Bills plan

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"Wait. Your telling us bill visited you last night?" Stan asked.

"Yes." Dipper said.

"Why?" Pacifica Asked.

"He wanted to make a deal. He wanted me to help him come over to our world. In exchange he'd give me power to get anything I wanted." Dipper said.

"How do we know you didn't accept the deal?" Mabel asked. Dipper looked at her.

"Why the hell would be telling you this if I had made the deal with bill." Dipper said.

"I don't know. I'm too stupid to understand anything you do." Mabel said. Dipper sighed.

"I hate to say it. But Mabel has a point. We don't know if you did or didn't make the deal." Wendy said.

"I have to agree with them we can't know for sure." Ford Said.

"Ok. Well I didnt make the deal." Dipper said.

"Ok. Kid. We believe you. Anything else we should know?" Stan asked.

"Yeah. Bill also said something before he left." Dipper said. He placed the tape recorder on the table. Dipper played it forward so everyone heard the backwards message then played it in reverse so everyone heard it. Ford scratched his chin.

"By the message it makes me think he plans to continue to turn us and our allies against each other. But again. Bill doesn't have a pattern. He could have used you knowing you would tell us this to put doubts in ourselves. Bill is far to smart and tricky to trust anything he says. For now we must trust each if we are to stop bill from coming over. Right now our top priority is to find and stop bill's cult. We stop them we stop bill. We will begin to look for them today. Everyone will take a vehicle and begin to search immediately. I have input your areas into your gps's. Let's go everyone." Ford Said pointing to the vehicles to the side of them in front of a tunnel. Dipper looked at Mabel and started towards her to apologize. When she saw him moving to her she quickly ran to one of the vehicles with candy and Grenda. Dipper sighed then moved to the one Pacifica got in. Velma (in her human form) got in behind them. With that they all began to drive out. After they were out in the forest they all split up. Dipper, Pacifica, and Velma had the area by the lake. As they were looking Velma caught sight of something.

"Wait!" She said and pointed in the direction of what she saw. "Somethings over there." She Said. Dipper stopped and looked. There was some big white thing. Dipper got out of the car.

"If something happens go. Don't wait for me. Just go." Dipper Said. Pacifica hesitated before nodding. Then dipper walked over to the object cautiously. As he got closer and closer he began to see what it was. It was the dead body of a arachnimorph. Which arachnimorph was impossible to tell as they all looked alike. "You guys can come. It's a dead body." Dipper Said. They walked over and when Velma saw it she froze.

"Velma. Do you know who it is?" Pacifica Asked. She slowly nodded her head.

"It's my mom." Velma said. Dippers eyes opened wide with shock. He pressed the button on his walkie talkie.

"Ford. We have a dead arachnimorph. Darlene to be exact." Dipper Said.

"Darlenes dead! God damn it! I wanted to be the one to kill her!" Stan said over the channel.

"Bring it back to the lab! A dead arachnimorph is nearly impossible to get your hands on as they eat their dead." Ford Said. Dipper looked at Velma and she nodded. Dipper then picked up the dead body and took it back to the lab. After ford had it set up he began to examine the body.

"Amazing. Velma is that what your dead look like if you don't eat them?" Ford Asked.

"After the blood has been taken out almost." Velma said. She circled it while being scared. "But I'm not seeing any punctures or wholes they'd use to get the blood out." Velma said.

"Hmm. That is strange. But we can look at that later. I'm gonna just..." Ford grabbed one of the legs and pulled trying to extended it but instead he ripped the leg off. "Wow! Your people's bodies sure are frail after death." Ford Said. He looked at the inside of the leg. "These are almost exactly like a spiders muscles. Of course on a bigger scale. This is great. With this information I could find the weaknesses of the arachnimorphs so that we may have better weapons against them. Not that we'd use them against you Velma." Ford Said. Velma backed away from the body. Dipper just looked at it. Something about the body was bothering him.

"What is it Dipper?" Ford Asked.

"I don't know. Somethings bothering me." Dipper Said.

"I can tell you what's bothering you. Who or what killed her." Stan Said. Dipper, Ford, Pacifica and Velma all looked at Stan.

"I crossed paths with this bitch. It took everything I had to beat her and even then I couldn't kill her. This was a long time ago when I was in my prime. Now. What on earth could have killed her? Darlene the queen of the arachnimorphs."

"Yes. That is true. She was healthy when we last saw her. As Velma said there are no holes. So she was either poisoned by fumes. Or magic was used." Ford Said

"Magic? As in spells? I know we work with supernatural. But spells. As in I could learn to use magic?" Pacifica Said.

"Yes. But no one has been able to use it for over a Millenia. Magic is a art lost to time. Also I am of the belief that magic is merely a higher form of science we cannot understand currently." Ford Said.

"So basically our number 1 suspect is bill." Dipper Said. Ford nodded.

"I guess the saying 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend' doesn't work with bill." Pacifica Said.

"Ok. We're gonna go back out now." Dipper Said. With that dipper, Pacifica, and Velma got in the car and drove off leaving Ford to study the arachnimorph body.

Else where

"Everything is ready sir." Said the robed man standing in pitch black darkness. Bill floating in front of him with his back towards the man.

"Good." Bill said. He stared off in front of him with a crazy look in his eye. "Let the plan begin!" Bill said. Then he began to laugh insanely while kicking with joy and rubbing his hands together.

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