?" Ford asked confused.

"Stop speaking in such strange language! I do not understand! And what I do not understand I break and if I can't break I get mad!" The manotaur roared and began to punch the force field that seperated him from Ford.

"Interesting. He must see me as a demon and what ever I say he hears it some other strange dialogue. Something is causing him to see illusions and hear thing differently. question is what?" Ford said. He then looked at them. "I'll need to study them closely. Dipper use some gas to knock out a manotaur and get him strapped to a table for examination. Something about those eyes doesn't sit right with me." Ford said. With that he walked away as dipper knocked out a manotaur and got him onto a table. He just looked at the manotaur.

"What caused this?" He asked himself.

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