Goodbye old friends

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After getting everything from the camp site and fixing the cars they all drove to the edge of town where the line was. They then came to a stop.

"Ok. Everyone out for goodbyes." Ford Said. Wasn't long before everyone got out of the car. Everyone lined up on the side of the ride. "Have you all decided?" Ford Asked. They all nodded. "Very well then make your choice stay forever or forget everything and leave a friend." Ford Said looking at Soos. Soos looked down sadly. These were his friends deciding wether they were gonna stay with him or leave him to be stuck in gravity falls Oregon for the rest of his life. First up was nate. He walked over to Soos and hugged him.

"I'm gonna miss you. But hey. I'm only forgetting the monsters right. I'll be back another time to visit." Nate said. Soos smiled at him. "That's a promise kid." Nate said. He removed Soos's hat and ruffled his hair. He then got into the van. Next was lee.

"Sorry Soos. But this is way too freaky for me." Lee said.

"I understand." Soos Said understanding lee.

"Hey. I promise I'll do the same thing nate promised." Lee said. He patted Soos on the back and got in the van next. Wendy came up next.

"We had some good times didn't we?" She asked with a smile. Soos smiled back and chuckled.

"Yeah. We did. Remember when you encouraged me to jump off that cliff into the water." Soos Said. Wendy laughed.

"Oh yeah. You definitely needed that. Afterwards we had to stop you from jumping so that we could leave. Ah... I can't wait to make some more memories just like that." Wendy said. Soos looked at her his smile getting bigger.

"Your staying?" He asked.

"Hell yeah! I mean how many people get to say they fight monsters?!" Wendy asked.

"Not a lot." Ford Said. Thompson started forward but Robbie moved faster.

"I'm not gonna leave. I've been nothing but a pain in people buts ever since I was 14. I'm done. I want to actually do something with my life." Robbie said in a determined manner.

"If Robbie stays. I stay." Tambry Said.

"Guess that leaves me." Thompson said. He hugged Soos. "You're the only one who didn't pick on me. Thank you Soos. I'm definitely gonna come back. See ya later." Thompson said. He got into the drivers seat and waved goodbye to them. Then they drove off. As they got nearer and nearer to the line a wave of energy was closing in on the spot where they were gonna cross. When they crossed the line the wave hit them, but they continued driving as if nothing happened. Ford put his hand on Soos.

"It is for the best." Ford Said.

"At least they can return to visit." Robbie said.

"Unlikely. When anyone who has been exposed to the supernatural has crossed the line and forgotten it the line places a mental block to ever wanting to come back. I'm sorry Soos." Ford Said.

"It's like you said. It's better that they stay away from gravity falls." Soos Said.

"Well put kid. Well put." Stan said.

"Alright. Let's return to the shack. We need to make some preparations for our new protectors." Ford Said.

"Hey what about us? Don't we get a choice?" Mabel asked.

"We already know you guys are joining us." Stan said.

"What makes you so sure?" Mabel asked.

"Candy was drooling all over my tech." Ford Said.

"Grenda wanted to know how we were so strong and how to get as strong as us." Pacifica Said.

"And you were complaining about how you weren't a part of the family secret." Stan said.

"Ok. So you do know why." Mabel Said shifting around.

"To the Soos mobile!" Dipper said. Everyone then piled into the van and Soos then started the drive to the mystery shack.


Darlene was pacing back and forth.

"Waiting for someone?" Bill asked. The possessed eyes of his follower appearing in the dark.

"You! You sent us straight into their trap! You said they wouldn't be prepared for us!" Darlene accused.

"Yeah. But if I told you you'd lose you wouldn't have gone. And for my plan to happen it kind of required you do that." Bill said.

"What plan?" Darlene asked.

"How many of your people were captured?" Bill asked.

"Quite a few. That monster named dipper destroyed a bunch of them while they were still frozen. The rest were unfrozen and taken away." Darlene said.

"Meh. Better then nothing." Bill said. He turned and began to leave.

"Wait! I did what you said. I attacked them at their base. You still owe me!" Darlene Said.

"You did didn't you. Very well. I am a demon of my word." Bill said he whirled around and shot a beam of light that hit darlene in the chest. She screamed in pain then doubled over. Her legs began to curl. "And a deals a deal." Bill said his eyes filling with blue fire

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