part 18

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Khushi:Okay Bhai v all believe u……… that all have stayed here and talked for a long time……….shall v all go home

Mani:Stupid girl, without eating leaving the function………our parents ll scold us

Abhi:Wow, I am also hungry………..said a very long story come guys let’s go and eat

They all move down to have food

After having food…….

Shagun:So guys don’t forget tmrw is my haldi function so all u girls must come to my house and all the boys go to Mani’s house

Khushi:Really grt then it ll be so much fun……….v all can enjoy a lot

Mani:Menfolk, I know this ritual is for girls let’s try our level best to enjoy

Shagun:And after the ritual all girls in my room and all boys in Mani’s room……….I ll call Mani and u ppl should continue with the rest of the story got that

Pragya:Arrey bhagvan this girl is not going to leave us without telling the story

Abhi: So this is it for today right…….then guys come v shall leave so that v all can take rest and come and enjoy the function tmrw

Arnav:Always ready to go home……….something special

Pragya widens her eyes

Abhi:Not like u stupid………v ll just keep fighting for each and every property in the house

Raman:Haan all love starts like this only boss

Ishu:First fight for the property then for the heart and then for that person……..

All laugh…….

Mani:So Shagun…….now that r engagement is over…….!!!!

Shagun as a shocked face…….

Raman:Mani……..v r also here……..pls wait till v go…….!!!!

Mani:Oh pls I was about to ask wat gift she wants…….!!!

Abhi:She ll say that she wants nothing……!!!!

Shagun:When did I say that…….Mani anything ll be okay for me

Then they all reach down to leave

Shagun:Don’t forget guys u all should come……..early………without u the function won’t start

Mani:Pls guys come soon, I don’t want this ritual to last long……….then I have to be in that haldi for a long time………

All laugh at him and they all reach to their respective houses……

The next day………

Mani and Shagun got ready in yellow dress and r waiting for the others

They both r just watching at the door……..

Suddenly three ppl enter the door at Mani and Shagun’s house

Abhigun(Abhimanyu-Shagun):U three here but r plan was different

The three become sad……….cause Ishu, Pragya and Arnav reached Mani’s house and Abhi, Khushi and Raman reached Shagun’s house

Abhigun:Okay fine, don’t feel bad……….

Ishu:Mani……..v r not mad at u but r mad at r partners……

Shagun:Wat did they do now that u three r mad at them………

Abhi:Shagun listen to me……..I can’t take it anymore…….

Arnav:Mani man, Khushi is just just……..I don’t know wat to say…….

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