Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Hey Sarah" said my dad a couple mornings later as he opened the door to my bedroom "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, I'm just on top of the world!" I yelled "The only boy that I truly loved fell off the Brooklyn Bridge, that's all!"

Today was the thirtieth day of the mission and this was the day when I fell down the manhole and found myself in the past. The days that were ahead of me now were days that I have never lived before but I won't be enjoying them. The last couple of days, I just lied down in my bed with the curtains shut and the lights off. The room was completely dark, like my soul. Dad would come into my room a lot to talk to me and give me gallons and gallons of ice cream. For days, I didn't ever brush my teeth, or do my hair. I barely got out of my bed once a day. So I'm sure that the rest of my life will just be repeat days like this

My dad walked into my room and sat on my bed which was so covered with tissues that it didn't look like a bed anymore "I let you stay in your bed for days so is there just one day you could get out and get ready?"

"Why?!" I yelled "It's not like there's anything that exciting out there anyways"

"Well, Mikes wake is today, are you going?"

"Of course I am"

Honestly, I didn't even want to go to the wake. I just wanted to stay in my room and do nothing all day but cry. But I knew that I had to go to Mikes wake, and I needed to go to his funeral. Even though I was too sad to be reminded of all the great memories of Mike, I'm going anyways because I was his girlfriend. Even if it only lasted for twenty minutes

My dad and I decided to walk to the funeral home which was in the town. Riding my bike would give me happiness and I didn't want that. I just wanted more time to cry. I was wearing a black cotton dress with Mike's sweatshirt over it. His sweatshirt was the only thing I had left from him

The outside of the funeral house was all white and it looked like just a regular family house. There was a white picked porch with a picket fence in front of it. I didn't even want to go inside the funeral home because I knew that inside would be conversation about Mike and I didn't want to hear about him anymore. The thought of him already consumes my mind every second anyways. I didn't need the hammer of him banging my head some more

The inside of the funeral home was painted beige and it had brown woodwork with beautiful carpets on the floor. Sure, it looked inviting to the normal human eye but to me, it was just a pit of sadness and depression. Wasn't everywhere like that?

Then, the orphans all came running up to me and pulled me in for a group hug. They were all crying just as much as I was and I could tell by their faces that they were crying for days. Mike was basically like their brother so they were mourning in a different way. They were mourning their sibling, I was mourning my true love

For about an hour, the orphans and I just sat on the couch and watched the slide show on the TV of Mike. It started off by saying "Rest in Peace Mike Willis, 2000-2017" Pictures would show up of Mike for about six seconds each while Amazing Grace was playing in the background. It seemed as if looking at the pictures of Mike made the orphans and I cry even more. He looked so dashing, handsome, and suave in the pictures. His brown hair always looked perfect and his green eyes looked so beautiful in every picture

There was pictures of Mike from when he was around twelve and first entered the orphanage. He looked frightened in some of the pictures as if the past caught up to him too much. In the pictures of him from ages twelve to sixteen, he was just doing regular things like eating or sitting on the couch but he looked good in ever picture he took

The pictures that made me cry the most was the ones from when Mike and I hung out. There was a lot of selfies we took together that showed up. Like selfies from when we played mini golf, ate together at lunch, the prom, and a picture the rider of the horse ride carriage took of Mike and I on our first date. In the pictures when Mike was with me, he just had such a happy look in his eyes. The slideshow lasted five minutes and I watched it with the orphans a hundred times

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