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Ford immediately began to examine the manotaur. As he suspected the only symptom of whatever it was that had a hold of the manotaurs was the glowing yellow eyes. Something kept bugging him about those eyes. He couldn't quite figure out what it was. After a while of examining them he gave up and put the manotaur back in the cell. He then looked at the time to see it was 11:37. He yawned and went back to the shack. He then went to his room and fell to sleep.

When he woke up he began to work on another invention of his for the public. Stanly reeled in money sure. But that money was for the bills and to buy things. The money Ford earned was for material to either build more inventions to sell or to build high tech gear for dipper and Pacifica. But Ford was distracted. Something about the manotaurs eyes. Stanly walked over to Ford.

"Hey sixer. The bill came in." He said. He held out the bill to Ford. Ford was hit by something Stan said. Sixer? No Stan always called him that. Bill? He thought. He immediately knew it was that word that was bugging him. He began to ponder.

"Bill. Bill. Bill. Why does that sound so familiar?" He thought a loud.

"Probably because you always take care of the bills." He said. Stan was a bit confused by Ford.

"Bill. Bill..." Fords eyes widened in realization. "Bill!" He said.

"Yeah. Bill. Come on my hands getting tired. Take the freaking bill!" Stan said. Ford rushed past him.

"Set the bill down on my desk and come on!" Ford yelled. Stan looked at his brother wided. He set the bill down and ran after his brother. Ford then texted dipper and Pacifica to meet them at the holding facility. He got a text back a little later saying they were already there. Ford then busted into place in a hurry. He began searching through all his tools. "Where is it! Where is it!" Ford complained.

"Where's what?" Dipper asked.

"Aha!" Ford cried out. In his hands was a tape recorder. It was a weird one that held more buttons then your average tape recorder.

"Uh? What is that?" Stan asked. Ford then walked to a cell with a manotaur behind it. He pressed the record button.

"Do you understand this recording?" He said. He then held it in front of the force field and pressed a button so that it played in reverse.

"?gnidrocer siht dnatsrednu uoy od" it said. The manotaur looked at him.

"Of course I understand that! That is fords voice! What have you done to him!" The manotaur roared. Ford sighed and shook his head.

"Great uncle Ford. What's wrong? We found the way to communicate to them! That's great right?!" Dipper said in a happy manner.

"While that is true it also confirms my worst fear. The bing behind this. Is Bill." Ford said. Stans eyes opened wide.

"Oh no! Bill! Whats he doing back! I thought we beat him last time!" Stan said.

"We did. But if you remember last time he said he'd be back. And I don't think we can beat bill the same way as last time." Ford said. Dipper just looked confused.

"Who's bill?" He asked.

"Who's bill?!" Stan asked as if dipper offended him by the question. "Bill cyphers one mof the most powerful beings in this dimension let alone this universe!" Stan said.

"Bill cipher is a dream demon. He is a being of great power. Able to create illusions so powerful they cannot be distinguished from reality with ease. Only a being of the same or more power as bill is strong enough to see through his illusions. And no such being has been heard of." Ford said.

"So bill is causing them to see and hear illusions that make them think we're the demons." Dipper said in realization. Then he looked at Ford. "So why do they understand what you said in reverse?" He asked.

"Because demons language is perceived to a lesser beings ears as a backwards version of their language. They can speak a lesser beings language easily so they can be understood. But their native language just sounds like a backwards of some other language. Depends of who hears it. Everything a person or monster under bills illusions hears is a backwards version of whatever they hear." Ford said. Dipper nodded in understanding.

"So basically all of these guys are under the influence of bill?" Pacifica asked. Ford nodded.

"So how do you fight a dream demon or better yet how do we keep him out of our minds?" Dipper asks.

"There are many different ways to keep bill out of your minds. Personally me and Stan had a metal plate inserted in our heads to cover our brains." He said. Dipper and Pacifica laughed.

"Good one great uncle Ford." Dipper said. Ford kept a straight face and knocked on his head making a clanking noise. Dipper and Pacifica both stopped laughing.

"But there are other ways to keep him out of your heads. So today we will spend the rest of the day encrypting your minds to keep him out." Ford said. Dipper and Pacifica looked at him confused.

"Encrypt our minds?" They said in unison. Dipper looked at Pacifica and smiled. She did the same to him.

"Yes. So let's get to work!" Ford said. Then Ford took the pair to the basement of the shack and hooked them up to the mind encryption machine. Pacifica went first because dipper insisted her mind be secured first. When it attached to her head the screen came to life with all of her thoughts on the screen.

"I hope this doesn't take long I want to go shopping and find those beautiful high heels. Dipper should come with I could get him to help me pick clothes he thinks look nice. Maybe I can get dipper to get some clothes that show off his muscles. Ooh dippers muscles." The machine speakers said. Pacifica blushed bright red. Dipper just looked at her thoughts.

"Hey maybe I can finally understand how woman think by reading her thoughts." Dipper said a loud.

"Idiot!" The machine yelled. "Don't you dare read my mind! That's rude to read a young woman's mind! I make a solid case. Yeah you do!" The machine said. Pacifica had a stubborn look on her face. Dipper then back off and away from the machine.

Time skip

Soon it was dippers turn to get into the machine. When he put it on this is what the machine read.

"I wonder what other mysteries lie within gravity falls. Wonder how Ford and Stan beat bill the first time? What will it take for me and Pacifica to beat him? Pacifica. Man the way she acted last night. Damn. That was sexy. No dipper! Bad dipper! Be the gentlemen!" The machine roared the last thought. Pacifica and dipper blushed at what his thoughts said about her. He thought she had been sexy when she was drunk. Pacifica made a mental note to do exactly what she had done last night again. She wanted to get dipper in bed with her for some fun. She loved him that much. But she'd have to make it clear she wanted it after dipper is a gentlemen. For the rest of the day Pacifica spent the day with dipper while his mind was encrypted.

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