Chapter 8 - Doggy Escape

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Blaze Boy and I ran back into the fight, and he stayed on the ground with me, instead of flying around like Ice Woman and Frostbite. I shot high velocity water at Frostbite while Blaze Boy lit up one of Chemiwoman's acid bombs.

"Stand back, Cass!" Blaze Boy yelled, as he threw the chemical inferno towards the ice villain-type-superheroes. Frostbite and Ice Woman watched in slight horror as the chemical bomb landed beneath them, engulfing them in a thick cloud. Blaze Boy and Chemiwoman stood next to me as the smoke cleared, revealing empty air where the villains were levitating.

"They must've escaped." Chemiwoman said, catching her breath. Her pale blue eyes looked over at me beneath her glossy pink mask. "You're a super, kid." I nodded in acknowledgment.

"You can't walk around like Cascade Brown anymore." Blaze Boy declared, looking over at me. "Are you free at the weekend?" I gulped. The last thing I wanted to be doing with my free days was hanging around with a weird stalker fire-throwing superhero boy. But then again...Rach was going on a weekend road trip to Los Angeles, leaving me stranded in San Fran.

"I guess. Why?" I replied, arching my eyebrow.

"You might need a super-suit and some training."

"I'm getting a super-suit, but I'm not getting trained by you." I scoffed, laughing. Chemiwoman excused herself and ran down the street towards the flashing lights and sirens.

"Fine. I'll be at your bedroom window at 10am on Saturday, alright?" Blaze Boy said, running his gloved hand through his messy hair. I sighed and nodded.

"Oh and by the way, don't go using your powers until you've covered your face. People will be eager to hear there's a new superhero, but you've gotta keep your identity hidden, unless you want a torrent of journalists and news reporters at your door all the time." Blaze Boy exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Blaze Boy grinned at me before firing flames of fire from his feet, launching him into the air.

"See ya on Saturday, Cascade Brown!"

I spent the next 20 minutes awkwardly climbing back up the drainpipe, not wanting to look down as I reached the high storeys. I found myself sneaking up past brightly-lit windows, with people inside watching late-night TV or sleeping. I felt like a bit of a stalker. Like Blaze Boy. Ha. Finally I reached the 4th storey and found my open window, swinging myself inside and landed ungraciously with a loud thump.

"Sweetie! Are you in there?" Uh oh. Mother was home. Luckily my bedroom door was locked so she probably presumed I was watching Star Wars or Skyping Rach, instead of discovering I was a super.

"Just coming mom!" I called, slamming my window shut and taking off my damp sneakers. I padded through the bomb-site that was my room and unlocked the door, finding my mother standing there looking worried. How could I tell, you ask? The countless crease marks on her forehead. Gives it all away.

"Is Rufus in here? I can't find him in the apartment." Mom said, pushing past me and entering my room. I was confused for a moment, and joined mom looking under my bed and around my room. Then it hit me. The open window. The rooftops that were a mere jump from my windowsill. Rufus was out on the loose.

The worst part was that I couldn't even tell mom that the window was open, and that I sneaked outside with an unknown superhero boy to fight my idol, and protect the late night crowds.

"Is this the Animal Agency?...Yes...I'm calling about a missing dog.....Rufus.....He's a, thank you." Mom paced around the kitchen in her dressing gown, clutching the phone to her ear. I sat on the kitchen counter feeling sick. As if discovering I had superpowers wasn't enough for one evening, I had to be stupid enough to leave my darn window open and my dog was nowhere to be found.

"Yes....okay....Miss Brown....thank you." Mom hung up and put the phone on the counter next to me. "They said they'll put out posters and news reports in the local area tomorrow. Until then, we'll just have to wait and hope."

I solemnly nodded and jumped off the counter, my bare feet hitting the floor with a smack.

"Night, mom."

"Night, sweet cheeks."

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