part 30

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The next day mrng………

Arnav runs into Ishu’s room…..

Arnav:Ishu come yaar let’s go out and watch the sunrise…..

Ishu:Arnav let me sleep yaar……u know Maa is also not here……so till she is not here only I can sleep like this, when she comes back she ll make me get early mrng 5 man…….!!!!!

Arnav tries to pull Ishu…….but Ishu doesn’t get up……….

Then Arnav comes and pours water on Ishu which makes her get up…….!!!!

Ishu runs behind Arnav in anger……because of which they come out of the house…….!!!!

Both of then stop seeing Shagun and Mani there……

Ishu:Mani u here……come in Shagun and Mani…..!!!

She brings them both in……..and gets coffee for them to drink

Mani:So Ishu, v know wat and all happened……!!!!

Arnav:Pls Mani if u two r here to talk about the past then I am really sry………I don’t want to talk about that……!!!!

Shagun:Arnav pls give us both a chance to talk then u can tell ur decision……..!!!

Ishu doesn’t say anything and goes into thinking……!!!!

Arnav:Pls Shagun……u know how much time it took for Ishu and Pragya to distract themselves…….and I don’t want that to happen again…..!!!!

Mani:Arnav, wat Ishu and Pragya did was crt from there side…….but wat u did is that crt……!!!!

Arnav becomes silent……!!!!

Shagun:Pls Ishu gives us a chance to tell……..then the rest is ur decision…….v won’t force u two…….!!!!

Ishu goes to the table and brings her phone……!!!!

She calls Pragya…..and tells her everything…….!!!

Pragya:Come on Ishu put it on speaker let me also hear wat they want to say…..????

Ishu:Yes Shagun now tell, watwat u want to say…….!!!!

Shagun:2012………Francis’s University……..!!!!!

Shagun goes into fb……..!!!!
Shagun enters the university in a car………she sees a girl…….

Shagun:Hey Koyal……..did u see Khushi…….!!!!

Kaur:Koyal Khushi nice na……!!!!

Koyal:Shut up stupid…….and Shagun she was in the washroom….!!!

Shagun:Thx yaar and Kaur continue with ur song writing…….!!!!!

Saying that Shagun goes towards the washroom……!!!!

There a girl was sitting in the corner and was crying with her face down….!!!!

Shagun on opening the door is shocked to see that girl crying……!!!!

Shagun:Khushi darling wat have u done to urself…….u know very well today is an important day…….!!!!!

Khushi is weeping very badly with her face covered…..!!!!!

Shagun:Yaar come on Khushi…….v need to go to two places…..!!!

Khushi lifts her face…..!!!!

Khushi:That’s the big problem over here!!!!!

Shagun:Wat r u saying Khushi….!!!

Khushi:I am confused yaar should I go to bhai, or my best friend…..!!!

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