Chapter 25

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The party.

That was a night no one wanted to remember. Luckily for those invited to the party, most didn't. Gabe didn't drink which is why he did remember. But that night... half of him wishes he had drank before instead of after... but still, he didn't. Cera herself didn't nessacerily regret avoiding to have a drink. She just kinda wished she had allowed herself to drink a little more.

She wasn't invited to the party. But she had more than one opportunity to drink.

But that's for later. For now, let's start this chapter from the beginning- so it makes a little sense...

(Starting from Alec showing up at the party)

Alec stepped in the house to be consumed with loud music, people, and chants of encouragement for the beer keg chug. He usually was the life of the party but now he felt so out of place having been gone for so long.

It was almost like watching a memory or like he was dreaming it all. He almost felt like no one noticed him or that he didn't exist there at all. He felt like an outsider looking in until Derek, drunk and stoned, walked up.
"Hey!" He said, leaning on Alec for support. Alec could smell what he drank and smoked on his breath. "Que paso, amigo?" He laughed. "It's been a while. Did miss perfect finally let you go to a party?"
"I broke up with Kiley."
"Who said I was talking about Kiley?" Derek laughed. Alec glared, already wanting to go home. "Oh come on, Alec! We all know Cera has you wrapped around her little finger... well... as best as she can." Derek laughed more.
"Actually, she told me to go and have fun." Alec felt a need to show Derek up.
"Oh!" Derek grinned before grabbing a red cup and holding out to Alec. "But I bet she told you not to drink."
"She didn't tell me that- I just don't want to."
"Now when has Alec Rhodes ever refused a drink, huh? Cera totally told you not to, right? And you're obeying her?" Derek laughed. Alec took the cup, annoyed.
"No, she didn't! Now, I'll drink it if you just shut up!"
"Okay, okay." Derek laughed and stumbled away, leaving Alec to stare in his cup. He didn't want to drink. But there was no way he was going to survive the night sober. With a sigh, he took a sip.

Alec Mistake Count: 1

Alec was supposed to go find Gabe and Chris so they could keep an eye on him but figured they'd find him.

Alec Mistake Count: 2

Alec, trying to be responsible, decided to take his lonely drink and sit himself on the couch to try to stay out of the way. He watched quietly- observing the people partying around him without saying a word. When did I become an introvert? He wondered, still sipping on his drink.


Where the hell is Alec? Gabe thought, worriedly, checking his phone. It had been about two hours since they last talked and Gabe hadn't seen him at all. Concerned, he called Alec. It rand about three times before he picked up.
"H-hell-lo?" Alec hiccupped.
"Alec? Where are you?"
"I... I don't know!" Gabe sat confused in a lawn chair outside while Alec asked the person next to him where he was. "The dining room." Alec managed to communicate. Gabe couldn't believe it.
"Are you drunk?"
"SHHH!" Alec yelled through the phone. "Don't tell Cera... she'll be m-mad at me."
"You need to go home." Gabe stated, more so, talking to himself and trying to figure out how to get both him and Chris in his car to get their drunk selves home.
"N-no, my friend. Cera told me to have fun so I'm going to have fun!"

Alec Mistake Count: 3

"Alec, don't drive home, okay? I'm going to get you a ride. Don't go anywhere-" Gabe was up and looking for Chris during that sentence but stopped walking upon being hung up on. Gabe groaned and started looking for Chris.

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