Chapter Seven - Singing and Eating

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I sat staring at the wall, waiting for the boys to stop fussing over which song to practice firs. We all had our favorites to sing, and for some reason the rest of them had to argue over which should be first. hate to break it to ya, mates, but you're supposed to be men!

"No, no, let's start with Strong!" Harry exclaimed.

"Don't Forget Where You Belong!" Niall said, his accent thick.

"Through The Dark!" Liam inserted. Okay, I had to stop this now. Let me tell you, I'm never the voice with the common sense, but this needed to stop. It's been ten minutes.

"How 'bout we start at the top? Best Song Ever, yea?" Zayn nodded, as did Liam.

"Sounds good," Niall agreed. Thank God.

Harry began to sing, leading us all into the song. Once we finished, we went straight into Story of My Life and soon finished the whole track list from Midnight Memories. Honestly, I was more than excited for the first day of touring. Practicing only made me more excited. The fact that we were going to be in some of the most famous stadiums in the world, too, made me tingle with joy.

The bus turned, then stopped. I looked out the window to see the golden McDonald's 'M' towering above us. "Food!"

The boys got up and ran towards the windows, then started cheering. All at once, we darted towards the door. A body guard stopped us, made us gain our composure before leading us towards the door. Here goes the mob scene.

I slowed down my gait to meet up with Harry, then realized I could not. I looked at him with sad eyes, trying to tell him I want to hold his hand, but I couldn't. I sped up again and stood next to Niall. "I wanna be next to Harry," I muttered through the side of my mouth. Niall patted my back and looked at m e, then kept walking, keeping an eye out for crazed fans. The smart thing would be to join him in watching, but I couldn't. I was too focused on not being near Harry.

There was no line, so we all ordered right away. "Twenty piece chicken nuggets, please. And a medium pop." The lady dressed up in McDonald's attire (whose name was apparently Rachael) nodded and repeated what I want to the cooks in the kitchen.

"That would be 6.01*, Mr. Tomlinson." I took out my money and placed seven pounds on the counter. She out my money in the register and handed me back my change. The lady placed a tray on the counter and put a medium cup on it, followed by the receipt. I stepped to the side so Liam could order.

My name was called, so I stepped up to the counter to get my food, then walked back to the bus, eyeing Harry up and down on the way out. Since McDonald's was empty, there were no crazy fan attacks, which I was very thankful for.

I sat down and opened my box of chicken, then placed it to the side so I could try and tear off the lid to my Barbeque Sauce. I did it. Smiling at my achievement, I dipped one of my nuggets into the sauce and took a bite. The door opened and closed, then Harry appeared in front of me. "You wanna move your damn box or does it have priority?" I laughed, and moved my food. Harry sat down.

I leaned my head on his shoulder, peering into his bag. "Whatcha get, babe?" Harry pulled his bag away, then took out a hamburger box. "Ugh," I teased, "you're a loser. A burger, really? Go hard or go home, man." I held up a piece of chicken smothered in barbeque sauce and put it into my mouth, missing halfway.

"At least I can eat," Harry said, taking a bite of his food then throwing his napkins at me. I wiped my face, then placed the napkins next to me. I jabbed a straw into my drink.


"Which one, Lou?"

"Who Costs More." Harry and I made this stupid game up a long time ago. we went out to eat, and decided to see who had cost more money on the bill. Now, every time we go out to eat - together or alone - we have three rounds of Who Costs More?. It goes like this:

ROUND ONE: Out of the whole meal, if we're together. This round is not always played due to the fact we are not always together, unfortunately.

ROUND TWO: Out of the day. This round is always played, although some days not as fun. Obviously, if we both don't go out to eat, the one who did will win. That is why we made rules for this game (stated further down).

ROUND THREE: Out total costs for the whole game. Basically, every time we eat out, our bill gets added to our chart.

COOL RULES: 1) The cinema, restaurants, fast-food places, concert food-stands; etc., amusement park food places and ice cream trucks; etc. count. 2) Whoever has the least amount wins. 3) Tallies are made at the end of that day. 4) If the participants aren't together, a picture must be sent to the other to prove the price true. There is a two-pound fine for not doing so.

Harry got up and grabbed his bag, then pulled out our paper. It was about two years old, so you could imagine how many prices were on there. "How much?"

"6.01," I showed him my receipt. Harry pulled his out of his pocket and pointed to the total, then copied it down. So far, I was winning for the day and that meal, but that's just so far. Plus, I was still losing for Round Three, since my family dragged me out to eat last weekend. I won't even explain how many hours of my life I'll never get back because of that.

Harry put our game back in the bag, then returned to his seat next to me. We had started to drive, getting ready to arrive at our hotel for the first concert. We finished our food in comfortable silence.

[A/N: I made up a game, haha.

*Also, I used Google to convert USD to pounds. 6.01 pounds converts to ten dollars in dollars. Very expensive! Oh, well. It's the thought that counts!!!] 

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