Chapter 21

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The beach was a lot of fun for Alec and Cera both. They just hung out and had a good time in each others company. Alec wasn't thrilled Cera was wearing a plain black bikini top and baggy black shorts over her matching bottoms but he didn't really have a right to complain, being shirtless and wearing bilbong shorts. They walked along the beach, getting their feet wet as they talked about anything and everything. Like children, they built sand castles together and drew things in the sand. As they walked, after building sandcastles and writing in the sand, Alec asked Cera,
"So when are we getting in?" Referring to the water.
"Getting in?"
"Yeah. We're at the beach, arn't we? Let's get in!" Alec insisted, excitedly.
"I mean, you can. It looks freezing and I probably should take my shorts off if I get in." She complained.
"Why take the shorts off- why did you wear them?"
"I don't like my legs." Cera looked at them, throwing her arms over her stomach. "But I would have to take them off so I don't get you car soaked." She explained. Alec got a really bad idea.
"As far as the car goes, I don't care- it's a junk car anyway... but as for the water being cold-" Alec suddenly picked Cera up bridal style and started running into the water. Cera squirmed a little from shock but felt ultimately powerless. Fighting against him would only get her dropped in the water anyway so all she could do was try to hang on to him which would be fruitless but still, she grabbed around his neck and- unconsciously- moved her chest closer to his face while yelling at him,
"Alec! What're you doing?! Let me go! Put me down! Please!" About waist deep, he threw her in. Cera went under and opened her eyes under the water. It was blurry, but she could look around and see certain things. The ocean floor she could hardly touch, the wave passing over, and the outline of Alec from the waist down. Cera smiled to herself at the sight of him with a hint of mischief. Alec didn't know Cera could hold her breathe for over two minutes under water. What more perfect revenge than sneaking up on him and attacking from behind? Cera moved her body to get to touch the ocean floor. From there, she started her way, carefully, around Alec, who was starting to get really worried about her.
"Cera?" He called out. Nothing happened. Alec felt his stomach drop. He never asked if she was a strong swimmer. "Cera? You can come up now! This isn't funny!" He narrowed his eyes that scanned the surface of the water for any sign of her. Panic started to rise in his voice and in the movement of his eyes. Please be okay! I'm sorry I did this, just please be okay! His heart raced. "Cera, I'm telling you. If you don't come up in five seconds, I'm coming in after you and it won't be good for you!" He warned. Cera got right behind him in a knelt position. She smiled, evilly, knowing he wasn't expecting what she was about to do at all. She heard him say something but due to the water, she didn't understand. Of course, something she did make out, was that he was counting. Now or never, she thought before jumping out of the water and wrapping herself around his neck and torso.
"Five-" Alec had just finished counting when he felt something latch on his back, which he figured to be Cera, and push him forward to face plant the water. Upon hitting the water, Cera let go and floated next to him before they both surfaced. A wave had just passed when they came up. When they both came up to catch a breathe, Alec spotted Cera and stared at her as she looked at him and laughed. She had scared him- in more ways than one.
"Did I scare you?" She asked. Another wave came by, making them float higher than before for a second.
"Hell yes!" He said, trying to breathe. He wasn't angry, but he was incredibly relieved. She laughed. "I thought you got hurt or drowned! I was really scared!"
"I'm sorry. Are you okay?" Her question sounded sincere, despite the grin she still had on her face. She didn't mean to worry him that much and she felt a little bad.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He sighed. A shadow of a smile crept on his face. They enjoyed the water for a while- splashing each other, swimming and racing. Eventually, it was time to head back.

Since they neglected to bring their towels from the car before getting in the water, they walked back freezing. Cera got her bag out and wrapped a towel over her shoulders. Alec grabbed a bag of his things as well as he put his towel over him. They changed in the bathrooms- well, Cera actually just replaced her wet shorts and bikini bottoms, which she placed in the extra towel she brought, with clean sweats and put on a baggy long sleeve shirt over her top. Alec got on sweats, a T shirt and jacket. After changing, they got in the car, putting their bags in the back seats, and headed for TGI Friday's. Cera kept her towel around her shoulder to help keep her wet hair off her shirt she was already cold in.

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