part 38

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The next day…….

At Arshi room……

Khushi:Arnav I got a plan………!!!!

Arnav:Now wat plan!!!!

Khushi tells him the plan

Arnav:But how ll v execute the plan………!!!

Khushi:V ll execute it today…… the party which is to be organised by the sponsors……..

All get ready for the party……..and all reach their……..

At the party……..all the pairs r together

Arshi r executing their plan…….

Arnav:But this plan for only one couple know……so which couple……

Khushi:I think v should do this with Ishra cause……….Abhigya have another chance also

Arnav:Okay fine………then v should have another person also know

Khushi:But who…….!!!!

Shagun:May v also join…….!!!!……pls

Khushi and Arnav see Shagun and Mani there

Arnav:So v shall tell u the plan

With that Mani and Shagun r also told the plan

Shagun:Don’t wry this work ll be done in secs……..I ll do it!!!!!

Khushi:Thank u Shagun thank u so much……..!!!!

With that all go into the hall……all r kept in conference call and r in Bluetooth

Khushi:Shagun did u reach IB…….!!!

Arnav:Khushi wats this new IB……????

Khushi:Ishu Bhabhi……!!!…..dumbo!!!!

Mani:Nice brains but pls…….keep some other name cause I can’t call her IB na…..

Shagun:Guys shut up ID is next to me only……I am nearing destination

Mani:Shagun now wats this new ID……!!!!

Arnav:Don’t tell Ishu Darling…..!!!!

Shagun:Yes yes yes

Mani and Arnav r not able take their wives intelligence

Shagun goes to Ishu with a glass in her hand

Ishu:Hey Shagun come her na…….lets dance!!!!

Shagun:No Ishu let’s sit and have a drink…….!!!!

Ishu:Shagun u know that I don’t drink

Shagun:U don’t drink juices haan……..then okay……fine……!!!!

Ishu:Okay come let’s have drink……..!!!!

Shagun and Ishu order themselves some orange juice……

Shagun:The party is nice na Ishu…….I am enjoying it……..

Ishu:Yaa Shagun its nice……..but the music is very loud…….

Shagun:Ishu look there how Khushi is dancing……!!!


And she looks at the direction where Shagun is showing

Khushi:Shagun I am not dancing and ur saying to IB that I am dancing

Shagun:Khushi do something and dance……..(inaudible)

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