part 19

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Mani:I have to tell u one thing Arnav………really man u don’t know wat happened by which Khushi is angry with u

Pragya:Wat can v do with this stupid boy…….!!!!!

Khushi:Really Shagun till now Arnav didn’t know y I was angry with him……..

Shagun starts to laugh……

Raman:Shagun ur laughing………and here v all r angry

Mani:Guys do Watever u want but pls don’t forget to say the rest of the story……..otherwise Shagun ll eat my brain

Ishu laughs

Ishu:Wat Mani…….now itself scared for ur would be wife……..

All laugh…….!!!!!

Then the haldi ceremony starts for Mani

Ishu, Arnav and Pragya apply haldi for Mani……..

Then the haldi reaches Shagun’s house which is applied on Shagun

Raman, Abhi and Khushi apply haldi to Shagun and all of them enjoy the haldi ceremony……

Then all reach Shagun and Mani’s room………

Shagun phones Mani……..

Shagun has put in video call Mani sees Raman, Abhi and Khushi seeing somewhere else and Shagun sees Ishu, Pragya and Arnav seeing somewhere else also……..

They both laugh

Mani:Guys pls for us tell the story and then continue with ur fight

Ishu:Okay fine then I ll tell the story

Raman:Shagun tell her to close her mouth, cause I ll tell the story

Khushi:Bhai, I ll tell the story

Arnav:Mani first tell her to tell the reason then tell the story

Shagun:Ahhhh all of u stop it…….Pragya u pls tell the story na…….

Pragya:Shagun y should I tell, let Ishu tell…….!!!!!

Mani:Some one tell me, or else I kill myself

Shagun:OMG guys, have u all come for my wedding or to make my love life into a waste……….u r not my friends…….but have come to spoil my marriage……..(in a dramatic way)

Ishu:Oh pls Shagun don’t do much drama…….see Mani is having tears thinking its real……

Mani:Who said I am having tears………its that dust fell into my eyes

Abhi:Okay fine I ll tell the story……..!!!!!

All go into fb………

The next day……..the haldi ceremony takes place in Arnav, Ishu and Pragya’s house…….

All the others have reached there…….

Dadi:My children……..u should not meet each other do u all get that……..

When all the six sneeze at once…….

All the six just look somewhere when all the elders just stare at them………

Dadi:Wat happened, y all r sneezing at the same time……..

Abhi:Come one Dadi its just due to some weather change!!!!!!

Dadi:I won’t believe that its just a weather change………..its something else

Raman:Dadi nothing like that, u told us not to meet for that u made all the Bros and sissies to stay separately also

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