Chapter 22

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Alec, Chris, and Gabe walked out of the laser tag place slightly sweaty but not in other ways dirty. Their faces shined and were red, and they felt the cold was worse than before, due to the sweat on their backs that went cold and made them shiver. They walked together to Gabe's car to chat before Alec took his car and they all head to hooters. The sun was just setting, making it hard to see when you looked in the wrong direction. On the way to the car, Alec and Chris walked a little ahead of Gabe, talking about the fun they had not long ago. With his hands in his pockets, he glance over to see Cera asleep in Alec's car. Gabe stopped and sighed for a moment. Does Alec know how lucky he is? He wondered, shaking his head. He wasn't attracted to Cera. Really, he had his eyes on someone else. But, Gabe could see it, Cera was attracted to Alec. Alec made her happy in ways no one else could. It was incredible to Gabe how Alec gained her trust so much so fast. There had to be some emotion behind it, right? Gabe wasn't sure but what he did know was Alec had feelings for Cera. Therefore, should say something. Gabe caught up with Chris and Alec and draped his arms over their shoulders, stopping them.
"Looks like someone took you up on your offer." He motioned to Alec's car. They looked. Alec swallowed, uncomfortable.
"Uh, yeah."
"She looks really comfortable. She must trust you." Gabe stressed.
"Uh huh." Alec agreed and walked ahead. Gabe sighed and walked up next to him.
"C'mon. Are you really trying to get over her?" Alec stopped and turned to him slightly agitated and frustrated.
"Yes- I mean..." he looked away for a second before placing his hands on his sides and returning eye contact. "I'm trying."
"Trying?" Gabe raised an eye brow, questioningly.
"Yes! Look, It's not like I can shut her out and try to forget her. She's still my best friend and she doesn't deserve to be punished because of my dumb feelings." He made a disgusted expression when saying the word "feelings".
"Or you can just ask her out-"
"Oh, this again!" Alec scoffed and shook his head.
"Why are you so against dating her?" Chris spoke up, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. He was growing annoyed with the situation. Alec looked at Chris. Gabe merely glanced before returning his gaze to Alec.
"This can't just be about you worried about getting rejected. You know she cares about you. So, why are you so against it? Huh? Are you, possibly, embarrassed by her-"
"No. Never." Alec quickly shook his head.
"Then what?" Chris raised his voice slightly. This made Cera gain consciousness. She blinked her eyes open and looked to see her three friends standing and looking at each other almost accusingly. Cera laid back and tried to go back to sleep. She failed but still rested her eyes, entertaining herself by eavesdropping. She knew it was wrong to over hear but, call it a personal flaw, she couldn't resist.
"Shh!" Gabe scolded Chris. "Don't wake Cera up."
"Maybe we should!" Chris said even louder.
"Chris-!" Alec whisper yelled.
"What? Don't you think she should be apart of this conversation? We're talking about your dream girl, after all." He stated. Alec's dream girl? Cera thought. What does that have to do with me?
"Chris, it's not that easy!" Alec said. "I told Cera about the dream girl but that's all I'm saying!" He's keeping something from me? "The reason I can't tell her how I feel is because-" Alec's voice cut out. He couldn't believe he was saying this. "I... need more time."
"Huh?" Gabe and Chris looked at him funny.
"Cera told me... before the Ben drama, she wanted to date a friend. But I don't just want to be her friend. I want her to know she can trust me before I make a move. I don't want her to even question whether or not she'll get hurt. Cause I want her to know she won't." Cera's heart melted and she looked at him. Wow... he just might love this girl. She's a lucky woman, that's for sure. She better take care of him, Cera thought, unknowing. "I want her to know her disability doesn't effect how I see her. I want her to be confident and proud of herself. I want her as she is..." Alec let his voice trail off and eyes stare at the gravel. Cera's eyes widen a bit. She has a disability? Why didn't he tell me?! Just then, Chris looked and made eye contact with Cera. He knew in that moment, she heard a lot more than she was supposed to. Cera felt her heart beat faster. She was caught.
"Uh, guys..." Chris got Gabe and Alec to look back at Cera. Alec felt his blood run cold upon seeing her. Especially when she turned red and looked down to avoid eye contact. Cera sighed to herself. There was a feeling in her chest she couldn't place. She oddly didn't want to talk to Alec in that moment but pushed the feeling aside to get out of the car and walk up to the guys with a fake smile.
"Look, Cera, It's not what you think-"
"Talking about that dream girl again, huh?" She made an effort to sound happy, making Alec look at her stunned for a moment. Chris heard a hint of resentment in her voice but didn't speak up about it at all. "Why did you leave me out? I was only talking a nap, you know." She laughed and looked up to Alec. "Why didn't you tell me has a disability? What kind is it?"
"Well, uh..." Alec was put on the spot and didn't know what to say. Did she seriously still not get it?!
"It's a hand disability." Gabe stepped in. "Like yours. Her hands are small and hard to work with."
"Ah, I see." Cera nodded, smiling. "Well, we can work with that. It'll take a long time but if Alec's in it for the long run, I think he can win this girl over."
"You don't say." Gabe glared at Alec who refused eye contact with everyone.
"Totally! After that little speech, I think she'd at least struggle to say no to him. With a little work, I have no doubt he'll win her over. For now, I'm hungry. Let's get going." Cera giggled and walked back to Alec's car. Alec was dumbfounded. He was lucky she was oblivious.
"Even the girl you like thinks you can win her over!" Gabe whisper yelled at Alec.
"Shut up!" Alec whisper yelled back before blushing and walking away. Alec got in the drivers seat of his car and closed the door with a sigh.
"Tired?" Cera smiled, having already got her buckle on.
"That's a word for it." He joked, making her giggle. He laid back in his chair and closed his eyes, needing to relax for a second.
"Well, one more place before we go home." She promised, laying back in her seat. Alec's eyes open and he turns his head to look at her.
"Yeah, you're dropping me off at my place, right?" Cera looked at him and pressed her eyebrows together. Alec blinked, blushed, and looked straight ahead. She made it sound like we were going to the same place... he thought.

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