Chapter Four

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"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday, Dear Cera! Happy Birthday to you!"

This is how Cera woke up:

Her parents and Kiley, coming in with an omelet with a single candle in the middle, singing that song. Cera sat up as fast as she could and smiled at her parents and best friend. After the song, Kiley held out the plate and let Cera blow out the candle to make a wish. The they would be doing it again later when the guys got there but they wanted her sixteenth birthday to start off with a bang. The took out the candle and gave Cera a fork to eat her food.
"What time is it?" Cera asked.
"Eleven. Don't worry, we've got plenty of time."
"They guys don't show up till, like, six so we're good." Kate said.
"Yeah, just eat and relax, okay?" Cera's dad, Shawn, said.
"I don't want to leave you guys with all the work." Cera said, concerned.
"Just shut up and eat." Kiley ordered, smiling. Cera grinned and ate.


Hours later, everything was set up. The cake decorating in the kitchen and the movie watching in the living room. All that was left was dressing Cera up. Kiley took her time on this. She wore the blue dress with natural looking make up and light jewelry. All her hair was braided to one side and stopped on her shoulder, since it wasn't very long.
"You're so beautiful." Kiley said, honestly.
"To bad I'm crippled." Cera laughed.
"Stop. I'm serious."
"So am I." Cera shot back. "I do rock this dress though. Think the guys will like it?"
"If they don't, they're blind." Kiley smiled.
"Thank you for all this." Cera said. "It really means a lot this is what I'm wearing for my birthday."
"Don't thank me yet. I'm forcing you to take pictures once I'm done." Kiley was finishing her make up.


There was a doorbell.
"I got it!" Cera shouted and answered the door to see Gabe alone. "Hey! You're here! Have you heard from Chris or Alec yet?"
"Nothing from Alec but Chris is on his way." He said.
"Awesome. Come on in." Cera smiled. He walked in with Cera to the kitchen.
"Happy Birthday, by the way. You look great."
"Thank you! Kiley did it for me." Cera smiled.
"And I did a fine job, if I do say so myself." Kiley walked up. After a while of chatting, Chris showed up. Just then, Kiley got a text.

From: Babe
To: Kay

Omw... should I get a gift???

Kiley sighed.

From: Kay
To: Babe

Chocolate milk and Swedish Fish. She loves that stuff.

From: Babe
To: Kay

Kk c u soon ;)

"Alec is on his way." Kiley told the group.
"Awesome. Once he shows up, we'll start on the cakes." Cera decided.
"Can't we just start without him? He's late." Chris groaned.
"Did we start without you? You know, since you were also late, like last year?" Cera sassed.
"Shots fired." Gabe chuckled. They all agreed to wait for him- Chris being more reluctant than the rest.

After a while, Alec showed up with a grocery bag at hand. Gabe was the one to get the door but they both walked in the kitchen so Alec could give Cera his "gift".
"Sorry, I didn't know what to get you." He said as she took the bag.
"It's okay. You didn't have to get me anything."
"Seriously, she never asks for anything." Chris said.
"I never know what to get her." Gabe sighed.
"Oh my gosh-yes!" Cera almost yelled upon seeing the chocolate milk and Swedish Fish. "Thank you! This is awesome! I love this stuff!" She smiled wide. She figured Kiley told him to buy it for her but she didn't say anything. Alec was amused at how something so simple could get her to smile like that. Cera put the stuff in the fridge. "I'll have it when we start the movies." She decided. "So, we going to start on cakes?"
"Did Gabe and Chris already give you their gifts?" Alec asked, curious.
"Not yet. After cake, we will." Chris said.
"Wait, you two got me gifts too?" Cera smiled.
"You didn't expect them to?" Alec asked.
"We told you, she never asks for anything." Gabe said. Stunned, Alec didn't press the subject further. After decorating and another round of Happy Birthday, it was time to eat. Cera looked at Alec to watch him take a bite. He noticed.
"You didn't poison it, did you?" He asked.
"No." She laughed. "This is the first thing you've eaten that I made. I hope you like it!" She explained, making the feeling of guilt start eating at him again. Without a word, he took a bite. He could taste it. It wasn't plain chocolate.
"You made a Rocky Road cake?" He asked. Cera nodded proudly at him.
"I know it's your favorite ice cream and I didn't want make yours a boring cake so I thought I'd try to improve it. Is it okay? Do you like it?" She pressed. Guilt made his whole body hurt but he forced a smile.
"It's awesome. Thanks." He said, sincerely. Cera ate her cake feeling really proud of herself. Just then, Shawn, Cera's dad, walked back in.
"Hey guys." He greeted and walked up to Alec. "Hi. I'm Shawn, Cera's dad. You must be Cera's new friend."
"Ye... Yes, sir." Alec choked out the best he could.
"And you're Kiley's boyfriend?" He asked.
"Yes, sir."
"Well, good luck to you. Kiley's a hand full all her own but add my daughter as a friend and you've really started to push your luck."
"Thanks, Mr. Johnson." Kiley said sarcastically.
"Oh, I'm just messing with you guys. Take care of those girls. Understand?" He smile at Alec who felt sick.
"I understand, sir." Alec swallowed. How do Cera's parents not know who I am? I've been tormenting their daughter for years and she never said a word? The guilt was getting to be to much. She's never even talked bad about him to her parents. Never said anything about what she was going through to anyone but Kiley who eventually started dating Alec. That must've felt like a betrayel. Yet, she still was nice to him. She forgave him and Kiley.

How was she able to do that?


Cera and Kiley changed into pajamas when it came time to watch movies. Chris paid for the pizza and Gabe got the snacks and drinks out of the fridge. From left to right, it was Alec, Kiley, Cera, Gabe, and Chris on the long couch.
"What did your parents get you?" Kiley asked.
"A new laptop and, apparently, they're going to start taking me to self defense classes again." She smiled. Again? Alec thought. Wow, she really DID want to beat the crap out of me. He was both amused and a little impressed.
"Oh, before we start the movie, I wanna give my gift." Chris spoke.
"Oh, me too." Gabe nodded and they got their gifts out. Gabe handed over his first. His was a small box with a tiny pink bow on top. Cera opened it to see a beautiful piece of abalone shell on a sterling silver chain.
"Oh my gosh." Cera smiled. She couldn't believe it. "Gabe... this is too much... I've been wanting this-"
"Forever, I know. I was always hesitant to get it for you cause you never asked for it but... I could tell you wanted it. I hope you like it."
"This is beautiful- thank you so much! I love it!" Cera smiled and hugged him to the best of her ability. Her arms barely touched him but she rested her head on his shoulder and he got the jist and hugged her back. Gabe put it on her and let Chris hand over his gift. Cera took the gift and unwrapped it to see a book. She gasped.
"Is this the last book in the series?! I've been looking for this for years!" She smiled. Chris laughed.
"Yep. It's not paperback but-"
"I don't care if it's paperback- oh my gosh- thank you!" She set the book on the coffee table and practically tackled Chris. He laughed and hugged her back. After a while of her freaking out, they decided to start handing out snacks. The pizza even showed up and the set it on the table.
"Okay. I get sour patch kids, Gabe gets the pixie sticks, Cera gets milk duds, and Kiley gets gummy life savers."
"What about Alec?" Cera asked.
"He likes milk duds." Kiley said. Cera smiled and held the box in his direction across Kiley.
"Here you go!"
"But arn't they yours?" He asked.
"I got the Swedish Fish, remember? Here. I don't want you to not get anything." She said and he took it with a watchful eye. Cera didn't think anything of it and started the movie. Alec had his arm around Kiley but couldn't stop thinking about his guilt.
"Where's the bathroom?" He asked.
"Down the hall, second door to the left." Cera instructed. Alec went to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. She was being so nice and that was the most painful part of it all. She has no idea how her kindness was torturing him and therefore, had no alternative motives. Sure, she knew he felt a little bad but no one could guess how her kindness was the cruelest thing she could do to him. With a deep breath, he walked out in the hall and headed to the living room when something caught his eye. A family photo. Cera sat in front of her dad and her mom stood to the right of him. But, sitting in front of her mom, sat a boy who looked older than Cera.
"That's David." Kate walked up next to him. Alec glanced at her quickly. "Cera's brother." She shrugged.
"I thought she was an only child."
"She is... now." Kate sighed. Alec let her words sink in.
"What happened?"
"Drunk driver. Cera was in the  passenger." This made Alec look at her.
"She what?"
"Yeah. Head on, too. Had David not unbuckled and jumped on Cera when he did... she would've been the one that died. Cera blamed herself for so long because she believed if she hadn't insisted on going with to the store, he would still be alive. She admired him so much... she just wanted to take every opportunity to spend time with him."
"...I had no idea." Alec said.
"I think that's why she refuses to learn how to drive. Not that my husband and I mind." Kate gave a sad smiled. "Hard to believe it's only been a  little over two years." She sighed, making Alec look at her again. "It happened the summer before her freshman year. Cera was still in the hospital during his funeral so no one's put together they're related. Cera wanted to keep it that way... she didn't want the attention... she once told me, 'they feel sorry enough for me as it is... I don't want more pity. David would want me to be strong'... she is quite strong." Kate laughed sadly. "I'm not even sure Kiley knows. Cera wouldn't let me call her. I think that's the only lie Cera ever told Kiley. Instead of, 'I was in a wreak, my brother you never got to meet died.' It was, 'I was at camp, I never had a brother- the guy in the photo is my distant relative I never see.'" Kate was pouring the information on him and all the sudden realized what she did. She spilt a big secret to one of her daughters friends. "Oh my gosh... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have told you-"
"This whole time she never said a word?" Alec stared at the photo with tears in his eyes. "I hurt her for so long and she never said a word..."
"What did you say?" Kate asked. Alec looked at her.
"I'm so sorry." He said. "I... I feel sick..."
"Do you need something?"
"I need to go home... I can't deal with this- I can't..."
"Do you need someone to drive you?"
"No." He shook his head and went to the living room. "Guys?" He got their attention. They all looked at him.
"Hey, Alec? You okay? You look pale." Cera said.
"I feel sick... I need to go home... I'll see you guys Monday." He explained and started his way to his car. What the hell have I done? He thought. What the hell have I done?!

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