part 11

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After a month…….

All r in their houses…….

Pragya comes down from her room

Dadi:Come Pragya beta, did Abhi wake up….????

Pragya:Good mrng Dadi, Yaa he woke up now only went to brush

Dadi:Fine, u have ur breakfast

Pragya(to herself):Sry Dadi, that rock star woke up or not I don’t know as u should not feel sad I like that

Just then Abhi comes down

Abhi:Hey Dadi darling……..eating breakfast without me haan…..!!!

Dadi:When did I do that beta……..come fast, but did u have it bath

Abhi:Dadi, I know very well that u won’t eat without me and for that I need to have my bath, so I did that first itself….!!!!

Abhi sits down to have breakfast…… all have their breakfast

In Pragya’s flat(now became Arnav’s flat)

Sarla:Arnav Khushi come and have breakfast both of

Both come down without even talking with each other……

Sarla:Both came, pls have ur breakfast……..and don’t tell me again that u both had a fight…….

Arnav:Chachi she only started it……I didn’t do anything

Khushi:Chachiji from this itself u should understand that I didn’t do anything…….!!!!!!

Sarla:Okay fine, pls both of u have ur food……

In Raman’s flat

Raman:Ishu where is breakfast……????

Ishu is sitting on the dining table and didn’t listen to wat Raman said

Raman:Ishu yaar, did u listen to me……!!!!

Ishu is still silent

Raman comes to Ishu and shakes her

Raman:Ishu where r u lost…..!!!!!

Ishu:From the day the engagement took place I am lost Raman

Raman:Ishu all passed away right, now all hot married and still is not forgiving them

Ishu:How could I Raman, they thought that I won’t think about their future or them……

Raman:Shhhh……Ishu…… pls don’t take the old things and pls do get ready…….did u forget its our get together…..!!!

Ishu:Yaa Yaa, I know……but pls don’t compel me to talk with everyone okay…..!!!!!

Raman:Fine I won’t do anything like that, but pls get ready…….in the evening I ll come and pick u up….!!!!

Raman goes to his office……!!!!

Shalu:So guys, v have just now witnessed a month leap……to know wat happened u all have to wait…..!!!!

In the evening…….

All have gathered at a restaurant……!!!!

Ishu is sitting very silent……!!!!

Arnav and Pragya don’t know wat to do to convince Ishu

Raman wants to join them all……

Khushi and Abhi r in their own world thinking about something……

Raman msgs Khushi and Abhi

Raman:Guys, shall v all move out so that the trio talks something

Khushi:Buy Bhai, even v tried this last week, but it was of no use

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