Chapter 10 - In A Movie

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"No, it's too revealing." I said, looking at Velma's 23rd super suit sketch.

"You are very picky, darling." Velma retorted, throwing the piece of paper into the every-growing pile and beginning to draw once more.

"Yeah, c'mon Cass." Blaze Boy leaned back on the sofa, obviously bored. I glared at him.

"It's not Cass anymore. It's Aqua Girl. Don't give away my identity, idiot."

"Fine." He muttered, sighing deeply. Velma scribbled frantically on the page as my phone buzzed.

"Sorry." I said, bringing in out of my pocket and staring at the screen. I had some explaining to do to Rachael.

10:15AM from Rach:

I'm at urs, why aren't u opening the door????

10:16AM from Rach:

WHERE R U????!!!!!!

10:17AM MISSED CALL from Rach

10:18AM MISSED CALL from Rach

10:19AM from Rach:

I'm going to Starbucks. Wake up u dweeb. I give up with u sometimes.

Sighing, I shoved my phone back in my pocket as Velma completed her 23rd sketch. 

"How about this one, darling?" She swiveled the sketch pad towards me and my face practically lit up. It was perfect. The sketch showed a long-sleeved super suit, with the typical belt and and bellowing cape. In the center of the chest was the letters AG, and there were swirling patterns around the main suit. It was, as Rach would say, legit. "Of course it comes with a mask as well, darling. I'm thinking a glossy one for you."

"This is the" I exclaimed, glossy-eyed.

"Fabulous, darling. Let me put this into the machine, then." Machine? Hang on a minute. Velma stood up but I stopped her before she could move.

"What about the cost?"

"My service is complementary for new supers, such as you, darling."

" long will it take?" Behind me, Blaze Boy stood up.

"About 10 minutes." He said, causing me to do a double-take.

"What?!" Was this some sort of weird virtual suit maker or something?

"I have the latest technology, darling. Take a seat and relax." Velma stated, strutting towards the door. I looked over at Blaze Boy, who shrugged and sat back down.

"What can I say? She's the best suit maker in San Fran."

Exactly 10 minutes later, according to my watch, Velma returned into the room, carrying a bundle of silky blue fabric. She trotted over to me, dumped the fabric in my arms and handed me a glossy, turquoise mask.

"Go and change. First room on the left." Velma demanded, looking up at me. I nodded and rushed out of the room, finding the changing room and locking the door behind me. I unraveled the fabric to find it was my suit, with two different shades of blue in the arms, legs and body of the suit. 

Knock knock.

"Darling, I forgot your super shoes."  I opened the door to find Velma standing there with a glossy, blue pair of Converse. I gratefully accepted them and touched the strange fabric.

"They are water-technology shoes, in the Converse style, darling. They won't get wet when you are shooting water, and they are aerodynamic with your suit. Now, chop chop!"

I re-locked the door and changed out of my everyday clothes and into the suit. The problem was, it was baggy. Terribly baggy. It was creased around my chest and legs, and the build-in gloves were too big for my hands. I shoved the Converse on my feet and luckily they fit me. At least Velma got that right. I grabbed the mask and it hooked snugly onto my face, not obstructing my view at all. I turned around the room for a mirror but found there wasn't one, so I shuffled back into the room Velma and Blaze Boy were sat in. Upon seeing me, Blaze Boy snorted.

"Nice suit." He retorted, smirking. I gave him the middle finger.

"Shut up." I replied, as Velma practically ran over to me.

"No no no, darling. Tap the AG on your chest." I did as I was told and the suit automatically hugged my muscles and curves, fitting me instantly. "Come, come." Velma trotted towards a full length mirror and stepped aside for me to see myself.


Instead of the boring, teenage Star Wars nerd that was normally seen with messy hair was no more, instead I saw a kick-ass superhero, with a billowing cape, glossy mask and no fear...apart from spiders.

"I feel like I'm in a movie." I murmured, gawking at my reflection. Blaze Boy stood up behind me, looking at his phone. Where did he hide all of his stuff? Secret pockets in his suit?

"Well, you're not. There's another attack by the Golden Gate Bridge. I gotta go." He said, running out of the room. I sprinted after him, leaving Velma muttering to herself.

"Hey!" He stopped and turned to me. "I'm coming with you."

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