Chapter 19

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"Cera?" Cera felt a strong hand try to shake her awake. Cera scrunched her face up and groaned in response. "Cera? Come on. Time to get up. Your parents are here." Cera heard Alec say. All she did was move her head to his chest to hear his heart.
"I don't want to!" She whined, suddenly feeling his heart beat faster. Huh... weird, Cera thought.
"Honey? I got pizza and chocolate milk at home... Swedish fish in the car." Cera heard her mom bribe. Cera blinked her eyes open and looked at her mom who was smiling down at her.
"Ugh, alright." Cera groaned and sat up before she threw her half of the blanket on Alec who had the other half and stood up. "My shoes are at the door." Cera said to her mom before turning to smile at Alec. "I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yep." He nodded, grinning before she looked to Chris and Gabe and asked the same thing with the same response.

"Bye, dorks!" Cera shouted as she walked out of the house to get in the car. Kate stood there for an extra second to look to Alec.
"Thanks for letting her come over." She said.
"No problem." Alec smiled.
"His pleasure." Chris snorted. Alec threw a pillow at him and it hit the side of his head. Alec and Chris glared at each other for a moment before looking back to Kate who was a little suspicious of their behavior but excused it.
"Uh, really, though. Shawn and I would love to have you and your mother over for dinner sometime. It would be great to meet her- if you don't mind." Kate smiled.
"No, of course. That sounds great! I don't know when my mom will be able to take an evening off but as soon as she's available, I'll let you know." Alec nodded.
"Great. Thanks, Alec. It was nice seeing you." Kate started out to the car.
"You too!" He answered before Kate shut the door behind her. Alec was a little pleased they were gone. He felt very on edge with Cera and Kate around so it was nice to relax.

"So, you won't date Cera cause she 'isn't your type' or what?" Gabe asked, sitting next to Chris on the couch. Gabe had to lean forward to see past Chris but they both looked at him with piercing eyes. Time to start my interrogation, Alec thought.
"No, that's not it." He sighed, looking right back at them.
"Then what the hell?" Chris asked.
"Guys, think about it. Who was her first and last boyfriend? Look how he treated her. She swore off dating because and you know that once she makes up her mind, she's in movable. I know where she stands." Alec said.
"She said that when she was hurt. She knows you'd never treat her like that." Gabe said, trying to encourage him.
"Even if she was willing to date, why would she date me? Huh? I don't know if she'd give me a chance- especially since, you know, I made her life a living hell-"
"Oh get over it!" Gabe groaned, catching Alec off guard. Gabe sat back on the couch for a second, letting everything soak in. Suddenly, he leaned forward again. Alec stayed exactly where he was, staring at Gabe with curiosity. "You know, I know you get bothered by Cera's insecurity. But, you're no better! You're letting your guilt and your OWN insecurity get in your own way."
"Maybe. But he also happens to be right." Chris spoke up, looking at Gabe suddenly. "I mean, not about her holding a grudge or whatever but... what if she just... doesn't want to date him. We all know she'd reject him if she wasn't attracted to him... and... what if she was serious about not dating-" Chris wondered aloud, letting hit eyes drift off to daydream.
"Oh please!" Gabe interrupted, scoffing. "Didn't you hear her talking about you?" Gabe looked at Alec, who shrugged. "Dude, she obviously doesn't think you're a scumbag like she used to."
"She called me a scumbag?" Alec asked, not completely surprised.
"On a good day." Chris confirmed before shoveling popcorn in his mouth. Alec looked down and sighed. He had that coming.
"But she doesn't anymore!" Gabe stressed.
"Why do you care so much?" Alec gave him a focused expression that could've been seen as a glare. Gabe was a little shocked by the question and took a second to answer.
"Isn't it obvious?" He asked. Alec only blinked. "Alec, you're the one she trusts the most. She's my friend and I know you'd take care of her." He explained.
"So... you don't like her... right?" He asked. Gabe sighed and laid back on the couch before putting his hands over his face in defeat.
"You're hopeless." Gabe decided. Alec thought about what he said.

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