Enter bill

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Dipper jumped down to the basement where he found all the prisoners that were under bills control kneeling down in front of a fixed portal.

"Bill must have had Darlene fix the machine." Dipper said to himself. "I have to stop him." Dipper Said. Dipper then began to think. Knowing that none of the monster stood a chance against his strength even if they all worked together, dipper decided to just rush the thing. Dipper then charged tossing all those that got in his way to the side. The manotaurs tried to stop him but were no match for him. When he got to the machine he began to punch it several times. Then just when it only took one more punch a manotaur grabbed him and tossed him back. Dipper looked to find leaderaur. Dipper moved his shoulders in a circle then charged. Leaderaur followed suit.  When they collided dipper easily overpowered him sending him back. Dipper continued his charge towards the machine. He jumped up to punch it one last time and destroy the machine but when his fist was an inch from the machine he was stopped by an invisible force. Then he heard a laugh that was all to familiar. "Oh no! I'm too late!" Dipper Said. Just then bill began to come threw the portal.

"Yes you are." Bill said. He then flicked the air pointing to dipper and dipper crashed into the wall. "How did you like that little thing I did with my follower. Heheheh. He didn't even realize I was setting him up. Oh you humans are way to gullible." Bill said.

"Wait? You wanted me here?" Dipper asked confused.

"Well of course. I mean you said no to me and no one tells me no. Honestly I knew you were gonna deny my offer. But it was oh so much fun just dangle the answer right in front of you." Bill said.

"What about Darlene. Was she another pawn to you?" Dipper Asked.

"You betcha." Bill said. He then picked up dipper. "Now. What say you and me take this outside." Bill said. He then tossed dipper up in the air where he landed in front of Pacifica.

"Dipper!" Pacifica Said. Her arm was now wrapped in bandages made of spider silk.

"Oh there you are llama. I knew you were close by." Bill said with glee.

"Bill." Pacifica said in shock.

"The one and only. Now. Back to you pine tree." Bill said picking dipper up again.

"What is it that you want from me now?! Your already here! Why don't you just take your long nap through time so that way you can get your prophecy and leave!" Dipper Said.

"Oh. I'll get to that soon enough. But first. How about we have a little bit of FUN!!!" Bill said as he threw dipper into the ground. He snapped his fingers and a giant baseball bat appeared in his hand. He then lifted dipper up off the ground and changed him into a baseball. Dipper was then tossed into the air before bill hit him straight into a mountain. Dipper fell down and once he was on the ground he changed back. He groaned as he tried to stand up. "I heard Stanley trained you to box. Did you ever work with a punching bag?" Bill asked. He snapped his fingers and a punching bag with robot arms appeared. Then instead of dipper hitting the bag. The bag began to hit him. As dipper backed up away from the bag the bag moved forward until Dipper was pinned against the mountain while being punched repeatedly. Soon dipper was on the ground blood coming out of his nose and mouth and one eye swollen shut. Bill snapped his finger and the punching bag disappeared. Just then Pacifica and Velma came out of the trees.

"Dipper!" Pacifica screamed.

"Llama. Good to see you. Although I can't tell if poor pine tree here can see at all!" Bill said then began to laugh. "You know what. How about we get the entire group here!" Bill said. He snapped his hands and Ford, Stanley, and the others appeared out of nowhere.

"What?! What's going on?!" Ford Said while looking around.

"Dipper!" Stanley said pointing at dipper on the ground.

"Bill!" Ford said see the giant one eyed triangle.

"Yes. It is I. Bill! Now I have called you all here... To end you! You see I can see your entire life. From the time you were born to the time where your no more. And I don't see anything for you 2 minutes from now. So why don't I just have some fun by torturing your precious pine tree here. Right in front of your eyes." Bill said. He snapped his fingers and suddenly everyone was trapped inside a cage. Even grabbed the bars and began to try to pull them apart, but to no avail. Bill then moved to dipper and picked him up. "Come on pine tree. Where's that energy we saw moments ago? Huh?" Bill asked. He began to shrink. And as he shrunk he began to look more and more human. Until he was a White man with a tan, he had an eye patch over his right eye, he wore a yellow suit with black trimming, he had his top hat and cane too, and his hair was just as yellow as his suit. "I have a question. What is your worst nightmare?" Bill asked. Dipper didn't move anything except for his good eye to look at bill. Bill smirked. "There it is." Bill said. He snapped his fingers and dipper fell asleep. He began to toss and turn.

"What's happening?!" Pacifica Asked.

"Bills torturing him through his nightmares. Who knows what kind of horrors Bills making him see." Stanley said.

"We got to get out of here." Pacifica Said.

"Well. There is one way." Ford Said. Everyone looked at him expectantly.

Bill was smiling down on the incapacitated dipper.

"Just a few more seconds and you dipper pines will be no more." Bill said. He then looked back at the cage to find it completely empty of its prisoners. "What!!" Bill roared. He then heard a high pitch sound and turned to find everyone by dipper. He looked at ford and saw in his hands what looked to be a tape measure. Bills eye widened. "No!!!!" Bill yelled and as he threw out his hand to fire a blast of magic. At the same moment ford had already pulled the tape measure and let it go. They were then encircled by a sphere of blue light and disappeared. Causing the bolt of magic to hit the mountain. Bill turned to the sky. "Stanford!!!!!" Bill yelled.

205000 years in the future

A sphere of blue light appeared in a dark alley of a futuristic world. Everyone looked around.

"Where are we?" Pacifica Asked.

"Welcome to the year 207018. 207 thousand years in the future." Ford said.

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