Chapter 11 - Hello, Papa

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"Stay close to me!" Blaze Boy yelled, sprinting in front of me down the closed-off street. The attack was taking place on the Golden Gate bridge, and we were a few streets away, running down abandoned roads. The police had let us through after I blasted some water at a fire Blaze Boy had created. Ha, take that.

"I'll do what I damn well please!" I retorted, pacing ahead of him. Now I know why I was always chosen for the long-distance races at sports day. Blaze Boy rolled his eyes at me as I raced past him.

"Don't blame me if you die!"

"Oh, I won't. Who's the villain anyway?!" I shouted breathlessly. Behind me, Blaze Boy slowed into a jog and whipped out his phone.

"'s ElectroNite."


My father.

Still, I had to fight. Nobody knew we were related apart from Rach and those idiotic Williams twins (somehow).

Plus, I had a mask to cover my face, even if my father did recognize me. Blaze Boy caught up to me and tucked his phone away in whatever secret storage device was in his suit. I was about to ask him where he kept his phone when a flash of lightning lit up the sky in front of us. My heart was racing inside my rib cage, but Blaze Boy and I kept running.

"We've gotta hurry. I don't know where that lightning came from but..."

"That's ElectroNite's thing. Using electricity to manipulate minds and also, obviously kill people." I interrupted, looking up at the sky as we ran. Blaze Boy raised an eyebrow.

"How did you know that?" Uh oh. Cover it up, Cass. Cover it up.

"I have a villain encyclopedia of San Francisco that I found in a bookshop. I know stuff." I stated, turning the corner to the street leading up to the bridge. Blaze Boy simply nodded as we approached the toll gate leading to the bridge, and in my mind I fist-bumped myself. Good one. There were a few civilians inside the toll booths, and we jogged to a stop to help them.

"Run straight down that road! There's police cars ready to help!" I yelled, ushering the civilians towards the road we just came from. Another flash of lightning reigned overhead, and some of the civilians screamed. Blaze Boy stood next to me until the civilians were racing down the road, and in unison, we belted past the toll booths and onto the bridge.

"This bridge is...too...big.." I mumbled, out of breath. Blaze Boy looked over and smirked.

"See ya later, alligator." He drawled, firing flames of fire from his feet and zooming off up the bridge. I cursed him under my breath and continued running, figuring it would probably be safer to run than riskily fly over a very tall bridge. I'd like to survive today, thank you.

Finally, I reached the center of the bridge and found Blaze Boy hovering in mid-air, looking down at the other side of the bridge. I followed his gaze to find a group of city civilians and cars huddled in the middle of the bridge, surrounded by a force-field of electrical currents.

Oh, father. Why you gotta be so difficult?

"Where's ElectroNite?!" Blaze Boy asked, lowering himself to land gently next to me. I scanned the horizon, looking over at both sides of the river and the city behind us, before my eyes landed on a high-speed object, or man, moving directly towards us from the center of the city.

"Get down!" I cried, shoving Blaze Boy to the concrete ground as ElectroNite shot lightning over our heads. I heard a loud whoosh before looking up, finding ElectroNite (aka my dad) hovering in the sky, looking down at us. Hey, papa.

"Why do you kids always get in the way?!" He bellowed, causing the civilians inside the force-field to tremble and cower to the floor. I looked over at Blaze Boy and nodded. He fired himself into the sky and I began running.

"'Cause we're supers, coming to kick your ass!"

(A/N: hallo! This was a pretty short chapter because next chapter is gonna full of fighting and action, YA! Thank you so much for reading this book so far, you're all amazing! :) )

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