Chapter Ten

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A few months went by. Alec had a constant vicious cycle of arguing, making up while arguing, and repeat. Course, they never showed that to Cera. They didn't want her to feel like she was hurting the relationship at all. It wasn't her and they both knew it. It was the both of them.

They fulfilled their Valentines Day plans but still, they were cold to each other. Alec desperately apologized and tried to work it out with Kiley but she wouldn't hear of it.

While the two of them had their problems, Cera was doing great with Ben. They dated for a long time and Ben eventually asked Cera to be his girlfriend. But she said she wanted him to meet Kiley and try to get on Alec's good side. So, they set up a double date.

They all decided to go to Denny's. By all, that means Cera and Alec really wanted pancakes and their dates agreed to go to Denny's despite rather wanting to a more sophisticated place to eat.

Kiley and Alec sat in a booth together, waiting for Cera and Ben. Things where quiet between them and they avoided any unnecessary physical contact. That was till Alec tried wrapping his arm around Kiley before she grabbed his hand and forcibly pushed him away. Alec got upset.
"We're going to have to act like we still like each other when Cera shows up, you know." He spat.
"It's not that I don't love you, Alec. Though, I am perfectly aware I can't speak for you." She crossed her arms.
"You know I love you. If I didn't love you- if I didn't want you- I would break up with you. Have I? No."
"Yet." Kiley said making Alec sit back, angry.
"You almost sound like you want to break up." He murmured, making her shift uncomfortably. The fact she didn't respond hurt him. He felt like he was slowly realizing something but hadn't put the puzzle pieces together yet which frustrated him. Suddenly, a happy Cera walked up with Ben a bit farther behind her. Alec and Kiley dropped their problems to momentarily act like everything was fine. They hated hiding anything from Cera but didn't want her feeling guilt for something out of her control. Alec wrapped his arm around Kiley and she leaned into him, like she used too. Alec missed that Kiley. Suddenly, he felt the girl he had his arm around was a completely different person. Suddenly, he felt lost and more lonely than he ever felt in his life. Not only has he lost his girlfriend, emotionally, but he can't even talk about it with his best friend, Cera.
"Hey, guys!" Cera smiled as she stood to wait for Ben to sit down first so it'd be easier to get in and out of the booth. Cera sat next to him before he mimicked Alec by wrapping his arm around Cera. Alec was irked by what he considered a bold move. Cera, on the other hand, blushed and didn't object.
"Hey. How are you?" Kiley smiled.
"G-good." Cera was still blushing at Ben showing her affection. Ben and Kiley laughed, knowing why she studdered. Alec, on the other hand, rolled his eyes.
"You are adorable." Ben said with a grin. Alec started bouncing his leg, annoyed.
"Well, Ben, It's nice to finally meet you." Kiley said. "She's been talking about you forever now. I even her you want a official relationship." Kiley questioned making Alec freeze. He asked her to be his girlfriend? He thought.
"Yeah, we've been dating since before Valentines day. I would really like to move things forward."
"You sound like you're in a hurry." Alec commented making everyone look at him and feel uncomfortable.
"It's not that. She's a great girl. I'd like to know we have a title so I don't think too much about where we stand." He explains defensively.
"I told him I wanted to wait till I got approval from you two. And I will take your opinion seriously as long as you are fair." She eyed Alec who sighed and looked down. He really was trying. Still, the guy gave off a vibe.
"Anyway, tell me more about yourself, Ben." Kiley smiled and tried to ignore Alec's behavior. They talked and ate for a long time. It was actually pleasant for them. Slowly, Alec lightened up. He knew he needed to anyway for Cera's sake. She wouldn't listen to him if he wasn't even trying. Everything was going in a good direction, until:
"So, Ben. You must know I can be very protective of my friends. Tell me, are your motives... pure?" Kiley smiled, almost suggestive.
"I want a real relationship, if that's what you mean." Ben chuckled.
"My friend tends to be conservative with PDA. Do you mind that?"
"I don't want to do anything till she's ready. However long that takes. I like when the woman I'm with enjoys our time together, if you get my drift." Ben winked at Kiley... yes, winked. Kiley giggled, flirtatiously. Alec and Cera were rubbed the wrong way by this. Neither said a word despite their discomfort. But, there was a continuation of flirting among those two. It was really depressing Cera and ticking Alec off but they tried to keep quiet.
"So, I'm sure Cera wasn't too happy with your second encounter. I mean, dance with a girl and ignore her? Harsh. Couldn't have been a good start for the relationship." Kiley said, curious.
"I know he had his reasons." Cera nodded.
"Besides, from what I hear, I got a better start than Alec!" Ben chuckled. This set Alec off. Now, he made up his mind. He hated the guy. Who the hell are you to say that? Were you there? No, you weren't.
"On the contrary. We actually had a great start. I just happened to ruin it." He said without thinking. This made everyone pause. Cera looked up at Alec, hoping wasn't about to do what she thought he was going to do.
"Huh?" Kiley asked, looking at him confused.
"Yeah. Don't you know what happened in the fifth grade?" He smirked.
"Alec..." Cera gave a warning glare.
"What?" Alec asked Cera. "It's not like anyone can blame you." He laughed.
"Blame her for what?" Ben asked.
"Alec, don't-" Cera begged.
"Oh, she didn't tell you? She had the biggest crush on me in the fifth grade!" Alec smiled and laughed.
"What?!" Kiley went wide eyed with shock. Cera turned red and felt ashamed.
"Yeah! Tried giving me a love letter! At first, I just laughed and ran away from her but then a few kids started giving me crap over it. That's why I tormented her for so long. I blamed her for my embarrassment. I swore she was going to pay- for liking me!" He chuckled. "Looking back, I was an idiot. But, honestly, I'm glad it got us where we are." He smiled. Kiley looked at Cera, angry.
"This whole time you had a crush on him?"
"No, it was a long time ago! It's not a big deal, really-" Cera stressed.
"If it's not a big deal, why didn't you tell me?!"
"Because you're already super jealous and I didn't want to make it worse!"
"Well, good job, you made it worse." Kiley glared, shocking her. Cera's feelings were hurt. She tried so hard to be good to her best friend.
"I..." Cera didn't know how to respond. She got up and started walking out.
"Nice going." Alec glared at Kiley before leaving the booth and running off to Cera. Yeah, that's right, Kiley thought. Leave me to run to her... like you always will.

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