Chapter 48 - Since The First Day

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A/N: *breathes deeply* we go!

Slowly, my eyes fluttered open, after I was shaken awake by something, or rather, someone. I was met with the worried face of Blaze Boy.

"She's awake! We'll meet you up there!" He yelled at someone in the distance. My head was throbbing in pain. Where was I, anyway?

Crash! A bolt of lightning zapped through the sky above Blaze Boy's head.



"We can't waste time, let's g-get moving!" I stammered, trying to sit up. Pain rushed around my skull, and I groaned.

"No, you can't fight anymore, it's not safe." Blaze Boy protested, as I struggled to stand up. I looked around, and noticed we were on the Golden Gate bridge, right next to the city. The bridge was empty, lifeless, except for the cluster of abandoned cars. I glared at Blaze Boy.

"You can't tell me what to do. Let's get going." I declared, thrusting my energy into my feet, and taking off. Once I rose to a high latitude, the city sprawled below me, Blaze Boy caught up to me.

"By the way, you prevented the serum from hitting the city." He explained, grinning at me. But beneath his mask was something else. Pain? Heh, I didn't know. It was gone in a blink.

"Really? Yes!" I replied, pumping my fist. Crash! Another bolt of lightning struck the ground on the opposite side of the river. "He must be here already. Let's go get Quicksilver, and form a plan." 

The two of us flew into the city, descending and flying through the buildings, scanning the hustle and bustle of the city for a boy in a silver jacket. After a few minutes of flying around, we still hadn't found him.

"Where is he?!" I shouted over the sound of the wind and our capes billowing behind us. Blaze Boy shrugged, and continued searching the city below us. That's when my eyes locked on Union Square, normally a tourist hub and packed full of people. It was empty. Bingo.

"Union Square!" I yelled, swooping down towards the eerily quiet area of the city. Blaze Boy followed suit, and we landed in unison, just as Quicksilver appeared in front of us, out of breath.

"I've...cleared...the....area...." He panted, leaning down on his knees to regain his breath.

"Great. So, what's the plan of action?" Blaze Boy asked. Crash! A bolt of lightning hit the ground on the opposite side of the square, and smoke began rising from it. We all turned around to see the smoke clear, and in it's place..ElectroNite and Ice Woman. They looked evil, and not very happy. Ice Woman was in clear contrast to the poster that used to be hanging on my wall. Gone was the smiling, heroic woman that I looked up to. In her place was a villainous mass-murderer.

It's funny how people change.

Without warning, Ice Woman sent three razor-sharp icicles flying through the air towards us. We ducked just in time, and watched as they flew mere centimeters over our heads.

"No plan. Just fight!" I ordered, receiving nods from both of the boys.

"Let's do this!" Quicksilver exclaimed. Together, we began charging at Ice Woman and ElectroNite. Blaze Boy and I surged through the air, and Quicksilver ran at a normal pace. The villains watched us approach, and finally,

the fight began.

Quicksilver disappeared in a blur, and I found myself heading for ElectroNite. My father.

"Hey, Paps." I muttered under my breath, as he surged towards me. At the last moment before impact, I fired out with my hands, which both propelled me backwards, and hit ElectroNite with surprise. He lashed out with a fizz of electricity, which hit my arm. I fell to the concrete of Union Square, and held out my arm. It felt...weird.

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