Bills visit

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An hour after ford apologized to Stanley everyone was in the basement to talk about bill.

"As we saw last night bill's an expert strategist. He's used the old strategy of turning us against each other and used it to turn our allies into his slaves. He knows every strategy there is. We cannot expect to figure out what he will do next by what he has done in the past. Bill is not. I repeat is not a being of habit. He has no pattern. So instead. We're simply gonna take as many precautions as possible. Especially now that bill has become more active." Ford said.

"From now on. Everyone moves in groups. Everyone group up." Stanley said. Dipper put his arm around Pacifica. Robbie and tambry partnered up. Soos and Wendy fist bumped. And Mabel, candy, and Grenda got together. All the while Mabel looked at her feet.

"Everyone will report in every hour with your voice so that we know its you. We will communicate through these." Ford Said. He handed everyone walkie talkies. "We will communicate on channel 3." Ford Said.

"If there is an emergency you will tell us all about it through these before you go in. That way if anything happens we know where to start looking for you." Stan said.

"And to make sure everyone is ok. We will all be sleeping here. Mabel and friends will take Mabel's room, dipper and Pacifica will have dippers room. Robbie and tambry can take my room as I will stay down here. Wendy will take stans room as he will be joining me. Soos will have the guest room, and Velma will be able to make a web down here so that she's safe. Those are the major rules. The rest you will find in this pamphlet." Ford said handing out packets. "This is for your own good." Everyone nodded in understanding. "That's it." Ford Said. Everyone then dispersed. Dipper and Pacifica had to leave so that way they could get Pacifica's mother back into the mansion. They then spent a lot of time with Pacifica's mother explaining where they went. After that they went back to the mystery shack. When they got there it was 10:30. Dipper and Pacifica changed clothes and immediately fell asleep.

Later in the night.

"Hey there pine tree." Someone said in dipper head. Dipper opened his eyes. Or he thought he did. He opened his eyes to find himself in a strange place. It was a foggy street. It looked like the street of his old neighborhood.

"Where am I? Matter a fact who said that?" Dipper Asked. Suddenly a yellow triangle with a single eye, a top hat, and a cane appeared.

"Hello pine tree." Bill said.

"Bill!" Dipper yelled. He ran forward and jumped at bill but bill stopped him by holding out his hand in a stop position.

"Hold it there kid. I came to talk." Bill said. Dipper struggled against invisible bonds holding him.

"I'll believe that when you fall over dead." Dipper said glaring at bill.

"That hurts pine tree. You hit deep." Bill said acting hurt.

"Cut the shit. What do you want?" Dipper Asked.

"Ok. Ok. Let's go for a walk." Bill said. He snapped his fingers and dipper fell landing on a horse. "You like horses? I love horses. Almost as much as I loved the greeks. Anyways I came to make a deal." Bill said. All dipper could do is listen to bill. "You see. All I want is to come into your world. After I'm there I'm gonna take a really, really long nap. You see." Bill moved closer to dipper and put his arm around dipper. "All I want is to find my purpose in the universe. Besides once I'm asleep it won't be for another 200,000 years till I wake up and learn the prophecy. You'd be long dead by then. So why not let me make the short life you have left worth while? I can give you powers over the mind similar to mine but on a lower level. Then you can go through life getting everything you ever wanted. Fame, fortune, woman, knowledge, anything you could ever want." Bill said with a relaxed demeanor. Dipper looked at him. "So. What do you say kid?" Bill asked

"No thanks Bill." Dipper said.

"No thanks. Huh? I thought you were smarter then that kid." Bill said.

"You controlled some of our friends to attack us. You attacked my family. I'm gonna make sure you never make it to our world." Dipper said.

"Hahaha! Kid I was one that gave the Neanderthals the idea of the wheel, I gave Socrates the answer to all of his questions, I helped the Greeks and the Trojans, I'm the one who caused humanity to be what it is today. I'm the one who has the answers to nearly every question in the entire universe. And you tell me no because of your family? God your dumber then I thought. Don't you see. I've already won. I know everything you, Ford, stanley, or any of your friends will think of to do against me. You just don't see it yet." Bill said with a laugh.

"Because I'm loyal to my friends and family." Dipper said.

"Oh really? What about that Sister of yours? Your not very loyal to her." Bill said.

"What are you talking about. She's the one who screwed up." Dipper said.

"Not from her eyes." Bill said.

"What ever. You get the point. I'm not accepting the deal." Dipper said.

"Kcab eht ni uoy bats lliw seilla rouy nehw wonk reven ouy. Kcab rouy hctaw. Remember Reality is an illusion, buy gold, bye!" Bill yelled before disappearing.

Dipper woke up sweating hard. The words Bill said burned into his mind. Dipper quietly got out of bed not waking Pacifica. He then easily found a tape recorder in his nightstand. He then went to the living room and repeated what bill said to. Then played it backwards.

"Watch your back. You never know when your allies will stab you in the back." It Said backwards. Dipper stared at the tape recorder in his hands. After he hid the tape recorder in his nightstand and got back in his bed with Pacifica. As he laid there staring up at the ceiling. Pacifica turned So her head was on his chest and her arm went across him. He looked down at her and kissed her forehead before falling back to sleep. Knowing the next day he would tell the others on what bill said.

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