Chapter 13

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Cera took a shower and got into another set of pajamas before going and making sandwiches for her and Alec since he made her breakfast. They ate lunch together in a comfortable silence. Neither needed to speak and they felt okay with it. It was something they really liked about each others company. Nothing needed to be said. They went to the couch and decided to watch movies. Since it was still early in the day, Cera agreed to watch some scary movies.

They got comfortable in blankets and pillows but towards the middle of the first movie, Cera was getting on edge. She gripped a pillow for dear life as she stared at the screen in terror. Alec suddenly felt bad for suggesting the movie and pulled Cera close to comfort her. She was stunned at first but quickly accepted it and started hiding her face in his shoulder.
"I told you I'm a pathetic horror movie watcher!" She scolded Alec.
"It's okay! At least you were willing to give it a chance! Kiley always refused." He remembered, sourly.
"Kiley hated watching movies. She only did it on my birthday because I wanted to watch them but she always complained... drove me crazy."
"Seriously! She flat out told me see hates movie dates and to never take her on one." He scoffed. Cera thought for a moment.
"I'd like to go on a movie date someday." Cera said. This caught Alec's attention, oddly enough. "I like the idea of someone taking me to a movie, holding my hand... neither of us would have to talk and we can just sit and enjoy each others company. I always thought going to a drive in movie would be romantic but I hear that's where a lot of couples go to hook up so I was always too nervous to suggest it to Ben since I didn't want him to get the wrong impression." She explained.
"Maybe you'll get that some day." Alec said. Cera didn't believe that.
"We'll see." Was all she said, not wanting to argure.


It got late. They made a quick dinner and returned to their position on the couch.
"Where are my parents...?" Cera wondered out loud.
"I don't know... hopefully, they'll be home soon." That's when Alec and Cera both got texts. Cera basically was asked out by Ben but she choose to ignore him completely. Alec got a repeating text from Kiley, asking what he wanted. "Kiley wants to here my condition. What should I say?" He asked.
"Tell her she should come to school and bring pizza at lunch. I want something to snack on after I'm done." Cera said and Alec sent it. Kiley almost didn't believe it.

To: Alec
From: Kiley

That's it???

To: Kiley
From: Alec

It's not for me. You should tell her about Ben cheating. You don't have to include yourself but since ur involved, you should tell her. Even if you don't and decided to be an even bigger bitch than you already are, at least Cera and I get some food out of this... oh, and bring Swedish fish, milk duds, and chocolate milk... she loves that stuff... I mean king size and a whole gallon... don't be cheap

Little did Kiley know, Cera sent that text. She was damn proud of it too. Cera gave the phone back to Alec and cuddled up to him.
"Nice." Alec commented on the text. "I thought she was going to be suspicious with how simple the request was but you really made it sound good... you know, you're a little scary when you're angry." He smiled down at her. She smiled.
"Why, thank you." She said. "I hope they know how scary I can be."
"What are you planning to do?" He asked.
"First, confront Ben. After I'm done yelling at him and telling him to go screw himself, I'll deal with Kiley."
"Hell knows no fury like a woman scorned."
"Damn right." Cera said. Alec smiled to himself. Cera was a tough girl. She cried a lot less than he did. Maybe because she wasn't in love with Ben like he was Kiley. Still, it was her first boyfriend. It must hurt a lot for her. Eventually, they both got tired and fell asleep on the couch. Cera's head rested on his shoulder. Alec's head rested on top of hers.

Later, Cera's parents walked in. It was pretty late and night and it was a bit of a long day but Kate had enough energy to swoon over the sight of Cera and Alec.
"Oh, honey! Look how cute this is!" She said in a whisper. Shawn nodded.
"He does take care of her." He admitted. "I'll wake them up." He started over to the them but Kate stepped in front of him and glared.
"Don't you dare! You'll ruin it!" She said.
"You want them like that all night?" Shawn asked. "No way! She's still my little girl! I'm not letting her sleep on a guy- on our couch!"
"They aren't doing anything wrong! You know Cera! Please, just let them be!" She begged her husband. Shawn glanced at them.
"Fine." He sighed. Kate tried to keep from clapping and ran upstairs. Shawn sighed, looked at Cera, and followed. You better take care of her, Shawn thought.

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