Chapter Twenty One - Getting Help

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"Yes, thank you," I said into the reciever, wtiting down a time and address on a slip of paper. "Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles. From One Direction, yup. Thanks again, bye." I hung up, puting my cell on the duvet. I folded the paper and slipped it into my pocket and grabbed the remote, leaning back and turning on the TV. I put my arm behind my head and flipped through the channels, shaking slightly as the bus went on it sway to the next venue.

"Babe," Harry said, sitting next to me with a glass. I peered inside: water.

"What are you drinking that for?" I asked, pointing to Harry's cup, completely ignoring his greeting.

"Because I'm thirsty," he answered, taking a sip, "Why you gotta be so hyper about it?" He took another drink as i watched him curl his lips around the rim, tilting the cup back just slightly and swallowing, then removing his mouth from it.

"I'm making up for lost time," I said, smiling. "Hey, I'm bringing you somewhere tonight. 4:30, be ready. Casual wear: it's a surprise." He nodded, drinking more of his water. I got up and pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it to the side. "I'm going to shower." I grabbed my towel and walked into the bathroom.

"I love you!" Harry called as Ishut the door.

"Love you, too," I said, and slammed the door. I turned on the fan as the bus hit a bump, then slid my pants over my ankles and turned on the light. Purple, white and brown lines appeared on my thighs, some bigger than others. I cringed and turned on the water, removing my socks and boxers. I stpped into the bathtub and grabbed onto the rail as the bus came to a stop as the warm water hit my back. I stepped into the nstream of water flowing out of the shower head, running my fingers through my hair. I washed my hair and body, then got out.

Wrapping my towel around myself, I stepped into my slippers and turned off the fan. I grabbed my toothbrush out of the cup next to Harry's and wet it, smearing toothpaste all over the bristles. I put in my mouth, rubbing my teeth. "A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j , k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, brushing my teeth for one, two, three. . " I sang, then spit, then repeated. Harry and I had made up a brushing song to assure ourselves that we brushed for two minutes and nothing less. There was nothing worse than having to get cavaties filled, we agreed the day we made up our song.

I picked up the blue, plastic container and ripped out a string of floss, pulling it between each and every one of my teeth. When i was done, I dropped it in the toilet and closed the lid. I unwrapped my body and dried my hair, rubbing it was the towel as I flung my head all over, then wrapped myself back up again and shut the light, leaving the bathroom.

Harry was laying on the bed, cup now sitting on his bedstand. He must have changed. He was now wearing a grey T-Shirt with jeans as he fiddled with the bandana around his head. I walked to my dresser, smirking as Harry strugged mirrorless to get his hair piece under conrtol. I grabbed a black pair of boxers, blue skinny jeansd a muscle tank, then threw them on the bed. I glanced at the clock: 4:15.

I threw on my shirt, then boxers and trousers and ran back into the bathroom to grab my hairbrush. I combed through my hair and pulled it back, checking myself out in the mirror. I turned on my heels and slid on black TOMs, then stood by the door as Harry got up. Ths bus jolted to a stop as I took Harry's hand and we skipped through the bus, towards the door. Then our hands unlocked.

"Tomlinson and Styles," I said to the receptionist, my hands over Harry's eyes.

"Where are we?" he asked for the twelfth time, fingers poking at my stomach.

"Somewhere," I answered, just like all the times before that. The lady at the desk crossed our names off, then waved me over. I followed her with Harry trailing next to me as i directed him from hitting a wall. I knew he would reject therapy, so I just did it myself; He didn't have to know. The lady pushed opena door and nodded, allowing us to walk inside. It was big, with a chair and a couch, a desk and a computer, with a big window and colorful walls. "Thank you,' I said, and she nodded aagain and left us there. I led Harry to the couch and sat him down, letting his eyes free. He got up and ran to the window, pushing his face up against it.

"Woah," he said, looking around. "Where are we?"

"At the therapist," I replied, causing him to turn.

"No, I won't," he walked away from the window, starting towards the door.

"Yes, you will," I said, grabbing his wrist. I put him back onto the couch and sat next to him, pulling him into a hug. "It'll be fine." Just then, the door opened and a man walked in. I looked at him quizically as he took a seat in the chair across from us. He rolled over towards the desk, grabbing papers and looking through them without a word. He nodded, then rolled back in front of us, adjusting his glasses as he read. He crossed one leg over the other, the room silent.

'Okay," he finally said, "I'm Doctor Wembly."

"Louis Tomlinson," I said, offering him my hand. He shook it. Harry pouted. "And this is Harry Styles." I gave Doctor Wembly Harry's hand, in which he shook.

"First, are there any objections to this between the two of you. . .?" he asked, peering over the rim of his glasses.

'Actually I," Harry said, raising his hand. Doctor wembly pursed his lips. I pushed Harry's hand down.

"No, we don't," I firmly stated, looking at Harry.

"Great," he said, "Let us get started."

[A/N: Okay, running short on time therefore there wont be a long author's note nonethless a properly written one nor a goal for thw chapter.

my apologies for the lack of updates. there should be regular ones until Friday or so. enjoy!]

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