Chapter 11

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Alec needed to have a little chat with Ben. If Cera liked and trusted him, he wasn't going to stand in the way of her happiness. He would never try to keep her from that. But something has been off about him since him and Cera started dating.

He stood next to his car after school and waited to see Ben. Eventually, Alec saw him and walked to him as he was unlocking his car.
"Hey." Alec greeted. Ben glanced at him before unlocking his door.
"Hey." He stood straight and looked at Alec. "Can I help you with something?"
"I don't know. Look, I don't know why- you seem like an alright guy- but I have a really bad vibe from you."
"Maybe because you're jealous." Ben suggested. This caught Alec off guard.
"Excuse me?"
"Look, I don't know what you were hoping to get out of our little talk, but I think you should be a little more concerned with what your girlfriend is doing... and with who." He grinned and got in his car. Alec looked in his window in a panic.
"Kiley told me a lot about you, Alec. I think you should be asking yourself who you care about more. Your girlfriend or your best friend. From there, just know whoever you choose, probably won't take your word for it once I'm done... by the way, did you know your girlfriend is a squealer? Not as good as some girls but she is a fun time." Ben grinned and sped off. Alec stood there, dumbfounded.


"I'm telling you, he's cheating on her." Alec sat on Kiley's bed.
"He said he slept with me. He was probably just trying to get a rise our of you."
"Well, it worked." Alec said with a sigh.
"Oh, come on. Don't be like this. Let's have a little fun while we're alone." She straddled his hips. "We never do this anymore since we've been fighting all the time." She pressed her lips against his softly. He kissed back and they started to move in sync. But Alec's thought were on Cera. He knew she was dating a cheater and he just couldn't let it slide. Alec pulled away.
"I should call her... I should tell her what he told me, at least, so she can decide for herself." He nodded decisively. Kiley sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Typical." She spat and laid next to him. He looked at her.
"Nothing. Just go. Run off to her like you always do. She's on a date with Ben and from what I hear, she was hoping on getting her first kiss today. Don't want it to be with a cheater, right?" She glared.
"The hell is wrong with you?" Alec thought out loud. She sat up.
"Me? What's wrong with me? That's funny coming from the guy who's in love with my best friend but continues to sleep with me!" She stood. He stood with her.
"I don't love her! I love you!" He shouted and paused in realization as she crossed her arms. He heard it in his own voice. He didn't mean a word of what was just said. He didn't think he was in love with Cera by any means but he knew in that moment, he fell out of love with Kiley. He probably did a long time ago.
"See? You don't love me anymore." Kiley sat on her bed. Alec clenched his fists.
"Is that why you cheated on me for the last few months with Ben?" He asked. She didn't answer. "You would do that to me? To Cera?"
"Cera was colateral damage. I never meant to hurt her. I won't either. As long as you don't tell. You can tell her Ben cheated, fine. But leave me out of it, I'm begging."
"You can't bitch your way out of this one." Alec spat and started to walk out.
"Don't let your emotions cloud your judgment." She warned. He paused.
"Why not? You did." He glared and walked out, holding in tears to the best of his ability.


Ben and Cera went out to the boardwalk to play games and ride rides. Towards the end of the date, they sat down to eat a large french fry.
"Thank you for today." Cera said, sitting right next to him at their table.
"Of course. Anytime." He smiled and they went quiet for a moment. "Hey, uh... can I ask you something?"
"Sure." Cera shrugged.
"Do you trust me?"
"Uh, yeah. Sure, I guess." She laughed.
"I'm being serious." He said with a straight face, making her more serious. "I think you trust Alec more than me."
"What's this about?" Cera asked, suspiciously.
"Well," he sighed. "Alec approached me today. Started talking about how I was ruining yours and his friendship and how he 'had this bad feeling' about me and well... I think he's going to try to break us up." Ben said. "I know you trust him so it made me concerned." Why is he just bringing this up now? Alec wouldn't do that unless he had a good reason. Somethings not right...
"Well, Why did he approach you?"
"Why would he just walk up to you and spill his plans so you can warn me?"
"I don't know." Ben shrugged, starting to panic. The girl is smarter than anyone gives her credit before. "I just wanted to warn you... the real reason I wanted to come out here was... well..." he started leaning in. Cera suppressed a snort. Like I'd kiss you after you told me something so rediculous. She was about to blow him off when he got a call. "Sorry." He smiled and went to take it. He came back a couple minutes later. "I am so sorry but I have to get going. I'll drop you off at your house."
"Okay." Cera agreed and took the ride. Ben tried to kiss Cera again when he dropped her off but she blew him off and went in her house.

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