Chapter One

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Cera Johnson sat in her first period pre Algebra class. She hated math and the fact she had to do it first thing in the morning didn't help. Course, Alec Rhodes just made the class hell on earth.
"She's so ugly!" On of Alec's friends snickered. Cera could hear but tried to ignore them.
"Think there's anyone stupid enough to date her?"
"No way. Not unless they were dared."
"I dare you!" Alec smiled, amused to a brown haired guy with green eyes. His name was Gabe.
"What? No!"
"You a coward?" Alec laughed.
"No, I just happen to like girls that arn't deformed!" Cera couldn't take it anymore. She stood and looked at them with anger.
"I don't care if you talk bad about me but can you leave me out if your childish games!" She demanded.
"Don't eavesdrop." Alec laughed.
"Don't talk so damn loud and I won't!" She spat. "But seriously, leave me out of your dares."
"Or what, snake arms." Alec walked over. "You gunna cry if you don't get your way?" He laughed. Anger burned inside Cera's heart.
"You like dares so much? Fine. I dare you to hit me." She challenged. Alec shifted uncomfortably. He made fun of her, but he couldn't hit her.
"You can't tell me what to do." He said.
"Why won't you? To scared a cripple girl will beat the crap out of you?" Cera made a pouty face to mock him.
"I'm not scared of you." He grinned, also mocking.
"Prove it." She said, stepping forwards. "C'mon, Rhodes. Hit me." She stood right in front of him. The whole class went quiet. Alec looked her up and down. "We can even put a wager on it. If I win, you don't use me in any games for as long as we're in high school. You can talk bad about me, but you and your friends can't prank me or use me in any of your stupid games. If you win, I'll do all your history homework next year and junior year." She crossed her arms to the best of her ability.
"Do it!" His friends said. "It's an easy win!" But Alec backed off and turned away from her to walk back to his friends.
"You're not worth it." He decided. Cera got even more angry.
"You always do this! You act so tough but when it comes to fighting me, you run of like a scared little boy! Why can't you either leave me alone or fight me already!" Alec got angry and got in her face.
"I'm not running! I just don't wanna touch such a disgusting cripple!"
"Oh, well you sure showed me!" She rolled her eyes. "You're such a coward! If I'm so disgusting then leave me alone!"
"No can do! Not after what you did!"
"What exactly did I do?" Cera glared.
"Do you know how people treated me after your little stunt in fifth grade?" He yelled.
"Enough!" A voice boomed in the class. It was the Algebra teacher. "Cera and Alec to the principal's office- now!" He demanded.

***2 years later***

Cera walked into Algebra 2 extremely tired. They had so many tests coming up and she's been studying for days. She sat down at her desk and started getting her stuff out. She hated this class. What she hated most was that she always had the same Math classes with Alec Rhodes. She even had PE with him which was the worst of all of them. Cera had curly red hair that she tamed enough to have her mom put it in a messy bun and small brown eyes that hid behind her purple rimmed glasses. She wore a loose tank top (with thick straps because of dress code), and grey sweat pants. As she tried to mind her own business, a few of Alec's friends showed up, among them, Gabe. The other one was Christen.
"Hey snake arms." They laughed.
"I'm guessing Alec sent you to torment me. Please tell him to stop being such a coward and do his own dirty work. Seriously, he's been like this since school started." Cera said without even looking at them.
"We just wanted to ask a few questions." Chris said. Cera didn't answer and started to finish a few homework problems she missed the night before.
"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Gabe asked. Cera didn't answer. "Kissed anyone, maybe?" He added after a moment.
"Of course she's never kissed anyone, Idiot. No one's stupid enough to kiss her!" Chris said. Cera remained focused on her homework- completely unfazed by them simply because she simply didn't care to listen to what they were saying. After Freshman year, she learned how to block them out when they inconvenienced her.
"Well, okay, do you like anyone?" Gabe asked, again, getting no response. "Hey... I'm talking." He tried getting her attention but she didn't budge. He got frustrated. Alec came up and decided to get involved.
"Are you ignoring my friend, snake arms?" To this, Cera looked at him, sat up, and smiled.
"Oh! You finally decided to do your own dirty work! I was starting to think you were more pathetic than I originally thought!" She said.
"Don't sass me."
"Or what, Rhodes?" Cera rolled her eyes before Alec pushed all her things on the floor. The class fell quiet as Cera stood. "I've said it once, assface, and I'll say it again. You wanna settle this? I say we settle it."
"I'm not fighting someone as weak as you."
"Coward." Cera spat. "This is so typical of you!"
"Why do you want to fight so bad? Huh? Why do you always resort to violence?!"
"Have a better idea?! I can't keep living like this!"
"Cera! Alec!" The teacher entered. "Are you seriously arguing again?!"
"He started it." Cera spat. Alec glared.
"I don't care! I'm not dealing with either of you today. Go to the principal."
"But-" They both tried to argue.
"Now." The teacher demanded.

Alec got his back pack and left. Cera packed all the stuff Alec dumped on the floor and went to the office.

Cera showed up at the door and knocked by flicking the back of her hand on the wood of the door.
"Come in." The Principal said and Cera entered. There were two seats in front of his desk, Alec sat in the left one so she took the one to the right. "So what happened this time?" He sighed and the started to explain... while arguing. "Stop!" The Principal shut them up. "I have had it up to here with you two. You both are amazing students and otherwise have great records. But something is going to have to change. I'm not dealing with another year of this."
"We wouldn't be having issues if he had just got over what happened in the fifth grade." Cera spat.
"What happened-"
"If you hadn't pulled your little stunt, I wouldn't need to act like this!"
"Need." Cera scoffed at Alec and rolled her eyes. "Like you didn't have a choice."
"Stop!" The Principal said. He sighed and waited a moment to speak again. "Either of you got a date for homecoming?" He asked. Alec and Cera exchanged glances.
"No." Cera said. The Principal looked at Alec.
"Well, actually-"
"Great. You two are going together."
"WHAT?" Cera and Alec yelled at the same time. They both started giving excuses and tried arguing.
"Enough. I've made up my mind. You don't do this, I'm suspending you. You do this and still fight after homecoming, I'm expelling you both for issues with fighting- no arguing. We've been trying too keep you two apart as much as possible but you still get in trouble. I think it's about time we try putting you two together. Now go back to class and try not to fight." He ordered.

They walked together down the hall, not really caring for the situation.
"This is all your fault, you know." Alec spat at her.
"How? I made a mistake six years ago and your still torturing me for it. If you just got over yourself-"
"Sure, blame me." Alec scoffed.
"You blamed me!" Cera glared and shook her head. "You know, I honestly don't get what you have to gain from all this. Why you won't leave me alone. You're not the only one who hates me for my disability and I get enough crap as it is. But you still have to force your way in my life and hurt me as much as you can! I made a mistake. But I don't think I deserve this." She ranted. Alec thought about it. For the last few months, he's been thinking the same thing. He was starting to agree with her and feel bad. Alec shook his head and tried to escape his thoughts.
"What do you mean there's others who hate you? What did you do?"
"Nothing. They just took example from you." Cera snapped.
"You sure you didn't-"
"I learned my lesson the first time." Cera didn't let him finish.

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