Chapter Twelve

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So yesterday, I just met the devil that killed my mother and she threatened to kill Mike and I. Our lives hang in the balance and Mike is completely brainwashed that Olga is a childhood friend and now Olga is after the guy I like. Yeah, I had a pretty normal day
Today, its school and maybe school would be a great thing to keep my mind off the fact that I have eighteen days left of my life unless I think of a way to defeat Olga. Who am I kidding? Mondays are bad luck no matter what
“Good morning Da-“
“I am worried sick about Olga hurting you” cried Dad. I never saw that much panic on my dad’s face in his life. His shirt was all wrinkled, his hair was never brushed, and his eyes were so bloodshot that it looked like he was staying up all night. Olga must have really scared Dad
“I’m scared too” I said “Olga told me that she was going to have Mike and I killed on the thirtieth day and she’s going to make my last days as miserable as she could”
“I know how it went down” said Dad “Your mother told me everything about what happened in the mission. Let me tell you that you are about to go through a lot and I’m going to protect you as much as I could. It’s going to be a tough battle to face”
“I know Dad”
All night last night, I’ve been laying in my bed in absolute horror. I’m just a seventeen year old girl who can’t even figure out how to use a curling iron. How am I supposed to figure out how to defeat a devil from hell?
On the whole bike ride to school today, I made sure to watch my back for the evil Olga ready to make my life more miserable. I know that Olga probably isn’t going to harm me for a few days but it doesn’t hurt to be careful. Even though being careful makes me even more scared and Olga feeds off of my fears
School looked just as miserable as it always did on Mondays. All the teachers were on their phones, looking at items online they could buy with their paycheck at the end of the week while the kids were hanging their heads down as if they were in hell. None of them know that I might be heading there
When I went into homeroom, I saw Tracey and Hanna, on their phones texting I guess. With all this fear building up inside of me, the last thing I wanted to do was deal with Tracey and Hanna
Then, I distinctly remember them thinking that I had a crush on Mike and I told them no. Maybe they just felt betrayed when I went to hang out with Mike. Sure, I have to save Mike from committing suicide but my best friends will always be my best friends
“Hey guys!” I greeted
Hanna and Tracey just rolled their eyes and continued playing on their phones. Maybe I should just tell them that I have a crush on Mike
“Tracey, you were right” I said “I actually do have a crush on Mike”
After I said that, Hanna and Tracey looked up from their phones in unison with shock on their faces. Then, they started squealing
“Oh my gosh!” screamed Tracey “This is huge! You have a crush on Mike!”
“Not so loud!” I whispered
“So no wonder you have been wanting to sit with Mike” said Hanna “We shouldn’t have gotten jealous”
“Yeah, we were complete jerks” said Tracey “I guess we were just worried about losing our best friend”
“Oh so instead you dumped me?” I asked. Tracey and Hanna rolled their eyes at each other. That can’t mean anything, can it?
Yeah, my best friends make no sense. But still, we were able to hug it all out and start fresh. Things in life seemed to be getting just a bit better now that I have my friends back. Well, until the teacher came into the room with Olga following her
“Kids!” yelled the teacher “I want you guys to meet Olga Develson. She is our new transfer student from… what was the place called again?”
“Underworld” said Olga with a devious smile “North Carolina. Yep, Underworld, North Carolina”
I’ll believe that there’s a town called Underworld in North Carolina the day pigs fly. I couldn’t believe that Olga was now going to my school. Honestly, I almost felt like I was going to be sick
“Why don’t you tell us a little about yourself?” asked the teacher
“Well, for starters, I have a 300 IQ as shown in an IQ test I took. My family is filthy rich because my parents come from Hollywood and were in several productions and I once starred in a Hollywood movie. But overall, I’m just a simple country girl” bragged Olga
Everything that Olga was saying was a lie. Olga was probably an immortal devil that has been alive for a million years. She probably spends her life laughing at innocent people dying. Who knows how many people she has killed? I know one of them is my mother
“Olga, you can sit right in the empty desk behind Sarah” ordered the teacher
Of course, the only empty desk in the room is behind me. What are the odds?
“Hey Olga, I’m Tracey” said Tracey
“I’m Hanna” said Hanna “We think you’re so cool”
“Oh yeah, she’s the best” I muttered sarcastically
“Hey Sarah, I remember you” said Olga “Sarah and I go way back. In fact, we go back before she was born, or you know, while she was born”
That evil cold hearted moron
“You’re so confusing” said Tracey “I like her!”
Having Olga go to my school was beginning to be a nightmare come true and I didn’t know what to expect. I guess the last eighteen days of my life really were going to be miserable. It won’t be the last eighteen days of my life, I will stop her. I don’t know how though
Luckily, since Olga wasn’t in my first five periods and I knew everything that was taught already, I had some time to dwell over how much I hate Olga and how hard my life was going to be
Then of course, lunch came around and I saw the oddest thing that has ever happened in all history. Mike wasn’t alone at a lunch table in a hoodie, saying how much he hated his life. Instead, he was at the table that I usually sit at with Hanna and Tracey. At first I was happy that Mike was branching out and making new friends, until I saw Olga sitting next to him
What is there to think when my three best friends are laughing it up with the devil from hell? I needed to do something about this
“Hey guys!” I greeted as I try to sit at the lunch table
“Sorry Hatcherson, there’s no more room” said Olga in a mean, popular girl voice
“We should move to a bigger table” suggested Mike
“We already have our lunches, we can’t move and there’s no room for Sarah to pull up a chair” said Olga
“You’re so lazy dingbat” moaned Mike “Forget it, Tracey and Hanna can make room for her I guess”
“No!” snapped Olga “I’m sorry Sarah, no room to sit with your best friends. Isn’t that sad?”
Olga was acting like one of those popular girls on those TV shows. She had the arrogant voice, the pretty hair, and the fake history behind her. She was no rich girl from North Carolina. How I wish to expose her
“Olga, stop acting like a jerk” yelled Mike “Tracey and Hanna, make some room for Sarah, she can pull over a chair!”
“You’re so kind” I said
Olga rolled her eyes and started gagging as if I sitting at that table was the worst thing that could happen. I’m lucky that I was able to sit at that table today. Tomorrow might be even harder
“So Mike, let me get this clear, are we going on another date tonight?” asked Olga
“Yeah, sure, last night was fun” said Mike “I guess you were right Sarah, love and dating really is a good thing. If you didn’t teach me that, I would have never found Olga. So thanks I guess”
I did a fake smile but Hanna and Tracey could see right through me. They knew that inside, I was burning with envy. I saw the concern all over their faces
“Let’s talk about the latest fashion magazine!” suggested Hanna, changing the subject
“Oh yeah, in one of those magazines, I found a great outfit for my date with Mike tonight” said Olga
“You’re acting like this will be the best night of your life” said Mike “It’s not going to be as great as your thinking and I really don’t want to go with you” Mike had aggressiveness in his voice when he said that
“If you are here, it will be great” said Olga as she shot a glare across the table to me
I can’t even believe that Olga is hitting on Mike right in front of me. That girl has no boundaries. I wanted to just confess in front of the whole table that I liked Mike but that won’t make things any better. I would only look like I’m jealous, which I am
If Olga was a normal girl, I wouldn’t be that opposed to Mike dating her. I would probably suck it up just to see Mike happy. But knowing that Olga wants to kill Mike, I have to do something about this without making it look like I care
“So Mike, want to go mini golfing after school today?” I asked “I bet you can’t beat me”
“As not fun as that sounds, not, I can’t” said Mike “I have that date with Olga, which I’m dreading”
“Oh, it’s just a shame that your date is going to get in the way of me beating you” I said
“Oh please, I could beat you anyday” scoffed Mike with an attitude
“Oh sorry, were going on a date tomorrow and the rest of the week” said Olga “So I guess you and Sarah won’t be able to hang out together anymore
“Are you jealous of Sarah and me?” asked Mike “Were just friends and all we will ever be is friends”
I swear, if I hear him use the friend word one more time, I’m going to get so angry
The rest of lunch went fine and dandy. Olga of course was throwing the fact that she was dating Mike into my face. Tracey and Hanna supported me every one in a while by giving me a reassuring look. It feels as if everyone at the table knows I like Mike except, well, Mike
When the subject wasn’t on Mike, it would be on how amazing Olga pretends she is. How her parents were in these blockbuster movies and how she got autographs from a bunch of celebrities. Hanna and Tracey began to become amazed at all these lies while Mike sat there and rolled his eyes. Classic Mike
Soon, the bell rang and we all went to our usual classes. Then, the school day was over. I went into my locker and stocked up my usual school books. When I finally made it out of the school, Hanna and Tracey rush to my sides
“How are you handling the whole Mike thing?” asked Tracey
“I can deal with it” I said
“Nonsense, I see your hurting” said Hanna “We have to deal with this somehow”
I’m glad that my friends are going to help me
“We just can’t hurt Olga” started Tracey “Olga is amazing too. She’s talented, pretty, famous, an exchange student, oh, and did you smell her perfume?”
“Oh my gosh Tracey! She smells like lavender!” said Hanna “And how does she do her hair? She’s just so amazing!”
“Well, I’ll see you guys tomorrow” I said sadly
“Bye!” chimed Hanna and Tracey in perfect unison
I knew only to expect the worse out of this situation. Olga was probably going to try to exclude me from hanging out with Tracey and Hanna and drive Mike and I apart. She already tried it at the lunch table today. This situation is going to get worse. I know it will

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