The portal

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Once at the mystery shack dipper, Pacifica, and Velma got out. Then as they ran up to the mystery shack it blew up in a shock wave that was following a beam of light. This sent them all flying back.

"We're too late." Dipper Said. Just then something began to crawl from the wreckage. It had four giant limbs and a slim figure. None of them could see who it is because they were in front of the light.

"Well well Well. What do we have here. The pines boy, the rich girl, and the runaway." Said an all to familiar voice.

"Darlene. I knew you weren't dead." Dipper Said. He stood back up. "Now I'm really gonna kill you." Dipper ran forward and jumped up to tackle her but she swatted him aside with one of her giant spider limbs. Pacifica ran and tackled on of the legs in an attempt to know her down. But it didn't work. Instead like dipper she was swatted aside. Velma turned and began to run.

"Where do you think your going?!" Darlene asked. She jumped and landed in front of her. "I'm gonna tear you apart limb by limb with you still alive. I'll have you begging for death. I'll-!" Suddenly she smashed by a giant piece of wood from the rubble. She looked at the Origen of it to find dipper standing next to a huge pile of wreckage. He then picked up the fridge.

"You look hungry. How about you get something from the fridge!" Dipper yelled as he threw it. It smashed into Darlene tossing her back. This left a trail in the ground leading to her. She pushed the fridge off of her.

"You will pay dearly for that one, boy!" She said threateningly.

"I'll believe that when I see it." Dipper said smugly. Darlene roared then ran forward. Dipper bent down and began to throw more and more rubble at her she knocked it all aside and pushed forward. Then when she was close Dipper threw dirt in her eyes blinding her. He then tackled her to the ground and began to punch her in the stomach of her body. After a while she used her legs to grab him. She then tossed him aside. When she got up she glared at him.

Caution extreme cussing 🤬

"Hey! Bitch!" Pacifica Called. Darlene turned to face Pacifica. "That's right I'm talking to you. You 8 eyed, 8 limbed bitch! Little stupid bitch!2+2 not knowing what the fuck it is bitch! Cross-eyed, crying down your back fat foot ass bitch. Long tittied, no nipple having ass bitch.(Kevin hart anybody?)." Pacifica Said. This sure got Darlene's attention. Darlene popped her neck. The She began to grow. As she was growing her body changed. He skin turned black. Her legs and arms became spider legs, her head changed into a spiders head and the rest of her body changed into a abdomen. She grew until she was giant spider the size of a house.

"Holy fuck." Dipper said She then began to move striking the ground with her giant legs. After awhile Dipper, Pacifica, and Velma had hidden themselves. "What is she?" Dipper Asked.

"She is as spider god. Arachnimorphs are like the Greek myth Arachne. The next evolution in the line of us is spider god. Only way to become one is by using magic. Now instead of her having to disguise herself as a human she is now able to shapeshift between human and a-" Velma was cut off.

"Giant spider. Got it." Dipper Said. He looked at Darlene. Then he went back to Velma. "Any suggestions?" Dipper Asked.

"No. Well. Not really, but the only place she isn't vulnerable now is inside her. Her new exoskeleton is far to strong for anything to damage it. And it is also magically enhanced." Velma said.

"So basically if she were to say swallow a grenade she's doomed?" Pacifica Said. Velma nodded. Pacifica and dipper looked at each other.

"I got the grenade!" Dipper said quickly as Pacifica began to say the same thing.

"Damn it!" She Said. She then ran out behind Darlene and jumped onto her back. Once she was on Darlenes Pacifica began to repeated punch her while holding on for dear life as Darlene tried her best to buck her off. After a while Pacifica was tossed over so that she was still hanging onto Darlene but was no at the front looking Darlene in the eyes.

"Ugh... hi?" Pacifica Said slightly scared. Darlene let out a terrible screech. She then shot a web from her mouth that grabbed Pacifica's hand. It soon became tug'o'war between the two as Darlene was pulling her hand into her mouth and Pacifica was pulling away. To help out Pacifica warped her legs around Darlene's head to allow her to use more force. This went on for awhile as Darlene was shaking violently trying to get Pacifica to lose the fight. She had been slamming Pacifica into the ground, into the trees, and into the rubble. But these only left small bruises on Pacifica as she was tanking everything being done to her.

"Dipper!" Pacifica Called.

"Almost found them!" Dipper Called as he was searching through the rubble that had been the basement. "Got it!" Dipper yelled as picked up a plasma grenade. He then threw the grenade to Pacifica. She caught it with her free hand. As quickly as she could Pacific put it in her other hand let it go into Darlene's mouth. Once her hand was it she was already feeling queasy.

"Ew!!!" Pacifica complained. Then as she felt that she felt a burning sensation. "Ow!" She yelled. She quickly pulled the plasma grenades pin and yanked out her arm. She then jumped back away from Darlene causing darlene to tumble back. Dipper caught her mid flight. Causing them both to fly back a bit. Velma quickly moved to them. Dipper saw her arm. It was burned. Pacifica was groaning from the pain.

"What did this Velma?" Dipper Asked.

"It's her digestive enzyme." Velma quickly answered.

"Please keep in mind I'm not a genius and don't completely understand nerd talk." Pacifica groaned.

"You were burned by Darlene's stomach acid." Dipper said.

"Ew!" Pacifica Said. They then heard crunching and looked to see Darlene standing up. She then moved towards them, got down on their level, and screeched.

"I'm gonna kill you as slowly and excruciating as possible." Darlene said in a insect voice. Just then a sound began to originate from inside Darlene. As if something was finished charging up. Dipper looked at her with a smile.

"Too late." He Said. Just then a bright light exploded inside Darlene and she toppled over. Dead.

"She dead?" Pacifica Asked since she was in too much pain to look.

"Yep." Dipper Said. He then gently set Pacifica down.

"Good. Now go stop bill." Pacifica Said. Dipper nodded then ran to the beam of light.

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