Chapter 29

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First day of Senior year. Yeah, not intimidating at all.

Cera was nervous but even suprised herself with how excited she was. She decided to look extra good that day so she wore tight fitting light blue jeans, a yellow tank top, brown sandals, and even did her hair and makeup. She pinned back the side of her hair up in a clip to keep out of her face and did minimum make up. Foundation, blush, mascara, and pink lip bomb. With her brown purse she decided to use as a back pack, she was done with her look.
"Cera! Alec's here!" Kate yelled from the front door as Cera was going down the stairs.
"Coming!" She rushed herself out and went to the front door. Both Kate and Alec looked at her as Cera looked Alec up and down. He wore baggy blue jeans and a brown Tee Shirt. Very casual but he made it work. Oddly, Cera was attracted to it along with his messy brown hair. Cera pulled her gaze away and to her mom before Alec could notice.
"Well, you look cute!" Kate laughed.
"Thanks mom." Cera chuckled before looking at Alec again with a sigh. "Ready to go?"
"Yeah." He nodded and they both started leaving.
"Wait!" Kate said before pulling Cera in a hug. "Love you. Have a good day at school."
"Love you too, mom." Cera smiled.
"Hey, can I talk to Alec for a second? I'm sure you can wait in the car." Kate asked, pulling away.
"Yeah, the car is unlocked." Alec confirmed. Cera looked between them.
"Alright. I'll be waiting." She smiled and walked away. Alec and Kate looked at each other again, smiles gone.
"Remember what I told you, Alec. You know she's a fragile girl as she is." Kate said in a serious tone.
"I understand." Alec nodded. They stood there for a long moment.
"Good. I'll see you around then." She nodded and went inside.


"Oh, Alec! You're here to pick Cera up for school?" Kate smiled warmly after opening the front door.
"As always." He chuckled.
"Well, I'll get her for you." Kate nodded and turned to go get Cera but stopped. She'd been wanting to talk to him for a while and now she finally had her chance. Kate turned back to Alec. "Alec, can I ask you something?"
"Sure." He shrugged, indifferently. Kate hesitated at her question.
"Do you... do you like my daughter?" The question came and hit Alec like a ton of bricks. Quickly, his smile faded. After a moment of standing there, he sighed and closed his eyes.
"Is it that obvious?"
"You're lucky my daughter is oblivious." Kate suddenly laughed. "So, when are you asking her out?"
"I'm not." Alec said, making Kate pause.
"I can't asked her out."
"Why not?" Kate asked, making Alec go quiet. No one seemed to get it.
"Mrs. Johnson, did your daughter ever tell you about anything she went through at school?" His face was almost a glare. Kate thought for a long moment.
"She told be kids were mean and joked about beating up one particular boy..."
"Yeah, the boy she wanted to beat up was me. You know how I know? Cause I was her worst bully." Alec spilled. Kate felt a clench in her heart.
"You what?"
"I treated her horrible... over something really stupid." Alec scoffed at himself. Kate wanted to be mad but a question stopped her.
"What changed?" This cause Alec to grin ever so slightly at the memory.
"She had enough." He explained, calmly. "Kiley and I got together and... Cera was trying to be a good friend by killing me with kindness... she didn't want to give me a reason to hate her anymore..." He smiled even more than before. "She forgave me... after everything... she forgave me- even though I didn't deserve it..." Kate thought she understood.
"If she forgave you, what's stopping you from making a move?" Kate asked. Alec looked up at her.
"I still broke her." He said. "I mean, I guess it wasn't just me. I think Ben was the straw that broke the camels back. But I got her to the point to wear she can't trust anyone. I'm sorry, Mrs. Johnson... I hurt your daughter and ruined my chance before I even got it." Alec looked away, ashamed. Kate sighed. She didn't like how he was the one that bullied her for so long. It made her reconsider her vote for them to get together. But in the end, she knew what was right of her for Cera.
"What did I tell you about calling me 'Mrs. Johnson'?" She glared. Alec looked up at her, suprised. "Look, I'm going to be honest. You hurt my little girl again, you won't have just Cera or me to deal with- hell, not even just her father. Gabe and Chris are her friends too so I don't have to remind you how many people will skin you if you so much as call her a bad word. But, if my daughter forgave you, then that means she has faith in you. She's already proven she trusts you which leaves me to give you one piece of advice. Do something about your feelings if you are serious about her. If you want her, don't keep her waiting because I'm willing to bet she'll give you a chance. But if not, I suggest you find someone to get your mind off her." That's when Kate heard Cera coming down the steps.

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