part 42

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After 3 years………

In Mumbai……..

Ishu:Raman where r u……..Raman…….!!!!

Raman:I am here Ishu……..with ur son……..!!!!

Raman is making a small boy(2 years old) to get ready for some function

Ishu:Adi beta………stand still I need to comb ur hair na…..!!!!!

Adi:Okay fine Mumma…….!!!!!

With that the boy stands still…….Ishu combs his hair

Adi:Now can I go……..!!!!

Raman:Always ready to run……..wait let me tie ur shoe lace……then only u ll look perfect in the function…….!!!!

With that Raman ties his lace and he runs down…….!!!!

Ishu wat about to go behind him but Raman pulls her

Ishu:Raman wat r u dng………some ll come

Raman:Let them see, I am gng to have some time with me wife

Ishu:Raman ur a father of a two year old kid

Raman:Yaa so………I want a girl kid now………!!!!!

Ishu becomes red due to blush…….

She then hits him playfully and runs from there……….

Arnav:Khushi……Khushi where r u…….!!!!

Arnav comes running to the room…….to find Khushi trying to get their baby boy(1 year old) ready………!!!!!

Arnav then goes next to her…….and hugs her from behind……

Khushi:Arnav wat r u doing……..!!!!!

Arnav:Y can’t I hug my wife……..and wat r doing…….

Khushi:I was just trying to make Ashish ready for the function……..but look at him…….he is not even interested to get ready……

They both look at them baby boy…….who is playing with Khushi’s finger

Arnav:Like father only ll be the son……….won’t let his mother have some free time……..!!!!

Suddenly the baby smiles and starts to make baby sounds as to agreeing to wat Arnav said

Khushi:So Mr.Ashish……u ll listen to ur daddy and not mommy haan……okay fine then daddy and son get ready and come…….I am going…….

Saying that Khushi gives her son to Arnav and she goes down……

Arnav then looks at his son…….!!!

Arnav:Come on Ashish……v have to prove ur mother so let’s get to work……..!!!!

With that Arnav tries to make his son ready……!!!!

Khushi watches this from the door and smiles seeing Arnav having trouble in making their son ready…….

On the other side…….!!!!

Pragya was in a hurry to get ready……

Pragya:Abhi…..Abhi…..where r u……..v need to reach the naming ceremony na……did u get ready or not…….???

Suddenly someone comes and lifts her….and makes her sit on the bed

It was none other than Abhi who as lifted her………!!!!

Abhi:Pragya u can’t become stressed and can’t keep running like this……..don’t u get it…….ur pregnant……!!!!

Pragya:Untill u and all the others r there to care for me nothing ll happen……but pls listen…..v need to go to the function na……!!!!

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