New enemy

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"Can you wait here for a while?" Dipper asked.

"I can wait all day my good man." Charles said. Dipper faked a smile and closed the door. He then went to the kitchen and found Pacifica eating some of his food.

"Who was that?" Pacifica Asked. She started drinking some orange juice.

"He claims to be your fiancée." Dipper said with crossed arms. Pacifica's eyes opened wide and she spit out all of the juice she had in her mouth.

"What?!" She exclaimed. She stood up and looked at dipper confused. "I don't have a fiancée!" She exclaimed.

"Tell that to Charles Harold the III." Dipper said mocking Charles and how he said it so properly. Dipper shook his head. "Don't like the guy already." Dipper said.

"Ok. Well let's learn the entire story. Because I had no idea about this. At all. Get him in here I'll go talk to my mom." Pacifica Said. Dipper nodded then left and brought the guy inside. They then sat down in the living room. Dipper sat across from the guy.

"So. You the Family butler?" Charles asked.

"No." Dipper asked.

"Family friend?" Charles asked again.

"Not entirely." Dipper said.

"Then what are you to the Preston's?" Charles asked.

"Pacifica's boyfriend." Dipper said. Charles raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Well. This is awkward." Charles said. Dipper leaned back in the chair.

"Very." Dipper said clearly not liking Charles. After awhile Pacifica and her mother came down the stairs.

"Ahh. Mrs. Northwest. A pleasure to meet you." Said Charles.

"Thank you. Pacifica has told me of what you said. Your her fiancée?" Mrs. Northwest asked.

"Well of course. Just ask mr. Northwest. He is the one who set up the arranged marriage." Charles replied.

"Who even does those anymore?" Dipper asked.

"Of course he did this." Pacifica Said angrily.

"Am I missing something?" Charles asked looking more to Pacifica and Mrs. Northwest.

"I'm sorry you probably didn't hear, but Preston was arrested not too long ago for abusing me and Pacifica. Along with several other things found while investigating him. I'm sorry but we had no idea about this." Mrs. Northwest explained.

"That's fine. You know now and we can continue my parents have already gotten everything ready." Charles said.

"I'm sorry. I'm not marrying someone I just met. And worse someone my father set me up with. And I already have a boyfriend. Sorry Charles I'm not gonna marry you." Pacifica said. As if like a switch Charles demeanor changed. He became angry fast.

"Preston promised me that you'd be mine." Charles said in a threatening tone. Pacifica backed up a step at the threat. Dipper cracked his knuckles.

"Sorry. But as we said. Preston was a dirty man. Pacifica is 18 and has control over her life. She says she won't marry you so suck it up and leave. Threaten her again I fucking dare you." Dipper said.

"You do this your making a dangerous enemy." Charles said.

"I'm sorry. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave." Dipper said standing up. Pacifica took a breath.

"You know the way out I believe." Pacifica Said. Charles stood up and punch dipper in the face. Dipper moved his head with the punch.

"Good right hook. You must exercise a lot." Dipper said in a hearty manner. He then looked at Charles with a smile. "But your nowhere near my level. Now leave before you feel my right hook." Dipper said. Charles was a little shocked then he turned and went to the door. Before he exited he looked at them one last time.

"You will regret this!" He yelled before closing the door.

"Did anyone else get the feeling he is a complete psychopath by that sudden change in emotion. He went from hopeful to straight up anger in point two seconds. I mean did either of you get that?" Dipper asked.

"Yes." Mrs. Northwest.

"Very." Pacifica Said.

"We should probably be prepared for anything he might do. Mrs. Northwest you might want bodyguards. If he is a complete psycho who knows how he might try and get at you." Dipper suggested.

"Why would He go for my mom?" Pacifica Asked.

"Who knows how that guy might pin her as someone against the marriage of you two. I can protect you Pacifica no problem as you saw how I could easily take care of your dad. And I can be around you twenty four seven. But unless you stay with your mom twenty four seven I can't be around both of you at once." Dipper said. Pacifica sighed.

"Your right. Ok. we'll hire some bodyguards as soon as we can. thanks for being here. who knows what he would have done if you weren't here." pacifica said.

"i agree" said pacifica's mother.

"yeah. i dont want to even think of what he might have done. now lets try and forget that guy and just enjoy the day.

as the car with charles inside drove away he looked back at the mansion with hatred and disgust.

"you will regret the day you crossed my path." he said in psychotic tone. and with that he faced forward and began to think of all the ways he could possible get back at them for stopping him from getting he so rightfully deserved and was tolled was his. then he was gone.

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