Chapter 14

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"No... Cera-"
"Alec, don't." Cera said. "You were right... Ben was right!"
"No, we weren't!" Alec shouted, making her jump a little. "I was dumb before... Ben is still an idiot. You're smarter than this-" Alec stepped towards her, wanting to turn her to face him but she spoke.
"I'm smart enough to know when not to make the same mistake twice! Dating... trusting anyone besides you... that was my mistake. And it'll never happen again." Cera started stomping off. Kiely felt anger and looked at her.
"Why is it you can forgive Alec for years of torment but you can't forgive me for a simple mistake?!" Cera froze. After a second, she came back and got in Kiley's face.
"First, Through all the years I've known him, he's never lied to me. Two, a simple mistake? How many times did you screw him, Kiley?! How many times did you back stab me AND Alec?!" To this, Kiley didn't have a reply.

Cera scoffed and stormed away, angrily.
"See what you and Ben did?" Alec got Kiley's attention. She looked at him. "Now she thinks she's a pathetic joke. The least you could've done was not sleep with her boyfriend."
"You aren't innocent. You heard Ben-"
"Did I ever say I was?!" He shouted. "You were supposed to be the one person on her side. Why the hell would you give that up?!"
"Sorry we broke your girlfriend, okay? Is that what you want to hear? That I'm sorry for hurting her? Cheating on you?"
"No, actually." Alec said. "I don't want to hear you at all... never again." With that, he ran after Cera.


Prom came and went along with the end of Junior year. Cera didn't talk much to anyone. The only people she even looked at were Chris, Gabe, and Alec. She tried to act normal but it was obvious she was different. She built more walls up and refused to let anyone in. Including Alec. She felt he had seen her cry too much and let him get too close. She didn't feel she could really trust anyone. Cera felt Alec could be an exception but guarded her heart anyway. She never wanted to feel that way again. She didn't want to be a pathetic joke ever again.

Over the summer, the boys had their birthdays. Chris and Gabe had theirs within a week of each other so the four decided to take a trip to an amusement park together. The only issue being...

...Cera's dad...

Course, Cera got the feeling Kate trusted Alec specifically, and therefore would help her dad be a little more open minded with knowing he would go.
"You wanna be alone at a hotel with these three boys?" Shawn asked.
"They're my friends! Besides, I'm getting my own room and their paying!" Cera pleaded. Shawn sighed.
"I'm sorry, no." He said. Cera felt her heart fall.
"What if I go." Kate said. They looked at her. "I'll pay for my own ticket to the theme park and we can share the room. Problem solved." Kate shrugged. Cera looked to her dad who thought for a moment.
"Fine." He caved.
"Yes!" Cera said, smiling.
"But I have one more question." Shawn looked at Cera, very serious. "Are you sure you don't like Alec?"
"Oh my gosh." Cera rolled her eyes. "For the billionth time, no! I am in no way interested in Alec Rhodes!" Cera looked Shawn in the eyes. Kate felt disappointed. She liked Alec. Quite frankly, so did Shawn.
"Then you're free to go." Shawn decided.
"Thanks, Dad!" Cera kissed his cheek and ran off to call the boys.
"I told you, I don't think those two are getting together." Shawn looked at his wife, grinning.
"I'm not giving up." Kate said simply. "Cera and Alec went through some pretty tough heart breaks a few months ago. They're still healing."
"It's been months. They should've been over it a long time ago."
"Honey, Alec was in love with Kiley. Cera was made a joke by Ben in front of their whole school! They're grieving and recovering." Kate pushed. Shawn sighed.
"I guess we'll see." He said, unconvinced.


"I'm sorry my mom has to come with." Cera said to Gabe over the phone.
"Don't worry about it! You're mom's cool!"
"Yeah, I doubt she'll even let us know she's there!" Chris yelled out at the speaker phone. Cera shrugged.
"Yeah, my mom's pretty cool." She smiled. Suddenly, her phone beeped. "Oh, hey, I gotta go. Alec's on the other line." She said.
"Okay! See you Wednesday!"
"See you then!" Cera said her goodbye before picking up Alec's call. "Hey, what's up?" She greeted.
"Nothing much. Just wanted to see if you're coming with the guys and I."
"Yeah but my dad only agreed because my mom is coming too." Cera said.
"Well at least you're mom is cool." Alec said.
"That's what Gabe and Chris said." Cera laughed. "Hey, are you busy?"
"No. I'm just chilling. Why?"
"I was just wondering if you'd be man enough to ride the roller coasters with me- but I don't want to take up your time." She smirked.
"Please, I'll ride front row." Alec grinned.
"Promise not to chicken out on me? Chris and Gabe would." She remembered a school field trip to a local carnival back in the third grade where she was the first one on the kiddy roller coaster but Gabe and Chris cried their way off. Alec didn't start going to the same school til the fourth grade.
"Hey, I'm a man of my word." Alec said, making Cera laugh. They talked on the phone for hours.

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