part 29

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In the evening……….

Abhi comes to Raman’s house after finishing the concert……..

Ruhi:Abhi uncle……..u didn’t take me to ur concert……!!!!!

Abhi then lifts Ruhi…….and makes her sit on the dining table……

Abhi:I would have taken u……but ur Raman chachu didn’t allow me

Ruhi then stares at Raman…..!!!!

Raman:Ruhi beta, chachu had work na…….so I wasn’t able to take u…….but don’t wry Abhi himself is here u can make him sing…….!!!!

Abhi now stares at Raman……!!!!

Raman(to Abhi):U tried to make me get scoldings from her now u try and escape……!!!!

Just then Aarav runs into the house……!!!!

Aarav:Hey rockstar…….first game with me……!!!!

Abhi(to Raman):See my champ has come to save me……!!!!

Raman smirks at Abhi……!!!

Ruhi:No first song then game…..!!!!!

Aarav:No first game then Watever…..!!!!

Like this Ruhi and Aarav fight for some time

Khushi comes in and gets shocked seeing Aarav and Ruhi fight

Khushi:Chup dono ek dum chup(Keep quite both of u keep quite)…… games and no songs……!!!!

Ruhi and Aarav make pout face………Raman and Abhi do HiFi………

Ruhi and Aarav run to the hall and switch on the TV and start watching their favourite cartoon…….!!!!

Here Raman, Abhi and Khushi sit down to have a talk……!!!!

Abhi:Its great na………after the arrival of Ruhi and Aarav……..v have somehow forgot about the past…….!!!!

Raman holds Abhi’s hands……!!!

Raman:Don’t lie Abhi……….I know u still talk to ur Fuggi……!!!

Khushi:V two have at least Aarav and Ruhi to distract us…….but u go to ur room and just keep talking with Fuggi……..and u thought that v won’t know……..!!!!

Abhi just puts his hand on Raman’s hand…..!!!!

Abhi:Wat can I do man……by this only I get distracted……..otherwise my mind keeps going to the old days……!!!!!

Khushi:Okay fine v won’t say anything u do Watever u want………but don’t forget…….!!!!

Raman:U have to come here every evening to enjoy with us……!!!!

All the three have a smile…….!!!!!

But their smile is stopped by screaming sound…..!!!!

All the three:Ruhi……..!!!!!

They then ran to the hall

Ruhi and Aarav were fighting……..!!!!

Ruhi:No I ll see that show………

Aarav:No I have to see my show……

All the elders hit their head……!!!!

Abhi:First v should kill these TV makers……!!!!!

Rurav(Ruhi-Aarav):Shut up stupid…….don’t talk bad about TV…….!!!!

Abhi makes pout face…….Ruhi and Aarav continue their fight over remote……..Raman and Khushi laugh seeing Abhi

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